After having a few awful months had to up pred to 7.5 now managed to get back to 6 mg had recurring UTI’s and now pre diabetic thought I’d cheer myself up so put some music on and thought I’d have a dance around in my kitchen there I was giving it some but leg gave way down like a sack of spuds but it was worth it for the joy of having a jig ( maybe won’t do it again for a while) 😀
Tripping the light fandango: After having a few... - PMRGCAuk
Tripping the light fandango

Ouch! But these things have to be done sometimes just to remind us we are still human - if not as fit as we think! 😉

Never was a dancing person but I've just been in town on my own - and really enjoyed the pace I could walk at (I usually have to hang back for OH's sake). It isn't THAT fast - but it felt good.
Ooh, the injustice of it all! Good while it lasted, eh.
I just had to try grandsons space hopper the other week. It ended up with me rolling off it backwards to get off as i couldnt just stand up thanks to the pmr!! The family found it amusing!!
🤣😂🤣 Yes still funny.... Especially the photo... That should be your Sunday treat on the 22nd.😘

Not sure the forum is up to seeing me trying to deflate a space hopper!!
Boiiing boinnng 💨
Why not??????????
May consider posting it even if its not christmassy! My chubby face is a cultivated look!!
It's is a distraction for us.... Can't wait for 22nd to see all the photos.....
Bless. I do try and do it but keep my feet planted and just move the upper half. The dog likes to join me.

Swaying to the music is just as good😀
I like a jig myself , perhaps try it in a softer spot next time , I've been known to give a jiggle then feel myself go and timber onto the nearest sofa
I will try near the sofa next time softer landing! 😀
It's well worth having a bit of fun some times- and giving other people a bit of a giggle!
Yes I think it is , it’s very hard going is pmr nice to have a bit of fun
I do like the darker side of humour too. It does (eventually) make me laugh.

Me too

My sense of humour can be very dark and definitely not for the open forum.
The main reason I try to keep my humour to a minimum The emergency services and NHS get it ...
Lovely image! 😂💃🏽