This was so least for me!
Irresistible...forgive me if I'm breaking a rule... - PMRGCAuk
Irresistible...forgive me if I'm breaking a rule, please.🥺🥺

I called Prednisone my face lift drug. All the wrinkles in my face disappeared. Especially the lines around my mouth. I always called them puppet mouth.🥴
Hi Grammy. I sent a picture of myself to my Australian family beside a huge Easter Egg and had to point out which was me. 😂 Such is life!
I've experienced numerous pred side effects, but never the moon face! I sometimes wonder if I'm the only one.
Me neither - chubbier, but not moon-like
At least you haven’t been diagnosed with buffalo Hump. Since Rheumatologist said that’s what I’ve developed, I try to keep my shoulders back and head up. 🤣
No, you're not. As a person with a long thin face (think Uriah Heap), I was really looking forward to the moon face. Ha, I should be so lucky!!
The funny thing is that I was expecting it to happen. Before I became ill, the only person I'd known who had been treated with steroids was my Uncle Frank, who went from being a skinny little whippet to being the Michelin Man in a matter of weeks, complete with a face like Humpty Dumpty. Nevertheless he remained a lovely person and the ideal uncle.
OH how i know this feeling !!! haha !
😂😂yes I can relate to this... I hardly recognise myself in the mirror anymore and have put on over a stone! 🙈🙄😏...
Oh, yes! Thanks for a Monday morning smile! S x
I loved my Moon face and wanted it to stay forever, no chance it went and a 'chicken neck' appeared and it has stayed.
Once in Spain we got lost looking for a specific garage, we stopped and asked none of us speaking Spanish, the reply was look for the 'cheep cheep' poster. Bewildered we went on - then a big poster with a chipmunk appeared right next door to the place we needed to be.
Thanks Grammy80 for making me smile this morning and remembering happier times.
Thank you for the chuckle, I can totally relate and have saved the picture. Very Best Wishes to you Grammy80
Awww, but he's so adorable.
Omg! THANKS for the chuckle!! I experienced every dang side effect from Pred (or at least it felt like it) that I had to go off. Currently on Diclofenac. Is helping but not as effective as Pred but at least my “moon face” is subsiding ...... little by little.