Feeling very low: Feeling very low, due to have... - PMRGCAuk


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Feeling very low

maria40 profile image
31 Replies

Feeling very low, due to have hysteroscopy next week ,I fell and fractured my shoulder on Friday. Can't wash, can't do anything, can't even get dressed properly. really at very low ebb. My daughter does what she can but she is very busy. Fracture Clinic called yesterday - two weeks to appointment, six weeks treatment minimum. Was told to call GP to ask about care package did so yesterday but have heard nothing. Pharmacist has reiterated this is urgent. Will call again shortly but am not hopeful. Sorry to offload this but I regard you all as my friends in need.

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maria40 profile image
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31 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Oh dear, I feel for you...just a few points after my shoulder replacement that might help.

When your daughter comes around next, get her to sort out a few things -

Move all crockery, pots & pans, cutlery to within easy reach.

Sort out clothes, so you can wear loose fitting tops and trousers, skirts - that don’t have buttons or zips,

Also -

Buy in some ready meals and frozen veg that can just be microwaved or put in oven - preparing meals will just be too much.

Have a pillow to hand when you sit down or sleep to rest your arm.

Use a small bag to put odds & sods in to carry from room to room (iphone, glasses, bottle of water, snacks etc)

Good luck....🌸

maria40 profile image
maria40 in reply to DorsetLady

Thanks so much DL. I have got the ready meals and my daughter cooked lunch for me today. My main worry is finding clothes that accommodate my sling. I worry about getting into my gown at hospital but have spoken to Admissions and they reassure this will be alright. Washing is also a problem for the same reason. Fracture clinic say sling can be removed but alone I cant get underwear -vest - beneath it. I've phoned GP again and they say relevant person has been told about need for care . Anaesthetist has said procedure can go ahead so perhaps they will keep me in. Am trying to be positive.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to maria40

Hi againslightly different situation because I could remove sling for 10mins or so at a time to wash. But maybe use facial or baby wipes for the first week or so - until you can manage a wet wash.

Sure they will help you all they can in hospital - so try not to worry about that - I’m sure they’ve had worse to deal with!

You be surprised how quickly to get used to dressing/undressing - bad arm in first when dressing - out last when undressing!

I already had front fastening bras because of arthritic shoulders - so with a bit of forethought and a lot of bad language managed!

You soon become very adaptable- and just wear what you can get into and what’s comfortable for a few weeks - it’s not as if you’re going to meet the Queen is it?

And try and keep your sense of humour - if you can! If not your dignity. 🌸

Teatrees profile image
Teatrees in reply to DorsetLady

Dear DorsetLady, may I ask where you got your front fastening bras from some are so uncomfortable and I usually like an underwire. Thank you.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Teatrees

Most online catalogues do them, even the ubiquitous Am#£&n ....mine are Glamorise - Just type in “front fastening underwired bra”....you’ll get plenty of choices.

Teatrees profile image
Teatrees in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you I shall do. 🙂

Telian profile image

What a nightmare for you Maria. I would chase your GP and remind them of your imminent procedure.

I would also ring the Urology secretary to let them know what’s happened to you and will it delay your procedure. You should be okay if you can get some good pain relief. Don’t feel a nuisance chasing anyone. 🌺

Greensleeves profile image

I am sorry you’ve fractured your shoulder Maria you must feel helpless.

Will they still continue with your hysteroscopy next week?

It is very important your GP does something to help you.

I think giving adult social services a ring may be helpful for you .

Your daughter is busy and you need help , they can arrange short term care packages.

I don’t think they’d actually let you leave hospital without a care package, if they knew how much you were struggling to cope .

Some wonderful advice on here for you.

You’re not off loading at all. Please let us know how you’re getting on .

Love and hugs xx

MrsNails profile image

Oh Maria, how awful for you, Big Hugs.

Dorset Lady has given you all the Practical Tips/Hints but as the others say you do need some help. Also you need some Pain Meds to manage & your GP may suggest Amitriptyline to relax the muscles at night.

You need to let Urology know as l think you may need to reschedule the Procedure until your Shoulder is healed, it will be too much for you otherwise.

What dose of Pred are you on at the moment?

Take Care & We’re Always Here! ❤️💐


maria40 profile image
maria40 in reply to MrsNails

Thanks Angela for your kindness. Problem is procedure has already been postponed twice because of my heart rate and it is important that it goes ahead asap. I'm on 11mg e/c .

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to maria40

Ring them anyway to let them know as additional care will be needed while you’re under anaesthetic due to your Shoulder Fracture.

With you being above 10mg hopefully it shouldn’t be an issue but keep an eye on how you feel & don’t reduce your Pred at this time.

Keep Us Updated.

Take Care

Angela xx

123-go profile image

I'd just like to add my good wishes, maria40. Please let us know how everything goes for you. I have all my fingers and toes crossed.x

Mary63 profile image

I feel so much for you Maria. When I was in a similar position I had a big cotton bag in which I put everything to go from room to room. I hung it round my neck so I could use my good arm to open doors etc. Getting help for you is a priority but these things crank up slowly. You may need to nag and nag in order to get something done quickly.All the best...

autumnlass profile image

Dear Maria40 - I do feel for you and hope you’re not in too much pain. When I had surgery on my foot about 8 years ago, I rang the local British Red Cross Society and a lovely lady came around pretty promptly and gave me all the mobility aids I needed from the Centre. Maybe and hopefully there is one near you and they will help you too. Ask friends and neighbours at a time like this: I’m sure they will be of help at a critical time like this. My daughter, like yours, lives locally, but has small children and is very busy, but good. Remember the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Thinking of you. 🥰xx

SusanJF profile image
SusanJF in reply to autumnlass

Love that ‘Squeaky wheel gets the oil’ it’s so true but a hard one to adopt. You really do have to make yourself Important big time here. Good luck and thinking if you 😘

Rache profile image

I sympathise Maria. Everything’s a struggle when you can only use one arm and are in so much pain. I fractured my proximal humerus with a fall in the garden. For me the pain was horrendous at first and nearly took my breath away. My GP didn’t prescribe strong enough painkillers at first but I soon got stronger ones which made a big difference. Hopefully you will get sufficient to give you some relief. Mine included a morphine patch on my arm and amitripyline. I gave up on bras and really just wore nighties and a soft dressing gown. I ended up sitting propped up at night as it was too painful to lie down and if I did try, my husband couldn’t help me to a sitting position without a lot of pain. I was able to take off my sling to shower and I bought a Cotton towelling dressing gown which I put my good arm in and draped the rest around me until I was dry. I really hope you manage to get some more help and pain relief soon. Sending you all good wishes xx

whitefishbay profile image

So sorry to hear it. You don't realize how you need your arms and shoulders to work. Wish I could come help you. Sending good vibes your way.

Teatrees profile image

Dear Maria, I am so sorry to hear about your fall 😔I do hope you get well soon. Kind Wishes Debbie x

esht.nhs.uk/leaflet/proxima... you, I fractured my shoulder nearly 1 year ago. The first 6 weeks are very difficult, bruising horrendous. You can take your arm out of the sling! See the above. In fact you need to do that to stop your elbow going stiff. I re-discovered the delights of talc for underarms! Shoulders are notoriously difficult and I still don't have full range of movement but have function which is what the medical profession aim for. I used ice packs after physio. Good luck with everything x


5lupins profile image

Sorry to hear you are ill and hope GP soon gets everything organised for you. Painful shoulders debilitate the whole body and are exhausting. What you need is a kind friend or neighbour who will pop in to help you. I wish you lived on my street as I know how much it helps. Take care Jen

York54 profile image

Maria, so sorry to hear that you are in pain. DL has given some really useful tips . I hope things improve for you soon. Gentle hugs are coming your way xx

S4ndy profile image

Hi Maria, so sorry to hear of your fracture and imminent admission to hospital. Hopefully after you have had your op the medical team will help you get a good care package put in at home for you.

You've had some great suggestions here on things to help you. I find the most useful thing for me was a grabber (the type used for litter picking). When my back/shoulders are playing up I use it to help me get my knickers on :) Also the Red C Cross lend out things like a bath board or shower chair/stool which may help in the short term.

I hope that your fracture heals well, your hysterectomy goes easy on you and you get the help you need xxx

Macas profile image

Maria, I feel for you. What a nightmare. Hope you get the help you need soon. Sending love and a big hug.Martx

CarolF1312 profile image

Sending big hugs 🤗 🤗

anutycrixp profile image

oh Maria!Why is it that when someone is in greatest need..there is so much chasing up and running around to do,not to mention having to buy extra clothes etc on line..then the hassle of returns etc etc etc.when all one really wants to do is have a nice rest somewhere! Being ill/incapacitated is a Full-time job.So sorry for you. I am recovering from shoulder replacement and have just invested in couple of underwire bras,front fasting from A..z.n.Delimira and Meleneca brand..they come a bit small so go up a size.Normaly I don't wear one,just rely on nice stretchy vests[M andS] which can be pulled up over body not pulled over head.Hope this helps a bit...go easy on yourself,if you are going ahead with your procedure just let hospital staff deal with your needs..experts! Good luck.

maria40 profile image
maria40 in reply to anutycrixp

Exactly how I feel. I just want to curl up and be ministered to. Instead I'm desperately trying to find care that doesn't cost the earth.

MissMinto profile image

Oh Maria I know that feeling! I fell over at home exactly 3 weeks ago and fractured my right shoulder (dominant hand) and it is such a shock to the system! I felt like a dog that had been hit by a truck and managed to find a bush to hide under, in order to lick my wounds and heal ☹️

There’s a reason injured animals do that and it’s because the fall/shock/injury and subsequent healing take an enormous amount of physical energy.

I got my GP to prescribe morphine patches for the pain (on top of paracetamol) and basically took to my bed. I felt really sorry for myself for a good 2 weeks, I was struggling to stay on top of the pain and have little patience so the frustration of hardly being able to do a thing really got to me, until I surrendered!

I gave up on dressing/undressing/showering etc and bought a load of wipes and no-rinse cleansers and basically sat up in bed dozing and watching all 40 episodes of The Killing back to back.

The grabber and carrier bag ideas are very useful and it’s much easier to lift a nightie to go to the loo than pull down pj bottoms with one hand -especially in a hurry!

I think my lack of activity has been a real help - this last week I’ve turned a corner and have been wearing the sling less and less. I took a cab to the fracture clinic (and back) for the 2-week X-ray and had managed to slip a vest and cardi on with tracksuit bottoms.

I haven’t bothered with a bra but have seen this gadget that might help if you really feel more comfortable with one on. I bought the wipes and no-rinse body wash and shampoo from the same place:


As for your hysteroscopy I guess it all depends on how you’re feeling and whether you’ll be having a local or general anaesthetic or none at all, and whether you’ll be sent home on the day or kept in overnight. While you’re there the nurses will do everything to make you comfortable and maintain your dignity. If you do stay in, they might help chivvy adult services if you haven’t had any luck by then.

It’s great that someone’s posted the physio exercises - I was surprised to leave hospital without at least a leaflet giving basic care and “what to expect” info.

If I could stress one thing it would be GO TO BED and DO NOTHING!! You’ll hopefully notice a difference and get on the road to recovery much quicker. All the best to you X

maria40 profile image
maria40 in reply to MissMinto

Thanks Miss Minto for your helpful advice. I am in pj trousers don't have many nighties but will try to get some. My daughter is bringing me a big pack of wet wipes this evening so they will help. I have to stay up for a while as I'm waiting to hear from Adult social care and or my GP. But bed is good - I'm actually sleeping longer than usual despite the contortions of moving around. I too was surprised to leave A&E with no info at all. I've asked the Fracture Clinic to send me some.Binging on Scandi noir sounds very therapeutic. I watched Those Who Kill on Saturday and it really took my mind off my woes

MissMinto profile image
MissMinto in reply to maria40

I too slept a lot in the first 2 weeks - often found myself jolting awake with my mouth wide open and so dry!I forgot to mention Arnica before, tablets or cream - great for shock, injury and bruising - you can get it in Boots/Holland & Barrett.

I find a big dose of Scandì-noir is a great distraction from most things! I’m struggling to get into either series of Those Who Kill though - may have to dig out The Bridge series 2.

Hope you’ll be feeling a bit better soon.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to maria40

Button-through loose tops are useful - t-shirts are hopeless because of getting them on - but a top of some sort with PJ bottoms makes you feel almost dressed- and that makes you feel you are getting better.

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