Hi all, this may be a totally ridiculous question/thought. A couple of years ago I got some hearing aids as I had a definate loss in my overall hearing. I stopped wearing them after I managed to lose a couple when removing my mask when out (previous post). However my question is, since being diagnosed with PMR and being on the infamous Pred I am 100% convinced that my hearing is back to normal, not had any tests to prove it, but I am pretty certain. So, could my hearing loss have been caused by PMR, and as that is now, hopefully, being controlled by the Pred has that cured the problem? Or was it caused by something else which the Pred has sorted?
Hearing: Hi all, this may be a totally ridiculous... - PMRGCAuk

Hearing/ear effects can be part of GCA - it is possible that your PMR involved that area of blood flow. There is also autoimmune disease that affects the ears.
You must have records from when you got the hearing aids - worth getting a comparison.
One of the first signs of my GCA was a dullness in hearing , and intermittent earache. The GP examined my ears and said that I was fine. Apart from fatigue, the next sign was a swollen artery on my temple. He immediately prescribed Prednisolone , as a patient at the local Health Centre had totally lost her eyesight, and they were on the alert for this comparatively rare condition. Fifteen months later I’m on 7 mg steroids. but have never regained my previous acute hearing although I’m attempting to taper at present. I can’t seem to be able to get below the 7mg , have mouth sores , and irritated eyelids etc. , but the dulled hearing really is the most annoying symptom.
Morning Tahiri, good to see you had GCA picked up quickly enough so that your sight didn't suffer. I don't think I've got GCA but it is one of the things that I keep keep aware of. You've done well to get to 7mg in fifteen months and I think a number of people get problems around the 7mg mark. It's the stage where your own Adrenal function is mulling over as to whether it is or isn't going to kick in and start work. If I manage to get a hearing assessment at this time, I will post an update. All the best for your continued tapering, but I guess this part will probably take you a while. Take care
I feel a bit like yourself. My hearing has altered but not sure if I need another test or not. I am finding I can hear nearly as good without it and keep checking the batteries. My eyes irritate most of the time also. I can see the tele better without my glasses too so maybe some things improve. Perhaps I'm looking for everything at the moment to get better. I am waiting to get mine tested again but unable to do so at the moment. We have to pay £50 if we lose a hearing aid. All the best.
I did a post earlier about losing my hearing aids when they got stuck on my mask, and hadn't noticed as I threw it and them in the bin. More than £50.00 anyway and rarely worn since. The odd times I have used them my hearing has been worse than without and I am having no problems hearing without them.
My hearing is affected when my eustacian tubes get inflamed during allergy season. My allergies were non-existent when I was on over 10 mg of prednisone....and I had fewer hearing issues.
Quick update, I sent an email to our audiology department who responded with a phone call today. They are very interested and have asked me to come in for retesting in a couple of weeks. I'll update on results
Morning all, update on my thoughts about my hearing. I went and had a full set of tests yesterday morning, which is why I was out late with the bowwows (earlier post). Anyway, my original thoughts were obviously a load of codswallop as there was very little change in my hearing at all. I think the upper register was slightly worse and the lower one a little better, but when the graphs from before and now were overlaid there was not a lot of change. So I have obviously been imagining that I can hear better!!!! (wonder what/who I have missed and ignored?!!!). Much to my surprise though I have come back with a new set of the latest singing and dancing hearing aids to enjoy. Far superior to my old ones. Have to say I'm really impressed with this part of the NHS, very helpful, quick and efficient.