Diagnosed with a PMR March 2019. I’m a 69 year old female living in Scotland who has never had any health problems before. After trying to taper way too fast because of fear of Covid19 - I got down from an initial pred dose of 15mg to 3mg but had a massive flair and my doctor put me up to 10mg which made a 60% improvement. I then decided myself to go up to 171/2mg which helped a lot though not 100%. The doctor wasn’t happy and wants me to taper again so now down to 15mg. But lots of pain over shoulders and hips again! Also fatigue.
My question is - should I stick at 15mg and hope it will become better by it’s self or should I try going up to 20mg for two weeks and come down more slowly next time? Would really appreciate any advice from anyone who has experienced this. Many thanks in advance.