Hi all, 8 days ago I went from 14 to 13mg with no pain apart from neck which really is just annoying pain and worse in morning, is it soon to go down to 12mg now or should I stay with 13mg for few more weeks,
Too soon to taper: Hi all, 8 days ago I went from... - PMRGCAuk
Too soon to taper

We think you need at least 3 to 4 weeks at a new dose to be sure it is still enough - especially if you do have some pain hanging around.
Definitely wait. I was able to taper quite quickly when at that level at the beginning of my PMR/pred journey, but it usually isn't advisable and when I was at that level I had no pain. Once pain starts to creep in again there are several things which might be going on. It could be pred withdrawal, and that's why the slow approach is best as the pain will go away. If it is PMR then you have gone too low and you need to go back up again; and the slow approach lets you know. But it might be something else entirely. In my case I have suffered neck problems for years, plus I have extensive osteoarthritis, and I've found physiotherapy very helpful in managing this. If you do have some sort of mechanical rather than inflammatory condition causing neck, shoulder pain, then pred isn't the best solution. However I've just spent several months blaming shoulder pain on OA and discovered that a major increase in my pred dose sorted it brilliantly after about three days. So it can get very confusing. I'm now almost back to square one with my taper, having been at about 2 mg for several years. Now I am about to start down again from 9 mg! Possibly this could have been avoided had I realized it wasn't OA but PMR weeks ago. I don't want to see others make the same mistake I did. The secret always is a very slow taper and pausing when you aren't sure. And if you have any other condition, as I do, then make sure you are also caring for that through appropriate exercise, or physio, etc. Good luck!
It is difficult as I have similar problems. My GP said to me that some people don't like to come off their steroids as their other pains start to come back. Not sure if this is true. But I certainly am experiencing pains from my Scoliosis when I get up each morning, but they disappear before taking any painkillers with just moving around.
It doesn't make things easier does it? A lot of my shoulder pain was relived by even tylenol so I really didn't think it was PMR. Until it wasn't. And after a while I realized things were getting very much like they had been before diagnosis in 2015! Trying to decide the best way to taper now, as I've been back over 5 mg off and on for months but not sure I can face a full monty DSNS! Hopefully a sort of compromise will work, at least until I get to that 5 and lower territory.
I am doing the DSNS after a lapse at 13 - 12mg So now due tonight to go down to the new dose of 12mg - will see what happens! I now have gastric resistant tabs and take with a yoghurt at bedtime. Sitting here my neck is aching - but is that due to being on computer for quite a bit today? Can only hope it is!
Thanks everyone for yr replies, sorry taking so long to reply lots going on at moment, gp appointment tomorrow so will see if need to go to 12mg or stay at 13mg