Aaarrgghh does acupuncture help the fat face thing! Just been struck down after 8 months on preds - hate it and painful too
Fat face: Aaarrgghh does acupuncture help the fat... - PMRGCAuk
Fat face

Afraid Not! Wish it did! 😊

Have you tried cutting carbs drastically and also salt? When I cut carbs the first place the pred fat went was round my middle but that was quickly followed by the face and neck stuff. Cutting salt helps with fluid retention which also contributes to the facial puffiness.
No acupuncture does not help our fat faces, sorry...I know because I used to practise acupuncture.
Anyone who could remedy these Cushing signs would become very rich. See the doctor about the pain though, just in case. You are not alone, 🌺
What dose of pred are you on at the moment? My cheeks bones reappeared below 10mgish.....but low carb eating really helped as I lost 2stones in the same period - just about cut out all "white" carbs...bread, rice, pasta, pastries etc. If I have bread I have good quality wholewheat with seeds not fewer calories but lower carbs. Lots of salad and veg and protein and use fats like olive or good quality butter in small.amounts to fill you up. Don't get low fat products like yoghurts they usually have lots of sugar or sweetness in to give it taste and mouth feel. I usually have full fat greek natural yoghurt with rasps or blueberries. I like roasted seeds in but a lot of people don't. I try to aim for 40g carbs. If you think I slice of bread is @10 you can see how few you need. Some people need as low as 20g to lose weight but the weight will come from anywhere, there no specific diet to reduce face size - to my knowledge!
I tried to cut out salt without success. I now use very small amounts (1/2 twist) of Himalayan pink salt into my hand to make sure no accidents. No salt to cook...mainly pepper and other sources for taste.
I am on a very low carb and no sugar diet and lost 14 pounds in weight. Am on 25mg of pred and still tapering. D
I can't pretend that I have been very diligent about being low carb. When I first started on pred in July 2017, I gave in completely to the rampant hunger and gained weight rapidly. I cut out added sugar altogether last October and rarely eat white carbs, but I know I exceed 40 g most days. Nevertheless I have shed about 16 lb in the last 9 months.
Doubt it. I didn’t gain a pound due to low carb diet even on high doses but I still got The Face. However, I could make it much worse if I had any salt, even hidden salt. It started to go slowly with dose drops but mostly below 10mg and most obviously below 5mg.
Acupuncture did NOTHING for me!!