Hi everyone. Hope I can get some advice about my feet. I have some tingly felling off and on and sometimes pain. My left foot sometimes looks bruised with little pinhead red dots. Can this be a result of pred. I am on 6mg. Down from 15 mg 14 months ago. Has anyone had a problem like this??
Bad feet: Hi everyone. Hope I can get some advice... - PMRGCAuk
Bad feet

It can be peripheral neuropathy ask the doctor. My similar symptoms are down to Psoriasis in my feet. They often burn and tingle in bed. A base cream seems to help and even socks in spite of them burning.
In the past month, I started taking an alpha-lipoic acid / acetyl-l-carnitine supplement because I read that it could help peripheral neuropathy. Within a week, the peripheral neuropathy (tingling feeling) in my feet reduced to the point of being almost gone. I mention it in case it may be helpful to you or to others.

Is the appearance of the dots associated with a particular pair of shoes that are a bit tight on that place? They are probably petechiae or purpurae ( the first are tiny, the second a bit larger) and are due to fragile blood vessels (due to the pred) leaking. Most of us develop them in various places and often it is due to scraping or pinching that area of skin. They often fade to leave a discoloured area of skin where they were and then they recur in the same position.
Hi Are thay swollen in the areas that are effected
Have a look at my post further down
Could not find your post further down. Some puffiness but not really swollen. I did drop my phone on the left foot about six weeks ago and it bruise my foot very badly. Now mainly my foot is still discoloured on top and on the left side of my foot.
Ok Perhaps its just to do with dropping phone on your foot
I had a bruise that lasted nearly 6 weeks after knocking my foot on something