Hate to make an association but I gave up alcohol about 5 weeks ago and leading up to that point reduced my intake and it may be coincidence but am much more stable and have been able to reduce my Pred steadily!am 2 years in with PMR - wondering if there’s a link?lasy year also fave up alcohol for snout 6 weeks and same thing happened- currently on 5/ 4.5 mg
Alcohol : Hate to make an association but I gave up... - PMRGCAuk

Alcohol gave me up for the first 2 years of my PMR. It just made me feel bad. This is not really typical. I am glad it helps you too.
I rarely drink alcohol (I would have 2 glasses of wine a year) because it effects are about 5 times that of a normal person. Once I got to 10mg I have been having troubles. Currently back up to 9mg from 8mg and probably going back up to 10mg next week.
For many years, I have had an occasional drink but recently, it has not been good to me. Don't sleep well and feel way foggy next day. I'm off that for the time being. PMR & GCA, at 10 mg PRED. Dx of both Oct, 2019.
"fave up alcohol for snout"??? Are you SURE you've given up?🤪🤪
I gave up alcohol with pred as it can upset tummy and I am prone to that
I think not drinking alcohol can always help improve how you feel (normal people) but I very rarely have alcohol now and I still feel absolute rubbish!!! Hope you continue to feel a bit better.
I haven't had alcohol for over two months, ditto sugar, have been eating well and lost weight. But that didn't stop me getting a recent relapse of GCA! My own theory for what it's worth is that our PMR/GCA has a mind of its own, whatever we eat, drink, do or don't do. But I appreciate it's a comfort to us to think we can control it. And there are of course other health reasons why we should cut down on alcohol.

Obviously does play a role for you. It never helped me though so I continue - as one of the few pleasures left!
It depends on the alcohol for me these days, though I mostly avoid it as it's definitely a trigger - most alcohol gives me a flushed face and the next day I have definite increased water retention. I found one brand of vodka that doesn't have that effect so if I want a drink that's what I reach for. Like I said though I'm so wary of it these days, it's a rarity.
Most alcoholic drinks (and mixers) are quite high in carbohydrates, which have a serious detrimental affect on many medical conditions including inflammatory conditions. They also slow up healing. If you substitute the alcohol with anything other than water, the problem of the carb consumption will still be with you. Also consider what you consume with the alcohol without thinking about it.... peanuts and cashews are high in carbs as are veg and potato chips and other grain based nibbles. It makes no difference if the packet claims to whole grain, healthy, salt free or no added sugar! It may not just be the alcohol which causes a problem. I apologise for being a party pooper!
Most spirits are zero carb ...
I know - that's why I said most! For me drinking neat spirits is too hard core and I suspect many others would feel the same, although I clearly can't speak for you PMRpro!! Decent GnT is wonderful but a bit forbidden for me these days; I can manage the occasional Jerez based brandy, but whisky, even a decent malt....bleugh....totally wasted on me! I put vodka or gin in my homemade ice-cream to stop it freezing too hard, but I cannot eat much of that because of the sugar, although there is less in it than the commercial varieties. I make my own liqueurs to have in the house at Christmas or to give as presents, but I no longer consume them myself either.
That's what the mixers are for - low sugar ones of ocurse ...
The low sugar ones are DISGUSTING!! And in any case artificial sweeteners are known to cause insulin spikes which rather defeats the object of consuming them, I feel.
I pretty much gave up alcohol about two years ago as I know it causes allergy-like reactions in my body. It hasn't improved my PMR though I don't think. Then again, teh fatigue has gone so that might be down to diet changes.
I ask myself, in a very serious tone of voice, “do u fancy a glass of fizzy wine this aftn?” And if I feel a smidgeon of interest in the idea, I have it. If I don’t I gave a cup of tea instead. 😉 But spirits and me don’t agree, so I’m not tempted, luckily. 🥳
I will conveniently ignore the negative effects of alcofrol for this post but would suggest our tastes change over time anyway. I went through a worrying stage of not liking red wine or even a decent malt, but glad to say coming thought that. Current preference seems to be dry fizz.
My pain is noticeably worse for 2 days after drinking alcohol so I drink very little now.
Don't understand the link either but it made sense to reduce given the effect!