problem is I am in pain and my blood readings show inflammation fairly high I started on 15mg five years ago and after tapering down to 5mg a flare would come and I would go back to say 10mg and start again, this time after 5 years I was determined to taper to zero but after a month I feel like the tin man from the wizard of oz who had gone rusty from the rain do go back on preds
been off prednisolone for a month: problem is I am... - PMRGCAuk
been off prednisolone for a month

Do you think it’s PMR. That might sound a stupid question, but Pred has a habit of masking lots of other pains, and you must remember you are a few years older than before PMR, so bound to have a few more creaks!
If you think deep down it’s PMR, then try 5mg for a couple of weeks and see how much that helps. You can always stop then without an Adrenal blip. Also get your inflammation markers tested again, presuming they were raised before, and make an appointment with doctor.
If your surgery is anything like ours, you will have the results of your bloods, and your own trial with a Pred before you see doctor!
Do hope it’s not a return, but best to check.

Contrary to common perception amongst doctors, PMR can last a long time. The median (average) duration of pred management is 5.9 years - yes a few get off pred sooner but they are the exception. It is also not terribly unusual for someone to be fine on as little at 1 or 2 mg. It is such a low dose that if it works - why worry? It really is typical for symptoms to reappear after a few weeks in such cases.
If it were me I'd try a low dose, maybe 5mg, for a week and see what happens. If it makes you feel noticeably better - maybe 2mg is enough to hold it.

Where was that? Time for a bodycam in an environment like that.
I’ve been on prednisolone 4 years -mainly at very low doses that work well but just can’t stay in Club Zero for more than a month or so sadly. We used to say at at work “better pred than dead” but I still think I should be able to get off it completely! Atb x
Sorry to here that 😳 it’s a bitch. All the best 🌹🌹
😱 you have a way with words 🤣🤣
Sos shouldn’t laugh really 🤣🤣
😮 good on you.
Nasty person.
All the best poops.
I can't get my head around this! Had you "upset" him in any way or was it just deliberate violence for no reason? Not that ANYTHING could excuse his behaviour. Horrifying!
I removed posts so it could naturally close the issue for me. Thanks. X
He. Can I as how you have been getting on? Did you go back on the Pred?