I have only been on pred for 5 weeks but not seen any sign of pred brain so far.... but today I have managed to put boiling water meant for my tea on my breakfast cereal and then when making another cup of tea ialso added a spoonful of coffee into the cup. Is this how the dreaded pred brain starts? Or am I just a complete idiot?
Pred brain: I have only been on pred for 5 weeks... - PMRGCAuk
Pred brain

Who knows for sure if it's down to 'pred head' or something else - but at least you've got an excuse now! 😁 That's what I keep telling myself when my brain can't cope with complex things.
Trouble was I wasn’t doing anything complex!! Might have to stop making tea and breakfast and get OH to dgo it!!!
That’s part of the treatment, didn’t anyone tell you? Tea in Bed is Compulsory 😂

Well that’s sorted then!

The first time I had tea in bed was when I was pregnant with my first child - 52 years ago. I fainted a couple of times (anaemic) trying to be the good wife and make breakfast for me OH before he went to work. “I can’t have this” my darling said. “I haven’t time to scrape you off the floor every morning”!!!😏😏
When the baby was born he said “No point in stopping now” so 61 years later I still get my cuppa.😂😂😂
I have had tea in bed for as long as I can remember. Mum used to bring it in with a biscuit, dad made tea once a year on Christmas day with a tot of whisky in it, even though we were children!
My Granny used to put a drop of brandy in my tea if l was poorly!

Beginning to think th344 are some closet alcoholics on the forum!
Hey, that worked well! There’s nothing like a Cuppa in bed 💕
When we go to France, Darling Husband makes Morning Tea for Everyone, how they miss him when we go home!
Your husband sounds a lovely man! 💕
For us it started with chemo for cancer - he had to drink 3 litres of fluid, none of it alcohol. So the day started at silly o'clock (well, 6.30am) when he brought an enormous pot of tea to the bedroom. He's very sharing so I got tea too. 26 years later he still wakes early and still makes tea. Even on holiday...
Well, I felt I was sharp and with it but kept doing things like that, losing the thread of conversations, not remembering the right word and losing concentration.
You are not alone in making silly mistakes,this morning l poured some water into an empty milk carton which l meant to rinse away.l poured cereal into a bowl and instead of getting a new carton out of the fridge,l poured the water out of the other one all over my cereal.l also could not remember the code number for my l pad this afternoon,lt is just as well l had written the code down as l had completely forgotten it.l have been very stressed today and hope that it is the reason,l,shall have to see how l get on tomorrow......

Happy days! I’ve been off Pred for 2 years and still have the odd occasion when I do daft things! And I’ve got no excuse. 😳
Welcome to the club, what kept you?
I completely forgot what the GP told me today about sending my prescription next door to the pharmacy, electronically. I went back to his surgery and knocked on his door to say I’d forgotten it. When he told me I said “ Pred head”, he looked bemused.
I promptly forgot everything the gp told me yesterday except he wasn’t planning on reducing the pred!! OH was luckily on better form than I was and actually remembered everything he’d said. So relieved to have joined the pred head party, not!!!!!
I often use my OH’s brain as a sort of annex. Luckily he understands all my Thingies and whatsits too.
Must try it more often but there’s an awful lot of rubbish in his brain which could make me worse!! I am obviously not the only one up at silly o’clock?!!
I laughed at your post, as did my OH who is contemplating being an annex! This forum is a wonderful source of information and comfort, and lifts the spirits delightfully - Thank You.
Just make sure you clear the rubbish out first!! I am sure Sheffieldjane has more info on using OH annex. I am not too sure I want to explore what’s in OH head to be honest. Yesterday he went looking for our postman because he was late and he was expecting a letter! I don’t know whether wandering up and down the street looking in peoples gardens for the postman is normal but that’s what he was doing. He has no excuse he’s just mad!!
Sounds a bit like it or you could have just been distracted, anyway if you mislay your keys they’ll probably be in the ‘fridge!
Happy Days 😀

Tbh that would not surprise me in the least!!
Sounds about right !
🤣 ...yup that all sounds just about right!
At choir practice tonight we had to hold a note for eight beats and I got lost after I counted to four.....I used to be a maths teacher too. Love pred head, most of my mistakes are so funny and yes I have put hot water into cornflakes too. To top it off I put milk in the pot plant 🤣
Mine were cornflakes,very soggy after the mistake.l often put saucepans in the wrong place ,and glasses get lost all the time although l have several pairs.Oh well it is comforting to know that l am not alone .

Lots of people find their life-long ability to multitask deserts them. I did but it has some back to some extent. But if I am doing something that needs concentration I struggle if OH insists on asking me questions - like when we go on holiday and I'm packing my case...
I used to do stuff like that before I was on Pred, I am a naturally absent minded and distracted person. But I did get Pred brain, I thought, and it was making work really difficult, I was doing training and forgetting where I had got to!. Then I discovered that Proton Pump Inhibitors can cause reduced magnesium levels, which can cause confusion. So I started taking magnesium, I found I became much more mentally alert. However, this is not scientific and might be having a placebo effect. Worth mentioning to Doc.
I think l need mine on a piece of string around my neck !
I absolutely can't multitask anymore nor hurry. The benefit is I no longer hurry others on. 😊
I still haven’t found the spectacles case I mislaid about 4 weeks ago. It was in my hand...... the specs were in the other.....
I have this strange feeling about the rubbish bin, long since emptied.... 🙄
That is exactly how!!!
Might have to give up having cereal in the morning if I am going to keep putting boiling water on it. Tea and coffee in one cup isn’t that good either. Yogurt might be the way to go
Switch to porridge - which I always make with water and eat with salt on them and cold milk ...
Tbh that sounds worse than my weetabix hot stew. Is there some scot in you? Definitely can not handle salt on porridge
Um, yes. Lived there a long time and my daughter and my brother and his family are still there.
That explains the salt!! I am a northerner but never managed to get the hang of porridge and salt
I can't get the hang of sweet porridge! That's pudding. I love haggis too
I love haggis as well with tatties and neeps. My mum has horrid tastes in food and likes tripe and peas pudding! Along with liver and onions. All of them disgusting
Tripe and liver - bleugh! Though I did like liver in the form of Welsh faggots (no gravy). Was in Scotland last week and brough a haggis back - one is just enough for 4 meals for me, one down, 3 in the freezer! I actually bought 2 but my friend in germany looked at it so longingly I let her have one!!
You definitely have the beginnings of pred brain. Don't let anything surprise you :). Welcome to our world. As long as you don't pour the boiling water on your OH you'll be fine...maybe. Keep smiling, it can only get better?
I could quite happily have left this side effect out of my symptoms but it doesn’t surprise me that I have decided to try and get them all. Never could stand someone else having more than me!!!
There are another 80 or so to go you know...
You mean there are things I haven’t got yet and others have? Well that needs to stop right now, I won’t have people having things I haven’t had/got or might just like to try. If I actually said this to any of my old nhs colleagues I would definitely be spending some quality time with the consultants I once worked along side, but they would have the keys!!
Most of them wouldn't like to think you were missing out either - but I'd be grateful if I were you!! My sympathies would be with your colleagues I have to say...
I have just spent 15 minutes looking for my Pyjamas bottoms only to find I am wearing them!! For gids sake this is ridiculous.
Sure somebody didn't take them away because of the strings?
That would explain where the laces to my trainers have gone as well. The consultant psychiatrists I worked with (see against) would love to lock me up for a while because I made their sad little lives hell for so long. Others on the legal side maybe not so much because there were some totally crap consultants. Unfortunately mental health attracts some completely barbaric individuals.
Nobody's noticed my pred head. Apparently I've always been like that.