A guy walks into a bar…: Those that can't do... - PMRGCAuk


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A guy walks into a bar…

66 Replies

Those that can't do... RANT!


No Warning; This post does not contain strong language or any offensive innuendos!

PLEASE NOTE: This post is NOT related to PMR/GCA, steroid side effects, or anything having to do with with any AI illness. It is however what I "do" from 1:00 am to 4:00 am when I cannot sleep, because of PMR/GCA, steroid side effects, and everything having to do with with AI illnesses!

66 Replies
Primarose profile image

So beautifully written and poignant mamic1 and very inspiring.

in reply to Primarose

Thank you Primarose.

scats profile image

Very powerful Mamici. Beautiful writing you missed your calling!

I dwell on the past during those long nights too.

in reply to scats

You read it Scats and you liked it, so... I guess I haven't missed anything... : )

Thank you!

Marymon profile image

Dear Melissa,

So very very sad and so beautifully expressed.

If only your brother had been able to express the pain that was inside him.

Very brave, to share memories and feelings that don’t go away, takes some courage to write this. Many others will find something there to relate to.

All comes out in the early hours doesn’t it. Wish I had your talent for writing. Thank you.

in reply to Marymon

I hope you are right Marymon... If only one person relates to this post, I am happy. ...and yes, it ALL comes out in the early morning hours, whether we want it to or not!

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to

Well, we all benefit from your insomnia, whether you make us laugh or cry.

Keep on sharing xxx

Rugger profile image

Oh Melissa, "I am so sorry" too. You were a wonderful sister.


in reply to Rugger

I hope I was Rugger, I can only hope I was. Thank you

Telian profile image

How sad Melissa, that really has got to me. Hope you are coping? I have to go to an appt right now but didn’t want to go without saying a little something. Beautifully written. xxxx

in reply to Telian

Thank you, Telian.

Longtimer profile image

This is very sad. How families cope I do not know, sadly it's still happening.....I hope you can find some peace Melissa. X

in reply to Longtimer

I keep searching Longtimer.... thank you.

Rimmy profile image

Oh Melissa - I cannot but sense your brother IS 'listening' ...


in reply to Rimmy

...that made me smile. As I too feel he was reaching out in that dream and inspired that piece. I was a woman possessed as I was writing... at 2:00 in the morning!!!!! 😴

stellafmdm profile image

So sad Melissa, and you tell the story beautifully! I'm sure your brother appreciates the tale being told for him when he could not!

in reply to stellafmdm

Sadly he is not here to tell me if that is true... but I think he does. I think that is why he wakes me up in the middle of the night! 🙄 Thank you.

Grants148 profile image

Beautifully written mamici,so sad that your brother had to experience the horrors of war,it is so sad that the world is still full of conflicts and so many are suffering terribly.

in reply to Grants148

It is indeed Grants148... 😓 Today was a sad day.

Thank you for reading and responding.

pmrkitty profile image

Beautifully written and so very sad. I just lost my little sister, she was 45 and was addicted to prescription pain meds for the last 15 year's. I tried to help but had to keep my distance from the lies and everything that consumes them. I was with her helping her through the dying process from the cancer that took hold of her due to a compromised immune system. We all do what we can when drugs and alcohol are involved. You were the best Sister you could be under the circumstances as was I. Rest easy and know your Brother knows how much He meant to you and how very hard you tried to help him. Big soft hugs Melissa and love to you.

in reply to pmrkitty

Wow... thanks klaroche. I guess a lot of us have similar stories to tell... I too was with my brother, when he finally just gave up. He had had enough. 50+ years of guilt, addition and self hatred... Big, soft , hugs back at ya! xxx ❤️

Francien profile image

Beautifully written Melissa. And very, very recognizable. Than you so much for writing this down.

Love xxxx

in reply to Francien

Thank you for reading!

Pongo13 profile image


in reply to Pongo13

Thank you.

CT-5012 profile image

So sad, so sorry.

in reply to CT-5012

Thank you.

Monkeymate profile image

Manicure, bless you for those beautiful words , I felt and feel your sorrow as I to lost my brother 43 yrs old although I never lost him , he lives in my heart .thankyou

in reply to Monkeymate

Thank you... yes they live on, don't they!

Powerful expressive writing M. You really have the words. Hard to express hurt & emotion for many of us till we crack or seek an outlet. Generational expectations don't help either. Your brother was a good guy who did his best.

in reply to

He did do his best, Pepperdoggie... and thank you!

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

Mel, you gave your brother the only thing any of us have to give that is of real value.

You gave him your unconditional love.

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

I did GG, or at least I tried... Sometimes his behaviour got in the way and I would judge, but I ALWAYS loved him. Thank you. xxx

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

Loving someone unconditionally doesn't mean we always understand them. It doesn't mean we excuse them, apologize for them, change our standards for them, or give them our approval.

It means we always love them, no matter what, even when it's hard.

You did that.

You gave the best thing you have to give.

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

I loved hm no matter what... yes. xxx

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

Be at peace then, dear girl.

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF


Hev77 profile image

Just 💕 xxx

in reply to Hev77

...and that is more than enough! Thank you.

Mai45 profile image

Thanks Melissa. Rang bells for me, both my brother and my husband. Brothers in arms. Miss them both. Keep writing in the wee small hours xx

in reply to Mai45

Sorry for your losses Mai45.... Thank you.

Janll profile image

Very moving! Really touched me! Thank you. 💖

in reply to Janll

Thank you Janll....

Lignite7 profile image

Thank you for sharing. I am so deeply moved. ❤️

in reply to Lignite7

Thank you ....

Jackoh profile image

So poignant Melissa! So well written in spite of your pain. You did all you could at the time and as has been said you loved him unconditionally- You couldn't have done more. Xx

BonnyQuine profile image

Rang bells for me too, but guess I'm less forbearing than you are. Understanding is one thing, but dealing with the damage is another.

War - when will it ever end?

He was my brother, I loved him dearly and I knew he was scarred by his experience. I would have taken on the damage if I could have... War will never end... I think it's in our nature... always as been. 😪

Peachy6958 profile image

Your poignant writings always give those of us who read those words an insight into what truly goes through your mind. Some of us may never experience such tragedy. It must be very difficult to find the right words to express such a loss as yours. You always find a way to not only find the right words but to place them in such a way that we all get a very clear picture of what you are going through. I bet you were a great sister, I bet he laughed at your ‘rantings’, did he ever tell you what a great writer you are? If he didn’t, it was only because he couldn’t. Who knows, perhaps he still laughs at them. I hope so. Xx

in reply to Peachy6958

Thank you Peachy6958. Thank you so very much... your words mean a lot to me. My brother never read any of writing... He may have seen (through his girlfriend) a few of the earlier ones; from when my daughter was diagnosed with cancer in 2104. But he too, was diagnosed with cancer 4 months after her and was fighting his own war (again). I wish he could have read some of the more humorous ones... but I think you're right, he's laughing now! xx

Daisychain12 profile image

Darling Melissa I commented on the blog. My heart aches for your brother and you. This is a subject very close to my heart. I can’t go into it as I am unstable at the moment but believe me I hear you and I send you my love xxx

in reply to Daisychain12

Thank you Daisychain12. He is at peace now... that's all that matters. His war has finally ended. I wish you peace as you struggle internally... may you find the light, and may it illuminate your path. xxx

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to

Oh Mel. I want that for us all. Bless you xxxx

in reply to Daisychain12

...yes, but may YOU find it first! 😉

JanboC profile image

Oh, Melissa, I am so sorry, I am sobbing my heart out after reading your post. Sending much love and cuddles to you whilst sitting on the deck of the Thomson spirit in barcelona xxx

in reply to JanboC

Thank you JanboC, I am sorry I made you cry... but what a lovely complement that my writing moved you so... Thank you. Wow! Enjoy the Thomson Spirit and Barcelona!

Pipalina profile image

Very lovely & moving words, Melissa xxx

in reply to Pipalina

Thank you Pipalina.. thanks for reading it.

Pipalina profile image
Pipalina in reply to

I thought the post on your blog from Woosta - who cleared loved your brother too - was a great, as you said, validation by someone who knew him and loved him too; for all his flaws xxx

in reply to Pipalina

Hi Pipalina.... Yes, Cheryl (Woosta) is the niece of two friends, of both my brothers. She grew up like I did, 5-6 years younger than all the guys, so very OVERPROTECTED buy all of them as well! That was a good and bad thing! Hahahahahaha Woosta is slang for Worcester MA, which is where we all grew up.

MamaBeagle profile image

Wow, Mamici! Heavy stuff! But so moving. illuminating and honest. What a cathartic use of your insomnia............xx

in reply to MamaBeagle

Thank MamaBeagle. It was a good use of my insomnia... at least on that night it worked! out!

Dear Melissa

I’m so sorry to read about your brother, such a tragic loss not to you but also for him not to fulfil the promise of his life as it could have been, if only........

Thinking of You 💕

in reply to

Thank you Mrs Nails... yes it was a tragic loss.... Hopefully he gets a "Do Over!" xxx

PMRSUE profile image

I am so sorry to read about your brother mamici1. Your post is full of your love for him, and regret for the life he could have had in other circumstances. What a wonderful sister you are with an exceptional gift for expressing yourself so beautifully with words. Your messages always move me to tears or laughter. The sad times will always surface but try to couple them with happy memories too. Hugs. 🌹

Thank you PMRSUE! I am honoured you are moved by my rantings... thank you !

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