Feeling weak.: Anyone any ideas of a good "pick me... - PMRGCAuk


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Feeling weak.

Constance13 profile image
50 Replies

Anyone any ideas of a good "pick me up". Still rather weak after my sojourn in hospital. The fever and shakes have gone, but CRP still quite high (for me) - 20.

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Constance13 profile image
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50 Replies
teesher profile image

I love a trip to the theatre despite finding it difficult to sit for long. Saw Abigail's Party a few week's ago. Wonderful stuff and it pushed my old mate pmr right to the back of the queue. Other big treat is afternoon tea in a nice hotel. Getting nails done or a having pedicure are also on my list.

SnazzyD profile image

This isn’t like a tonic in a pill that works miracles but...Take small walks at whatever distance you can do, no matter how small, preferably somewhere beautiful. Anywhere really, just for the feeling of achievement. Look at anything that is a feast for your eyes. Look or read at something funny. Eat food that is nourishing and wrap up in something soft.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply toSnazzyD

Going to son's everyday this week (he's on a cruise) went with husband and dogs for lovely Bluebell woodland walk...gave me a huge lift.👍

Now dealing with teenage granddaughter's broken heart!😕

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply toLongtimer

Oh yes, a lovely healing blue.

in reply toSnazzyD

I think my favorite flower show in nature. Purpley blue haze.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toLongtimer

He hasn't been sunk yet then?

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply toPMRpro

Son just rung, waxing lyrical about the cruise...the food...the fjords evsrything, couldn't fault it....and Yes mum you must go!!.......so will look into it....although they think they have gained half a stone!!

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply toLongtimer

That's the trouble with cruising, what you walk off when you land, you gain big time when you return to the ship😀

I love Norway and you will never regret it if you manage to find the strength to book that cruise.

Just don't eat all the wonderful food they try to stuff you with!!!😀

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply toConstance13

Sounds good to me!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toLongtimer

Can believe that!

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply toSnazzyD

Beauty I have around me, I live in a Spa town. The garden of our flats goes down to a large stream which we cross by a wooden bridge that leads into the beautifully kept Spa gardens. At the moment I can only walk for about ten minutes.

What I need is something to build my body up (not pills though). My OH's grandmother was a midwife and after I had a miscarriage she suggested drinking Guinness and Port - it really helped after 3 or 4 days. Scared stiff to try that now!😏 Perhaps Guinness and milk mixed would help? (Not that I could find it in the village)!

Oh well! Hot milk and bed for me now.😀

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply toConstance13

My midwife (Irish) had me on the Guinness after my son was born and I haemorrhaged. Certainly didn’t do either of us any harm. If you fancy it, have one, even just a little one.

My Polish family furnished my 87 year old dad with a typical polish ‘pick me up’. It’s a liquid with herbs and vitamins, apparently all the elderly in Poland drink it. One day I had a close look at the ingredients, yes herbs and vitamins and a large dollop of vodka! No wonder my dad ‘rather liked it’ 😉

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply toSoraya_PMR

(They stock it in all the pharmacies in Poland)

in reply toConstance13

Guinness with tia maria (i have only a handful of drinks in 20yrs so dont trust me. But i had this everynight when i ran a pub...knocked me out)

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to

And you complain of insomnia..... 🍻

in reply toSoraya_PMR

I daren't drink....otherwise i might play golf. ....

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to


Plenty of fluids, good food and your favourite film/tv series. I ended up watching the sound of music one day.... not usually a favourite AT ALL but i sat and had a good singalong. So something with a bit of cheeriness like that- apart from the Nazis invading of course. Mama mia too. Utter drivel but its abba! Singing a great pick me up in the house. Ask my dog.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to

Fluids I can cope with, can't eat much atm.

I read 4 books whilst in hospital (six days).

Rest will get me there!😀 Plus 🍾🍸🥃🍷 perhaps!😂😂😂

in reply toConstance13

Whatever makes you feel good 😂😂🍷

Blearyeyed profile image

Guinness does contain vitamins and is a better alcohol for you , but alcohol might not be the answer you are looking for , especially after all that dehydration from a UTI , a hangover on top!!

Keep up the added hydration , from water , green tea and maybe some healthy juices that help the bladder and kidneys like cranberry , green apple and pomegranate. Shake them up together make it a party!

Put a cocktail umbrella in it and sit in a lounger in the sun , a bit of Caribbean music , shut your eyes and pretend you are on the beach in the Bahamas!

You probably won't be up for doing much activity out of the house either , but if you are having the odd few hours of warm sun , the odd short walk, even just in the garden, will help you feel more positive , get some energy back and ease the stiffness in your joints from bed rest and pack in some much appreciated Vitamin D.

Some salts and aromatherapy oils in a nice bath as well as the showers will help too.

Just remember a cold spritz of your delicate parts afterwards , to help clean the tubes!

Anything you already use to help you relax and reduce joint pain will be helping to reduce your inflammation and then your CRP too. It will take time to reduce as you are still recovering after a nasty infection , everything will still be quite inflamed even if the bug has gone.

Eating foods high in mineral content help improve your immunity and vitamins and Omega 3 help boost your inflammatory defences. So , shell fish , oily fish , green leafy vegetables, especially broccoli and spinach , Brazil nuts , mixed berries , probiotic yoghurt with Manuka honey and bananas are all good for boosting health from the inside. Ginger and Peppermint can help too.

If you put the banana in the freezer and blitz it with a spoon of yoghurt ( dairy or non dairy) , a drizzle of honey and some vanilla in any blender it makes its own banana ice cream. Sprinkle on some toasted coconut , dark chocolate shavings and chopped nuts and it can add to that tropical holiday feeling along with your juicy cocktail.

Finally , we all know a good show and laughter can be the best medicine , so put on your favourite comedy box set or Romcom , or if you have Amazon Prime ( or fancy a DVD purchase ) indulge in the two seasons of their great 50's period comedy about a housewife that becomes a stand up comedienne after her husband leaves her on the Eve of Yon Kippur , "The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel" , good , wholesome fun ( despite the odd swear word ) especially entertaining if you often giggle at some of the comments about the OH or our kids on the forum.

Glad to hear you are on the mend , hope these suggestions help " pick you up"! xx

Sorry your still feeling below par, I remember my Mum always giving me Tonics when l’d been ill, Angiers Emulsion, a thick pale green drink, Metatone Tonic, Malt Extract, Halibut Orange Capsules, l think it made her feel better😉

I wish there was something l could recommend for you 🌷

Just look after yourself & treat yourself to something you enjoy.

Take Care

Hope you feel better soon 🌷🌷🌷

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

Metatone Tonic is a good pick-me-up after illness.

fmkkm profile image

Bone broth

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply tofmkkm

Yes , hugely expensive from the health shop though.

I make my own from bones after roasting meat or get bags of bones from the butcher .

You can cook it off in a slow cooker , or for speed a pressure cooker so your kitchen doesn't feel like a chicken scented , Film style Chinese laundry.

Chicken soup for the soul made with bone broth , and some garlic , onions , vegetables and ginger , easy to eat but packed with good stuff .

Rose54 profile image

Just a big Hug

Reminds me of early days of PMR

I spent 2 months doing nothing not that I wanted to but I was unable too due to CFS

Just rest dont feel guilty dont stress out about things .

I did lots of knitting for my expected Grandchild, ,reading ,watching TV all things I had not done before .

My only exercise was a trip to local shop 5 min walk but took me half a hour and a walk to my Mums each day, next street to mine .

Highlight of my week was 1 hours telephone counselling each week with a stupid councillor trying to make me belive I had nothing wrong with me. That I was making myself ill due to not wanting to return to work .I spent the whole appointment winding her up .

That was all before Preds

So just rest let your body heal, Pamper yourself ,little of what you fancy will do you good .

Dont feel guilty about things you cant do .

Marilyn1959 profile image

I'm guessing you need more nourishment to build you up since your appetite is poor and inclination to prepare food is probably zilch due to lack of energy! Nothing like half a bowl of tinned soup (small portion taken more often) heated in the microwave (for ease).

Do you have someone to prepare food, or warm up soup for you? Food, however simple, always tastes better when someone else makes it I find.

Hope you feel better soon. X

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply toMarilyn1959

Thanks Marilyn!💐

Don't need tins of soup. The local Italian restaurant make their own soups and really lovely food and put it in jars or containers. It's a bit expensive , but well worthwhile when I'm "not up to it". OH doesn't mind that sort of "cooking".😀

I'm definitely improving. Just been for a ride (I have a mobility scooter) round the park. Most uplifting!

Have a great, trouble, pain free weekend.


in reply toConstance13

Thats why mobility scooters are so useful. At least you get fresh air and to see beyond 4 walls.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to

Don't forget my view though! I can lie in bed and just enjoy it - makes me lazy sometimes.😂😂

in reply toConstance13

Oh yes. I remember it, the nice photo. I just have the sky from bed but that can fascinate me day or night!

Rox2112 profile image

I take 1cc shots of vitamin B12 (per dr's orders) each morning. Seems to help a bit with the tiredness.

Telian profile image

Sorry to hear you're unwell Constance, I missed your previous post on it.

You will be weak and with time will improve but as others have said good wholesome food, plenty of rest and pampering. A very gradual build up of activity but only when your body is ready.

Here in the UK there is an otc tonic called Metatone which is very good to use short term.

Grandmother's remedy was the gravy from slow cooked shin beef - delicious and good for you.

Hope you're feeling better soon, where you live would be a tonic in itself for many. x

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply toTelian

Thank you! 💐💐

Last paragraph! It is, of course. I just feel a bit like a knackered car, I need a speedy repair, a good polish and some TLC (which I do get from my husband).

The sun is shining so I'll take a short trip into the gardens.

Can't be bad!😎

Telian profile image
Telian in reply toConstance13

No it isn't bad believe me.....

You'll pull round just allow time - being in hospital for a week takes it out of you regardless the reason you're in there.

Enjoy the sunshine it's the best tonic - plus you've got your lovely husband. xx

Isn't chicken soup supposed to be good too? I would have split pea soup type thing but with a few rice noodles in. You could have it in a cup so like a drink.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to

Chicken soup, beef broth - both good (without the split peas though - not after e-coli)!!

in reply toConstance13

Silly me! Thats the one thing i had forgotten from your previous post. 🙄😜

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

As long as it's home made any soup is good and as you say you can add what you like - always good the next day too!

in reply toTelian

Yes i usually make a base of vegetable soup enough to freeze and keep some out for the next day. Soup tastes better made in bulk somehow. Most times i eat lumpy but sometimes blitz if tummy a bit iffy. I do add fresh herbs when i reheat and maybe paprika or chilli. I may even add butter beans or something. Sorry i am hungry and wish i had a batch frozen for breakfast! Been up all night so its like dinnertime for me.

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

Wholeheartedly agree with everything you say - hubby loves butter beans and lentils are filling - but homemade is definitely best and well worth the effort when you make a batch.

Sorry you've had a sleepless night - hope you can recoup some of it today.

Jackoh profile image

Sorry you still feel under par. It will take time won’t it to feel more like yourself? Glad you’ve been able to get out in the sunshine that always helps, I feel. Take care, many good suggestions given. Keep us informed how you get on. Give yourself plenty of TLC. Homemade soup on tap sounds really good- wish there was somewhere near I could get it from- don’t always feel like cooking unfortunately- used to love it before PMRGCA!! Xx

altywhite profile image

Hi Constance,

Sorry you're still a bit weak. I take the Berocca effervescent tablets if I'm feeling tired and under the weather..it depends what you already take though. I normally take a Vit B complex tablet but just substitute it with a Berocca if I need an extra boost.

I read your comment about Guinness and port..haha, not sure about the port but I don't see any harm in a drop of Guinness if you fancy it. An elderly friend of mine swears by brandy and port!!! Not sure about that but she says equal measure of both.....small or large!!!! x

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply toaltywhite

Our parents, grandparents had some very good ideas, didn't they? Cures for all sorts of things.😀

altywhite profile image

:-) Haha, I know!! My Mum used to give us a mixture of treacle and brandy and butter!! if we had a bad chest!! I loved it but I've never been able to replicate it! :-)

Hope you are feeling a bit stronger 🌻

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to

Not too strong unfortunately!

E-coli has gone but some inflammation must still be hanging around as I have to go to the toilet 4 or 5 times a day.😟 It's not diarrhoea (why is it sometimes spelt 'diarrhea'???) but very tiring (or is that just the residue of the inflammation in the blood?!?)😏

It's also ridiculously cold here for this time of year. I've no desire to go anywhere, do anything!

Sorry to be such a moaner! Give me time!

in reply toConstance13

Hopefully you will turn a corner soon. E coli is a serious thing and along with general inflammation will be a slow recovery. Have you been replacing your electrolytes properly? I am sure you have ....😂 I do have a mother hen side sometimes!

It is chilly. I had turned my heating off but when i got up at 4am it was freezing and i put it back on! I am just lazing around until the bank holiday finishes then hopefully out and about. Hope you get out on the whizzer scooter soon. Too cold for it at the moment.🌻🌻

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toConstance13

UK/USA spelling.

We have new snow - not quite down here though it is in view!

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply toPMRpro

When you think of last year at this time!!!!!!

Loads in Germany, but not near us thank goodness!

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