I am 52..diagnosed 18 months ago with PMR. My Rhuematologist thinks I prob had Fibro for years. I had a near fatal car crash in 1987 with multiple very serious injuries and nearly a year in hospital. I was 21. I think it all stems from the damage to my body then. What do others think ?
I am on 5 mg pred after a few changes over 18 months or so. I DONT want to be on pred long term.Scares me. Recently we trued dropping to 4 mg. No good. Just 1 mg made a difference. The extreme heat in Australia is difficult this summer. 2 werks of high 30 deg cel. 45 cel expected today. Winter is hard but can extreme heat be a problem also ? Interested in peoples thoughts. I think I am young to have PMR. I take pred late at night to avoid the head sweats during the day. Or I look like I have had a shower lol. I dont notice them during the night. I have insomnia no matter when I take it.
Hope to hear some thoughts. 😁