Has anyone had a sort of panic attack when reducing? Went from 9.5 alternating with 9. For two weeks.. thought I’d try just 9 for a few weeks now. But woke up feeling anxious and am having a bit of a fearful day?!?!?
Panic attack: Has anyone had a sort of panic attack... - PMRGCAuk
Panic attack

Anxiety is a listed side effect of Prednisalone use. When tapering it is usual to feel jittery, this can develop into a panic attack when the sensation throws you. It can be helpful just to know that it is normal. Some people find that it helps to breathe into a paper bag - I did. I overcame panic attacks in the 80s, I would suggest that once conquered they never get a hold again.If you think your symptoms are being made worse by life events then it is important to seek therapeutic help. Otherwise, this will pass, just like all the other rotten things about this disease do. Good luck and breathe. 🌷

I have almost panic attacks when I have to deal with things where I feel out of my depth - lots of that since OH died and I have the bureaucracy to deal with in multiple languages! I put it down to poor adrenal function even though I am on a fairly high dose - but after 13 years I can't have any adrenal reserves. As SJ suggests - it's a feature of life happening ...
Thanks too. We are selling our lovely house in France.. daughters are dealing with it basically.. but I have to sign and print and find!!! Marriage certificate etc etc. don’t want them to have to cope! With a dizzy anxious mother! And they.. particularly younger one.. wants me to be like I was 20 years ago! When their father was alive!!
Good to share.. anyway. I do find tapping helps a bit.. and the sun is shining! !!
So sorry - I know how I will feel when the time comes to admit I can't stay here alone. You are lucky your girls are helping - mine just look at me with a dazed expression! I have just spent the afternoon trying to collate stuff for the UK tax declaration. The Italian one turned out to be far less awful than I expected but I have found a lot of stuff for the UK that OH hadn't done in the last couple of years which means we have paid an awful lot more tax than we should have. Can I get it back? I have an accountant in both countries - worth the money to know it is done right at that stage! I never had anything to do with tax -and OH never told me anything!!!! And I can't find anything - can't even find my brain in this context at present!!!
Oh goodness me.....horrible dealing with things like that..especially tax!.....I have to admit we haven't even made a will, OH says why should we bother, we only have one son....so all down to me....and POA.......I keep putting it off.......Now went with OH to pick up prescription, only half done, after texting me twice to say it's ready!.....walked away with heart racing.....blooming adrenals.....
As for daughters looking dazed, don't think many people understand how we feel in different circumstances..... My son totally gets it, in fact I don't tell him everything because he worries too much....my OH is so laid back he's horizontal!...
I think a will will make his process easier once you are gone - probate and all that stuff!
I'm done this afternoon and all I have been doing is collating invoices and pension/interest statements and scanning them to send to the accountant! The Italian stuff was really straightforward when I got there - easier than this!
How stressful.and boring is that for you.....keep reading in the paper people waiting months and months for replies from places like banks/premium bonds ect when losing a partner....it should never be this bad, DIL struggled when her mum went into care 6 months ago....they lost her original POA certificates of proof who her and her mother were....stressed her no end, at a horrible time getting a place for her.... So yes, you are right, that is why I want to sort things so my son doesn't struggle....which he certainly would with OH if I go first!
The bank was OK - here in Italy his account was frozen immediately but luckily I knew that would happen and had transferred most of the money to my account so I had money to keep me going. The UK accounts are in my name and a joint account which in the UK is quite simple. Amazingly the state pension was OK and they changed the account for it to be paid into immediately on the phone, the NHS lot kept paying for another 5 or 6 months due to a computer error and then demanded it back! I coud repay nline - but had to send a form by post saying if I was doing online or a cheque (couldn't make it up could you?) So, since I had a brand new cheque book, I sent them a cheque!!!! But they did sort out my survivor's benefit by the end of the tax year - although their arithmetic seems a tad wobbly.
Haven't got to POA stuff yet - I will remember to get multiple copies and file them all over the place! But you're right - you do something and then there is a long wait to the next step. Currently you can't phone anyone to get a quick answer to anything - the NHS lot appear to have ADDED the tax to the gross sum so the net figure appears to be a few hundred more than it should be. All very nice - until they demand it back!
Horrible situati on....As for phoning, rang my surgery today for test results at 4 pm....14th in the queue!.....hung up of course....
Longtimer maybe you can get them from the NHS app?
Trying that today thanks, but they have curtailed many things online, that's why the phones are so busy!..😏
Good luck!
Tried today....can't access online many things now...have to ring!......have complained.....online!
Let's hope that they can access your online complaint! It's worth pursuing though. I had my ESR done at 11am yesterday and was able to look at the result early this morning. It has confusingly gone down even though my symptoms are getting worse! Good luck Longtomer.
I asked my surgery to allow me to have results. Done straight away. Can’t understand them tho except for ‘no further action’ 😂😊😂🤣😂
That's a good status as long as you don't disagree with it! When we are given access I think we should possibly get a little information sheet explaining the basics of what we'll see there.
There is something about abbreviations, but they are so involved 😊
You can always look up specific tests online to get more info... this is just one site - labtestsonline.org.uk/
it's linked to my tests I receive from surgery via their online system.
Now looked online for test results...not doing them now online and can't ask reception or whoever, they insist on ringing now, so I did find the complaints page, told them it was really efficient when we could go online for everything....not now....Bet that old chestnut (as my mother would say!)....will be short of staff!
Complete horlicks -as my late hubby would say -or something close!
How polite is that...love it!... must remember that....it`s a load of horlicks!
He wasn’t known for his politeness under duress/so for him yes it was!
Since lockdown and adrenal problems my swearing has got worse...so I was glad to read people stressed or in pain are helped by swearing!.......well that's my excuse....Have been married 45 years and have never heard my OH swear......amazing.......I make up for it!.😂
22 minutes last week to get thru to surgery. Yesterday I was 2nd in the Que straight away. Didn’t complain
Lucky you.....Waited over an hour last week when 4 th in queue, was 1st in queue for 20 mins, they denied all knowledge.....as if...
It is ridiculous! In the US, you are in the que with Social Security for no less than 2 hours, usually 2.5 plus. You are then limited to 10 minutes of interaction. I had to call 3 times in the last month. And their "on-hold" music is so horrible...it inspires you to hang up. (There was, according to them, a computer glitch on their end with my case but I still had to call 3 times to get it resolved.)
Oh yes, forget to mention the dreadful music......but that is ridiculous to wait that long , you are right, they hope you give up.....I feel sorry for those that can't cope with all this...
That's not aas bad as the tape - 5 bars of music and ever 20-30 secs a "thank you for holding, your call is important to us" because you can ignore just music until a voice arrives ...
My surgery has exactly that....dreadful few bars of music, then that recording....
“your call is important to us" -
Always makes me shout -“well bloomin’ well answer it then!” .. or similar 😳
Quite - and the stupid voice telling you "I" will connect you as soon as possible. It's automatic you silly woman! The other day I had to ask a chat bot FIVE times to chat with a human as it made stabs at what I wanted to sort out!
Adding insult to injury: In between the horrid music and the "Your call is important to us", there is the "Did you know you can use the website to answer most of your questions? Go to La La La.com where NONE of your questions will EVER be answered. Now that we have thought about it. You have to call us for answers because we are in a snit and have closed the web site. HAHAHAHAHHA. Hum a few bars of this tune."If we didn't laugh at this lunacy, we'd cry...
Adding insult to injury: In between the horrid music and the "Your call is important to us", there is the "Did you know you can use the website to answer most of your questions? Go to La La La.com where NONE of your questions will EVER be answered. Now that we have thought about it. You have to call us for answers because we are in a snit and have closed the web site. HAHAHAHAHHA. Hum a few bars of this tune." If we didn't laugh at this lunacy, we'd cry...
😂😂 Love the last comment.
So true though, have said it in front of him and son...his mother refused care homes or respite when DIL lived with her...she was 93 and died of old age!....very stubborn....so it's in the genes!....😏How are you?
It could be difficult without a will, certainly time consuming. Even here OH downloaded a guide to drawing up a will that would be applicable under English law (here you cannot disinherit your children, similar in Scotland), filled in the requisite stuff and it was witnessed by colleagues. Here we can simply handwrite what we want done in either German or Italian - unfortunately, no-one told us that in 2013 so sorting the will was a bit harder, I had to get a sworn translation.
Ownership of properties can be difficult too - just because your partner owns the property alone doesn't mean you automatically get it as spouse. If you aren't married it is a whole different world and the wording used in the purchase deeds gives two possible scenarios! No-one seems to be able to advise me on that - and it is a bit difficult from here!!!!
Yes, after these replies I will download I think the Gov. will page, I thought making a will yourself had to be overseen by a solicitor when done to make it legal...maybe not, and someone on here will know. OH would love me to sort it....I have told my granddaughter , who has long term partner and looking to buy a property, that she needs to get a deed of whatever they call it to protect the share they put in.....in love now, but.....when it comes to money in a fallout....my nephew has just gone through the struggle to get his share back...not nice all this!
Not necessarily - and anyway many provide the service free! Mine in Scotland offered one free with a house purchase!!!!
Even if you need a solicitor to give it the once over, will be cheaper than getting then to do whole procedure.,
Just had a thought -have a look at Help the Aged webpage -sure they have something about wills.
I always wonder who is registering the will legally if done online?....sorry for The questions...need to look more in-depth online at this...so fatigued today!
Have a look when you feel up to it …
Longtimer I would suggest you MUST make a will! I don't things automatically get left to our family! I am in Australia and thought that if my husband died the house would automatically become mine (it was only in his name as he bought it before we married). I got my name on the title quick smart and we both made a will. I seriously would check this out....
Don’t automatically assume it’s straightforward without a will..it may not be! … you don’t necessarily need a solicitor-think you can still get a DIY version from somewhere like WH Smith’s -just make it simple and get it witnessed.
I did our POA on the net. It wasn’t as scary as people make out. In fact they guide you thru on the net so a lot easier.I do most admin things today as my OH is somewhat forgetful.
Even dealt with selling and buying our property. Did have panic attacks on the way. But feel much better now
I have been moaning about the tax people too. Now that I have been awarded a widow's pension they are already taking more tax from my teacher's pension in this current year but they have not sorted out the previous year. The year before it took them from May 'til this March and then only because I rang and complained as they owed me money.
That's why I hand it to a tax advisor in both countries - costs, but it is more likely to be sorted out! I do confess to being a bit laid back about tax - general taxation is what pays for the NHS and social care etc in the UK so I don't begrudge it. I DO feel a bit guilty about paying the UK for things I now receive at Italy's cost (and they do shell out a fair dollop per month for my medications!) but I also pay tax here.
I've found that pred level makes a difference, too. In my case it was at around 7 mg, probably when the adrenals were being told to wake up, so your current dose, under 10 mg, plus your life situation, no wonder you are feeling panicky from time to time. This too shall pass!
Is there health unlocked site where I can really moan? PMR taking back seat with other demands, now really need help, feels like all mental reserves used up
Many people have a good old moan on here - but there is some info in this link about dealing with mental well-being that might help you. But never be reticent about letting off steam on here (if you want to) -
Moan will be coming soon. As said to pmrpro just need a minute to myself to compose it. So many thanks for response, always feel so supported from you all, just struggling a bit at the moment xx
Fire away.... 😊.I'lll get a cup of tea ready
Sorry if tea gone cold! Please read reply to pro. Don't know how to send to both.oh and I now drink too much - such a mess but rant has gone some way to alleviate anger, nearer to tears now
Nothing to stop you having a good old moan here. I know exactly what you mean about mental reserves being used up! I have had a burnout episode in the past - not that bad now but have periods of "where now?" and haven't a clue.
Thank you, burn out is just how it feels. Never felt so helplessly trapped in a situation which was designed to do just the opposite. Shall compose moan when I get minute to myself xx
Speak to your GP - they may be able to help, I wouldn't have got through that original episode on my own. This is a bit different but the bereavement counselling helps a lot.
Thank you, will do, if I ever get through to them!
Can you turn up at the practice and demand an emergency appointment?
I did reply but it’s got lost! somewhere! Saying I didn’t demand! But requested through my tears!! Slight exaggeration!!! But I am an actress by profession!
Just lost reply to you. I am just so angry or would be if I had energy. Got to gp as suggested now have Sertraline and suggested counselling. Partner is making me furious. Done all work to move, he gets endocarditis, open heart surgery, replacement valve but mild to moderate leakage. Comes home,no follow up for 2 months, plays Jack the Lad, ends up back in hosp with moderate to severe leakage. Last 4 months out of 6 in hosp. I manage all, now home as can t re-operate, not strong enough. Now I have three dependents, 100 year mother, autistic son and passive aggressive partner. Done my best, carried stuff, sympathised, for last rwo months but that's it. Can't live life like this. and am angry. Bet Dorset Lady's tea has gone cold. Feel a really horrid person
Don't feel a really horrid person - I felt it too when OH wouldn't take any responsibility for his own health status. It went on for a long time - he first had cancer 28 years ago, it was an INTERESTING year with a MIL who lived with us, decided he was dying and turned her face to the wall (literally) and died and 2 just teenage daughters one of whom had her own mental health problems. But after that he just took the "I survived cancer, I'll do as I like". Took no effort to try to improve his physical state and shut himself off from the rest of us. His fall that was the beginning of the end was his own fault (got up in the night, didn't put the light on) - and he refused to go to hospital at first. I had to refuse to cooperate with his "I (don't) want" in order to get anywhere - but when I sought attendance allowance, he insisted he could do this, do that, do the next thing, when he couldn't and as a result we were awarded nothing because he appeared compos mentis (he wasn't really for 80% of the time). The woman even told me I should let him drive so he "kept his independance" - he couldn't get from the flat to the garage and get into the car alone - never mind drive it safely.
It stinks - and you really need to find a way out. I don't know how - but the one thing I will shout from the rooftops is that YOU are NOT a horrible person. If - when - you break, they will be alone and you will need looking after too. Make sure that at least you can look after yourself. Hugs - it is all I can offer.
That was the most encouraging reply - so many thanks. The mind boggles at how much we cope with, my problem is that I seem to have 'capable' tattooed on my forehead. It is enormously helpful to hear other people's situations, not just with PMR but the myriad knock on effects it has. New neighbours have just complained re smoke from chimney - it's a chimney, what is is supposed to do and I can't even see or smell it! Last straw and all that... Yes, I can identify with the 'I can do as I like', mine is compounded by 'I am always right' so no listening - I commented that heart might like a rest after first op and that carrying logs up hill was probably not the best thing for it..... Hugs are the best thing to send to me and I would like to return them to you with interest xx
He didn't say it - but his attitude was "I'm right"! As 2 Leos living in the same house there were a lot of sparks! There was much stamping of feet and gritted teeth. And then sometimes after about 3 weeks he'd come up with what I'd said/wanted as if it were his idea ... Years ago I was better at strategy but in the last few years it all got too much like hard work. It can make you very bitter - try not to get there.
What lovely neighbours - suggest they move here! EVERYONE in the block bar me uses woodfired heating. This is the only time of year there isn't woodsmoke - they are busy cutting logs to keep warm at present in temps that are still in the low to mid 20s at 10pm!
You can have virtual hugs any time - I wish I could do more.
I'm a Leo too! He's Taurus - stubborn old bull! Apologies to all lovely Taureans out there! If it wasn't for the different birth signs they might have been twins!
I echo PMR's reply. One thing my great uncle told me when in his 80's (he lived to 102 on his own) was that to be healthy you need to reserve a slice of selfishness for yourself. If you don't look after you then everything falls apart.
Yes, reducing could make me feel anxious especially under 10mg. You then go on to say what’s going on with your life, so you are having Pred/Pred reducing effect as well as stress. Well, not surprising really. Go easy on yourself.
Yes! Dread feelings and doom feelings. Usually at night. It was not. pleasant. I eventually was switched to methylprednisalone when I got down ti 6 mg. Supposedly it is mwtaboli3; differently. All the doom and severe overwhelm dissipated. Hope u get some ease. I’m down to 4 mg now and no pain. Still heavy tiredness hits after some hours of being up and doing. I nap and am good again. Microbe1943.
Interesting.. any dreads or anxiety are in the morning for me. By the evening am usually feeling really positive. Yesterday on 9mgs quite a struggle. Today 9.5.. we shall see. How can a half make such a difference? So weird!
“How can a half make such a difference? So weird!”
No not so weird, as many of us can attest….especially once you get to single figures - pity some doctors don’t appreciate that fact .
7mg to 6.5mg has been a huge difference for me....but I will stick with it...no choice...
I had anxiety attacks twice a day, am & pm, exactly the same time, before I started with Pred and was suffering from PMR. They are not founded in reality, but most unpleasant!
Yes. Lots of them. Had all sorts of tests and all negative. Am decaf everything because that cured them years ago. Now the Pred I think hypes me up.Sometimes last 2-3 days and no drops but all ends well.
Hope you feel better soon.
I am on 2 - 1.5 Pred alternate days. 😊
Good Morning. Yes my husband . His started when reducing from 7.5 and down. He is now at 6.5 but the anxiety has not left. Some days are better than others. The dr told him to take a xanex and it helps. So does a shot of vodka lol. Hope your anxiety goes away sooner than later
Hi Bedwell, yes, I suffer from early morning panic attacks during tapering. Weird fearful anxious feeling wakes me up around 5.30am every morning