Methotrexate and Steroids affect immune system do... - PMRGCAuk


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Methotrexate and Steroids affect immune system does this mean we are more susseptable to Viruses.

Blomps profile image
25 Replies

Just a thought with all the Virus problems around now, how do we protect ourselves whilst taking drugs that reduce or even stop our Immune System working. Most people with PMR seem to be of an age which are affected more badly with current virus circulating. We have to live, move around, obviously will take all basic measures to contract anything but it a little concerning. It appears a balancing act between the two, immune system cancelling drugs and obvious measures in we need to take with this pending problem. Am I concerned unnecessarily?? Blomps

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25 Replies
SheffieldJane profile image

I think it is sensible for us to take hygiene precautions and avoid crowds and public transport, things like that. Keep abreast of the news and so on and take care of our general health. Can’t think of an upbeat ending except I haven’t notice that I am getting a lot of viruses and infections during my 4 years on Pred.

Blomps profile image
Blomps in reply to SheffieldJane

Thanks Jane as you say its a wait and see with all sensible precautions. Blomps

Hi Blomps

I too am on MTX & Pred so have always been very keen on the hand washing (20seconds) l try not to touch unnecessary surfaces, l always carry wet wipes & use them frequently.

I used to work in the NHS Public Facing & my one golden rule - Do Not Use Anyone Else’s Pen or ‘Lend’ My Own! To this day l keep to that, it may sound OTT but it’s served me well. And, Never, Never in the Chemist/Pharmacy. That is actually one place to avoid if you possibly can.

I had Chemo 5years ago & that wipes out your immunity completely so my husband became very aware & very vigilant at protecting me.

They think this Coronavirus is spread by droplet ie face to face contact more than from surfaces which is how Norovirus spreads but no one can be 100% sure exactly & l’m not of a Scientific background. Did you see my Post on the latest updates on Coronavirus?

My big bug bare is all the Hugging & Mwah 😚 Mwah 😚 Air Kissing when you greet people.

Try not to worry too much & take sensible precautions, that’s all we can do really.

All The Best


Blomps profile image
Blomps in reply to

Thanks MrsN, appreciated, Blomps

in reply to

Especially but not just.... Pen chewers

When I started a dmard I was so scared I fist bumped family... 🤣😂🤣

Now unless someone has a cold etc I don't panic and my closest family are used to my handwashing rules.

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to

Oh I know! In a previous job people would use my desk while I was on holiday and I'd come back to chewed up pens! My pens at that! Straight in the bin they went. People thought I was paranoid then but who's laughing now!? I then took to hiding stuff before I went away....

in reply to Highlandtiger

Yuk... The poor ignorant souls! You can just see them doing it without thinking! 😂😂😂

I am a touch obsessive really (😉). I live in my own pigsty, but am a wiper of my environment. Let's face it. If you go to work and people cough sneeze and don't wash their hands after the loo... Yikes.. I wash my hands, wipe my door handles and clean my remote controls all the time. A friend thought I was mad but then cleaned her remote and said she was almost sick. Just think of things you pick up and handles you touch. The Dr's office has handles!!! Like I said I am a bit obsessive. I don't mind touching things (auto corrected to thongs!), but do try not to touch my face. If I ever get as bad as the lady I saw who carried an empty loo roll holder to open doors with handles, I will have a good hard word with myself. BTW I didn't know why she had it until my older sister told me... Handles. I didn't ask how she knew. But her tales about coin bags in the post office she worked in were not pleasant!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

You don't want to know what you can grow in a petri dish from coins and paper money!!!!

in reply to PMRpro


Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to

Remote controls in hotel rooms are a pet hate of mine......they’re often gross! 🤢

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Highlandtiger

Bet ours aren't much better - but only we use them!!!

in reply to Highlandtiger

That's when I started cleaning them xx

in reply to Highlandtiger

Oh Me Too.......

I even hid my chair 😉

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to

I still do that! Or at least I put a sign on it asking people not to use it as it’s ‘been set up by an ergonomist’ (my new chair is my one and only reasonable adjustment).

It avoids having to clean up where they’ve spilt their lunch on it (as well as not changing the settings of course!). 😀

in reply to Highlandtiger

I used to put ‘Out of Use’ please speak to Angela.........

in reply to Highlandtiger

My office mate killed my pact provide chair....

fmkkm profile image

All great advice! Also, I don’t eat out or get take away during flu season. People in all professions go to work sick and that includes the restaurant business. If I am forced to eat out I get fried food and hope no one coughs on it😂. However, the worst flu was from the ophthalmologist who coughed in my face while examining me, just yuk!


in reply to fmkkm

Ahhh! I don’t want to get up close n personal with anyone at the moment especially an Ophthalmologist, as they do rather invade ones personal space........

My current ‘Issue’ is eyebrows, l don’t want anyone leaning in that close, l think it’ll be a Magnifying Mirror & hope for the best 😉

Blomps profile image

Thanks all certainly makes one think. I always laugh at the signs in public loos on advice to wash hands and then do everything to get out of them without touching the door handles after doing so. Ugh...Blomps

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to Blomps

Yes! You wash your hands then have to use a pull handle to open the main door to get out! 🥴 Who thought of that? 🤔

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Highlandtiger

Someone who uses toilets and then doesn't wash their hands anyway???????

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to PMRpro

I guess so!!

Mack100 profile image

When I did my surgical training we were advised to sing Happy Birthday twice when hand washing for normal activities. I've found this to be more useful than simply counting for 20 seconds, don't know why though!

This advice from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

although they sing some version of their own, I'll sing Happy Birthday :)

Blomps profile image
Blomps in reply to Mack100

I'll get some practice singing this coming week as im closing in on 76, 6 days to go😎😎

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Mack100

Yes - I posted about that a few years ago. So much simpler though I suppose you shouldn't sing it too fast ;)

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