I was "diagnosed" with PMR last May, was put on the usual 15mg of Pred but that had absolutely no effect. Then went to 25mg for a week and, hey-presto, all pain disappeared. Reduced to 20 and all remained well. I have subsequently reduced, in two steps, down to 17mg and all seemed well up until a couple of days ago when I started to feel the pain back in my right shoulder, which was the most painful from the outset. Two weeks ago I banged by little toe on the corner of the bed (hurt like hell) and it's still giving me gyp now, although not as painful as it was. So my question is, could something as simple as a toe injury be the cause of my of a relapse or even triggering PMR in the first place?
Just a thought: I was "diagnosed" with PMR last May... - PMRGCAuk
Just a thought

It could be a final straw. Possibly if you think back there might have been a serious of little stresses prior to your poor toe - it couldn’t be broken could it? I broke a finger without realising once. Maybe you have overshot your ideal dose for now. Perhaps go up to 18 and see if you can contain the threatened flare? Maybe put a dressing on your toe if only to remind you to be careful of it. People do absorb Pred differently, hence your high end start dose. Tapering is quite an individual and intuitive thing I find.
When I initially started to feel the pains, I had done some heavy lifting (paving slabs) a couple of weeks before hand (as I have done every year for quite some time!) and at roughly the same time had my first jab. So the jury is still out I suppose.

Heavy lifting?…no, no and thrice no! Would imagine that started the whole thing off, and little toe probably didn't help either….
Give yourself some TLC and fingers crossed you get better, but don’t let it rumble on ….what have you done about medication?
Gone back to 20mg temporarily.
Ok, that should sort out! And no more heavy lifting!
The heavy lifting was prior to my PMR. Having said that, on Friday my Wife slipped on a wet kerbstone getting back into the car after just posting a letter. She had turned her ankle and couldn't get up and, of course, it was absolutely tipping it down at the time so I had to to lift her into the car. No mean feat I can tell you.

Dunno - did the same with my little toe a few weeks ago, wonderful bruise and it still hurts when I walk on it! I've also had a flare but there are at least 2 other reasons why I might flare ... As SJ says - final straw???? You do have quite a mix of possibles there ...
Hello there , well after 15 yrs of having PMR I still don’t understand why some days I can feel so dreadful then a few days later it passes . All I try to do now is tell myself it will pass, as otherwise it will send me on endless searches. Hope you feel more energetic soon.
Talking about painful toes . A few yrs back when seeing the rheumatologist when I was having my 8 th ? Relapse . One of my problems was Extreme pain in my fingers and toes for some weeks , blood test normal . I was sent for X-rays of them , as he explained that if I was experiencing the start of rheumatoid changes this would show first in fingers and toes. The X-rays were normal. He had no answer, and suggested I stick with my reducing but delay it for a few weeks . I was on 6 mgs. Just thought I would share this , as it would appear fingers and toe pain may be included in PMR .
What sort of pain? I had tenosynovitis in my fingers and it was presumably synovitis in the rest of my hand and in my feet. Took about 3 months on pred to fade and it hasn't come back except the occasional touch of tenosynovitis in fingers.
Pain was just the fingers and thumb not wrist , and same for feet , just the toes not ankle. Pain came on movement eg lifting to duvet off and walking . It was as if my finger and toe joints had set overnight and I was ripping them apart to get the movement , lasted about a month. It was not trauma , exercise induced. So that left inflammation induced pain ? Not sure if there is any other reasons for pain . Thanks