Off to get my vaccine jab Friday morning at a local site within walking distance. Will report on how it goes.
And apologies for a long post, but a couple of questions: is it possible for PMR to come on in two waves? The first: with only a minor impact, but which then sits there waiting for an opportunity to launch a full flow attack. I ask because back in May2020 I took part in a fundraising Movement Marathon for the Maytree Charity (see plug below). This consisted of a 5 day home based event in which you chose the Movement and the time period. I chose a 75 minute/day session of Turbo Training (aka an exercise bike). At the end of the 5 days every morning the tops of my thighs would be very stiff. It would go away after a bit of walking so I put it down to just tired muscles. But it didn’t go away as you would expect from tired muscles. Then in late July I had to clear a creeper that was choking a tree. So I spent an afternoon tugging, yanking and pulling creeper out of the tree using my left arm. That was it: next morning I couldn’t raise my arms, turn my neck, walk properly: in other words a real mess, with the upper left arm the most affected, i.e. painful And that continued for 3 – 4 weeks until I saw the Doc about something else and he said the magic words “I know what that is” and it was welcome to PMR. So could the initial muscle tightness from the Marathon have been PMR in waiting?
Also since August I’ve tapered from 20 Mg to 15 to 12.5 and now on 10Mg/day. Now it’s mostly fine but during the day sometimes when I move my left arm I get a repeat of the pain in the upper muscles. Now it is intermittent and not there the whole time. Would this be a sign of 10Mg not being quite enough or a sign that PMR has so damaged it that muscle that it will periodically ache no matter the Pred dosage? I ask ‘cos I’m most probably going to be tapered down from 10Mg pretty soon
Maytree, in times normal, offers a fully funded 5 day residential stay at its N London premises for people with suicidal feelings. Should you know anyone in this situation then full details can be found at Maytree.org.uk