Have tapered gradually from 20mg to 3mg over 15 months but started having dizzy spells which begin with tingling in lips, fingers and toes and then feeling very giddy. Have seen GP who diagnosed vertigo but has anyone else had this?
Dizziness: Have tapered gradually from 20mg to 3mg... - PMRGCAuk

I would say that vertigo is a symptom - and a cause needs to be identified.
When you have the dizzy spells - do you notice having palpitations beforehand?
No it just starts with the tingling and then i feel like I've been on a roundabout. Feeling nauseous this time too.
I sympathise. I’m getting so dizzy at the moment and can’t stand for any length of time. On 9mg pred but don’t know if this is the cause. Do hope you find an answer to yours. Almost no point in contacting doctors these days. I tried but the best telephone apt is over a month away!
That is ridiculous - and I would contact the local CCG to ask for help.
Thank FMR pro - what is the CCG?
The Clinical Commissioning Group
However, you should start by writing to the Practice Manager at your GP practice asking for your problem in getting an appointment of any sort. I have trememndous sympathy for GPs and the changes they have had to implement - but the government can't keep telling the public the NHS is working as normal and it is a concern that, for example, cancer diagnoses are being delayed when you can't get to even speak to a GP in the first place!
Yes I have permanent tingling, like pins and needles, in my left hand fingers. Awkward to play the piano with this condition, Am down to 12.5mg of pred, was on 60 when the tingling started. It's still here. Beethovenite
I've managed to arrange a GP telephone call for tomorrow with the GP who initially diagnosed my PMR. Have been thinking about links with each of my attacks, they have all come on mid afternoon so maybe adrenal insufficiency as I take meds in evening? I'll see what she thinks.
Spoke to GP on phone today, she doesn't think my dizziness and nausea is due to adrenal insufficiency. Didn't give any alternative cause apart from BPPV (vertigo) diagnosed in January. Said to contact her again when I get down to 1mg.
Well if that is what she thinks it is, she should be having you down to the practice to try the Epley manouevre to sort the BPPV!
Thanks for your advice again. Neither of the doctors I've seen since this started have mentioned the Epley manoeuvre. Have seen posts about it but don't really know what it is?
both describe ways of checking which ear is affected and how to do the manoeuvre as a DIY effort and some other ways of doing it.
I have had dizziness, off and on, over the years starting with labrythitis after a viral infection. This lasted many months. I was unable to work until I read about ginger. I started taking one gram ginger root up to 4 times a day so I could work. I had been checked by 3 doctors. The ginger root also helped when distressed by a rocking ship during a cruise. I now use it whenever I get a dizzy and it always works; good for wind too but not recommended if taking blood thinners