Hi, I have just joined so am still finding my way around this site, sorry if this is posted in the wrong place. I have PMR and am on long term Prednisolone,currently 7mg's I don't want to continue taking Alendronic Acid and am waiting for a bone scan. I Would like to try a weighted vest but have read that the wrong one could cause more harm than good so any advice/recommendations would be appreciated.
Weighted Vest's: Hi, I have just joined so am still... - PMRGCAuk
Weighted Vest's

Welcome Sufromtheblock
Our friend HeronNS has/wears one of these & has done a lot of research into this subject.
The 'NS' is a clue, she's in Canada so as yet won't be awake, l'm sure she'll reply when she's up & around.
Kind Regards
Hello and welcome Sufromtheblock! Can’t answer this particular question but someone always does. This is a friendly, informative, and supportive forum and you are definitely in the right place.
Hi SheffieldJane, thanks for replying. I look forward to receiving some pointers as am mindful of making things worse but want to avoid taking Alendronic Acid if possible.
I wanted to avoid it too. I insisted on a bone density scan ( DEXA) the results were explained to me as “ the bones of a 30 year old” so fortunately I seemed to have avoided it. 2 years on and I had another DEXA Scan. The results were not shared with me and I was pressured a bit to have Alendronic Acid, but she didn’t persist, as again the results weren’t bad. It just seems to be routine for a post menopausal woman in my age group, to be given these drugs.

is HeronNS's story in her own words. But If there isn't anything in that about weighted vests she will tell you more details later.
I have osteopenia does that mean it's best to take AA.
Personally I would say no - I wouldn't even consider taking drugs until either my dexascan showed frank osteoporosis or the level of osteopenia was worsening into the borderline range despite me taking all the other precautions for avoiding loss of bone density available to me. When the t-score for BMD shows osteopenia that is better than -1.6 no treatment is required other than possibly supplements/dietary adjustments and exercise but as it worsens they become essential. Osteopenia is not always disastrous - and the changes are important. At diagnosis my t-scores were about -1.3, osteopenia, but only just. In over 7 years on pred they barely changed - at my last dexascan the worst was -1.5. I have never taken AA, just calcium and vit D. Had they gone from -1.3 to -1.8 in a few years I would have been even more diligent with prophylactic measures - but that wouldn't have included AA at that stage.
Here I am! I'm actually going to be away on holiday as of tomorrow so will be fighting with a small unfriendly tablet to keep in touch, so this is my last hurrah for about ten days. I wear this vest: hyperwear.com/blog/weight-v...
It's not very stylish which seems to be important for some people. But this vest fits close to the body and distributes weight thoughout the torso. It's very comfortable. It's also expensive but I don't expect I will wear mine out in my lifetime so it's a one time investment. Each weight is slightly under 2 ounces so you can add very small amounts as your body gets used to the previous weight.
It isn't so the amount of weight you carry but the constant challenge of increased weight. So if you start with a weight similar to what you might be used to carrying anyway, then every couple of weeks add a couple of the little weights you will be continually challenging the bones and this is when they get to work and make themselves stronger.
Thanks - off somewhere nice I hope!! That baby????
Indeed! The doting mother sent me a short video of the little one intentionally rolling over yesterday. I won't recognize her, she must be twice the size she was a mere four months ago.
Enjoy Heron, l was wondering if you’d already left but glad you’ve been able to help.
We had Charlotte to stay over on Thursday Night, it was a great fun.
She had me up watching the Recycling Trucks at 7am from the bedroom window. Job for Grandad to clean them again yesterday but she loved it & the guys all waved to her.
Enjoy your First Christmas as a Grandma/Nana 🎄🎁 🎅🏻
Thanks Heron , I've been meaning to ask your opinion and suggestions on weighted vests as I have been told they can help with Fibro too.
So glad this post came up , always something new to learn xx
I’ve been wondering about the difference between being overweight ,and therefore putting a strain on your joints and the wearing of a weighted vest.I think you have just explained it .So is it the gradual weight increase or would that just be like putting weight on?Sorry if I’m being dense.
To some extent there isn't - we more cuddly ladies do tend to have fewer problems if that cuddliness has been life-long Being of small build and light in weight are risk factors for osteoporosis at any age and at a young age for not building denser bone - as well as possibly being a sign of a poor diet.
Thank you ,yes I’ve never been overweight really apart from post natal.
Now I’ve had a second Scan which shows further deterioration towards osteoporosis.I am being strongly encouraged to take AA . I might compromise and take it until the next scan but really don’t want to. I might print off your recent advice and try to get another appointment to discuss it further.Thats why I’ve been interested in the vest and possibly getting a Rebounder.
Just remembered mine is in a box - too hot to wear in summer. Will get it out! I just picked one from google as I liked the idea but didn't do any in depth research.
Hi there - I have had PMR now for 3 years and started on 15mgs now (after a struggle with relapses) am down to 5.5mgs a day using the DSNS method. I was taking AA for all that time until about 5 months ago when I stopped taking it as I felt my tummy was really blotted with it. My Rhuemie suggested getting a Biophospherate infusion which you get once a year instead and that covers you against Osteoporosis etc which the steroids can bring on. Only took about 20 mins on the drip so maybe you could ask your Doctor about that!
Did you have any side effects from the infusion??