I was just diagnosed less than 3 weeks ago, so am just beginning my PMR journey. Have probably had it for a year or more. Am doing well so far on prednisone, but still aware of many of the manifestations. Also on stomach and bone protectors. Have very much appreciated the help from reading your posts. Once the main pain settles down it is easy to feel you can soon do what you like. Quickly learned you pay for that. It has been very helpful to find this is normal, and I must be patient. I am in my mid 80s. Was suggested first I have RA, but changed to PMR. Both Est and CRP are very high. And all the symptoms are right on. Thanks for your help and a more realistic view of what I can expect. Much appreciated.
New journey: I was just diagnosed less than 3 weeks... - PMRGCAuk
New journey

I am so sorry you have PMR. One thing before you are encouraged to take any bone protectors get a Dexascan to see if you have a bone density problem or not. Also you should have been prescribed Vitamin D with calcium.
Hi Saskie. I agree with Piglette that you should have a dexa scan to assess your bone health and also that calcium and vitamin D is necessary. Your diet can help your bones by including plenty of leafy green vegetables and oily fish e.g. salmon and sardines. Keep off the sugary, processed stuff, deli items like ham and sausages and cut right down on red meat.It's good to know that you understand the pitfalls of overdoing things. Gentle exercise including walking at a pace and and distance that doesn't cause discomfort is recommended and perhaps some stretches.
Good luck. 💐

Hi and welcome, you might like to have a read through this...gives info and the replies will also give you an understanding of what it’s about - healthunlocked.com/pmrgcauk...
Thanks so much for that link. It is most helpful in understanding PMR. I had hope of a speedy recovery at the start. I know now that patience is needed. I soon proved feeling better didn't mean doing a lot more! Thanks for your care. Saskie
I was diagnosed six months ago. On predisone and Kevzara. Felt good until cutting back to 7 mg prednisone so am back up to 8 and then a slower taper. This forum is great -- it is where I've learned the most because it seems doctors can't take the time any more and medicine is so specialized -- there should be a nutritionist in every office! I went on an anti-inflammatory diet -- lots of fruits (especially berries), veggies, no red meat, cut back on gluten -- anything that contributes to inflammation. At the very least that helps to support the medication. Information is vital -- for example, mood swings from prednisone. Knowing what causes something can help avoid the panic that can accompany something new.
You and I are close to the same age. So there are some similar issues there, too, I imagine.