Do many people with pmr have sore forearms and hand pain. Sore fingers and palms of hands?
Pmr: Do many people with pmr have sore forearms and... - PMRGCAuk

"Sore" is a very vague term - what sort of sore? Does anything make it worse? Better? Muscles? Joints? Tendons?
Yes I do. Started with my middle finger then two both hands
During or after painting or doing other activities that test the arms and hands? Complex long and daily tasks with fingers,hands and arms may have to be adjusted unless and even if you are on the right dose of pred. I couldn't do complex tasks without soreness and had to rest the day after. Maybe you aren't on the right dose of pred and need to build in rests from activities that make body parts sore. Delayed onset muscle soreness is a consequence of over doing activities with PMR.

Not on pred. This is a week and a half old. Palms of hands burn all day and fingers sore and lock up.
I don't know then..... But PMR caused severe stiffness and lactic/muscle pain in muscled areas. However its one of many conditions that can cause such symptoms.
When do you get the pain/soreness...what were you doing/trying to do...pain same day or later? Detail is important as it point to different things.

Pain in palms of hands all day now with stiff fingers that kind of lock up at times. Aches without doing anything. Palm are a burning pain. This is new for about a week and half. Not on pred. Had all tests for gca starting in dec including a biopsy. Have virtual visit with rheum on Monday. Don’t know if that will accomplish anything.
I do and my thumb aching seems to indicate an oncoming flare
I've had problems with my fingers locking up as you mentioned. I am on prednisone and I believe taking calcium and potassium seemed to help the cramping/locking up issues.
A couple of months before I was diagnosed my hands swelled up. I blamed tumeric because I'd tried that for some niggledy pain I thought was arthritis. Even had my wedding ring cut off. Eventually just settled down again. Three months later GP said it was probably the PMR getting going.
Have you been checked for arthritis? Except for the burning palms I have all those symptoms but mine is definitely OA.