Yesterday Cassie(my my whippet) and I had to say goodbye to our beautiful lurcher girl , she became unwell a few days ago which I put down to the hot weather. I had taken all the precautions of keeping them in , blinds closed, fan on and cooling mats and small walk to the park at 7am and same in evening if cool enough. On Tuesday she was hardly touching her food but would lick a small bowl of chicken soup. But still wanted to go for a little walk to the park (4 minutes from home) in the evening she seemed uncomfortable so I gave her some Metcam. Yesterday morning she would not come for a walk and would not even lick the soup off my fingers. I took her to the vets at 2pm and they found a mass in her abdomen which was also by now bloated. Cassie and I spent valuable time with her telling her how much we loved her, Cassie licking her face to comfort her.Sadie passed very peacefully but my heart is broken and Cassie has lost her guardian and soulmate. Sadie was our rock a big beautiful rescue lurcher a kind gentle soul . Fly free over the rainbow bridge, our beautiful girl.
The loss of my beautiful lurcher girl. - PMRGCAuk
The loss of my beautiful lurcher girl.

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Whippetygirl I'm so sorry for your loss. Pets are such a vital part of our families, and the loss is so painful when they're gone. I'm sure the love was mutual, and you have many wonderful memories to hold dear in your heart.
Thank you,Cassie is totally lost without her, I had to borrow my daughters rescue Romanian street urchin to come out with us today which gave her some comfort and confidence.
A few years ago one of my rescue beagles died. Sepsis following severe brachial nerve damage after being hit by a car. My remaining beagle went into deepest mourning. She lost weight, self harmed by pulling her fur out wherever she could reach.....this went on for about 2 months so in the end the only solution I and the vet could see was, yes, find another beagle. We did and yes it worked. I hope the two of you will find the solution that works for you!
So sad, they are every part of our sister is distraught this morning her beloved dog is going to the vets today just the same....he is 14 a very good age...but there will be a big void in her life.....I watched Chris Packham last night about losing his dogs....very sad.....
Console your self she was loved and treasured.....
So sorry about Sadie but just think what a great life she had after you rescued her. It might have been very different for her if you hadn’t been there to give her a loving home. 🌈
But please also look after yourself. It’s always a horrible time when you have to say goodbye to a beloved pet but it’s stressful too so make sure you take care to be alert for a flare.
So sorry to hear about your lovely dog, my heart goes out to you.It’s so sad when a very much loved pet dies.
Sending you a big hug.
Xx 🌈 😍
Hi, so very sorry to hear about Sadie, you & Cassie must be heartbroken 💔 it sounds as if she was doing OK until the last couple of days so hopefully she didn’t suffer too much. Look after yourself as stressful/upsetting situations like this can cause a flare, so please be mindful.
Sending Hugs to You & Cassie 🌈 💔❤️
Hi Whippetygirl, so so sorry to hear your news. We lost our Lurcher two years ago to a similar problem. Totally understand how you must be feeling with a loved and loving member of the family gone. It took our other two around five months to get over his absence. Sending lots of hugs to you and Cassie😍🌈🌈
So very sorry 🙏 it’s such a loss and I hope the loving memories help your grieving x
So sorry to hear about your loss it brought me to 😭 I too had make the awful decision to let my Tibetan terrier Georgie be euthanised 6weeks ago.I got him 17 years ago after my husband died .At the end he was blind and deaf but in the end he collapsed and I had to make the hardest decision of my life to let him go . I miss him so much but at 75 I’m not sure I have the energy and good health to take on that responsibility.
Thinking of you give Cassie a big cuddle 🥰 🦮
So sorry to hear your news, my dogs were such a comfort to me when I was really struggling with my health. Sadie is running free now. Sending you and Sadie a hug xx
Sorry to hear that you have lost your much loved dog. Animals become part of the family and it leaves such a void, when we have to part with them. You have my deep sympathy and I hope that the sorrow will become less in time.

Thank you.x
My heart goes out to you. I have never got over the loss of my lurcher, Lear.She was a rescue and took a while to trust humans but became the most loving and devoted friend. Another strange confidence is the names your dogs.
4 years ago we lost Sadie and 2 weeks ago we lost her sister, Cassie with the same problem as your Sadie; both were friendly and very intelligent Jack Russell Terriers. Cassie was 14. We cannot face any more heartbreak so for the first time in 55 years we are without a dog.
I am so so sorry. Sounds like you were so lucky to have eachother. Nothing harder than these pets passing on. sending big dog love.
Sad to read this. I too have a rescue lurcher (Bedlington whippet), Peggy, and they're one of the most loving, gentle breeds. I lost Lexi, my little Jack Russell a year ago to a similar thing, she had a 'mass' in her tummy, liver and kidneys. It's truly heartbreaking seeing this, but I treasure the special memories and know she felt very loved. I have a special cross around my neck that I bought to put some of her ashes in. It's hard to understand for anyone who hasn't felt the love our furry family members give us. I'm sending love and blessings to you and Cassie, who I'm sure will help you heal. Sadie has obviously had a very special family XX
Thank you for your lovely words of comfort, Sadie was an amazing lurcher deerhound/greyhound cross. Sadie was the most kindest and gentlest of souls and Cassie is totally lost without her. Sadie really was our rock..
She must have been a beautiful girl! There is something very special about lurchers. Despite our Peggy being rescued twice and neglected so much, she has settled into our family as if we've had her since a pup. They are real family dogs and I really feel for you! Allow yourself to cry, I still do. Take comfort in that you gave her all the love you did...Lots of love x
Sadie was the most amazing girl,I called her the Duchess as she was so graceful and gentle, Cassie is called the diva as she had to be the centre of attention (typical whippet) but also very gentle and loving. What is it about sighthounds that draw you in wrap round your heart and never let go. Peggy sounds just like my two kind loving and gentle, give her a big hug from us and tell her you love her every day.x
I am so very sorry that you had to say goodbye to your fur baby. This last February we had to say goodbye to our 15 y/o Chihuahua. He was my constant buddy and we loved him fiercely.
I so completely know how having to say the forever goodbye completely tears your heart out.
Do keep in mind that the huge hole that has been left, with time, will not be quite as deep. Hold your happy memories close.
Again, I am so very sorry.
I am so sorry Whippetygirl. Dogs leave a big hole when they go. Be kind to yourself over the next few weeks. Thinking of you.
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