Cheerful Pic. On A Black Dog Morning.: One of those... - PMRGCAuk


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Cheerful Pic. On A Black Dog Morning.

65 Replies

One of those bleak moods for me this morning! lucky I am to still be able to walk round the park & feed the waterfowl. Soaked by a heavy shower it was nevertheless worth every moment. Maybe the steroid reduction or more likely my conversation yesterday with a long time pal who is now struggling with his Parkinson's. It bought to the fore many possible scenarios ahead! You know how it goes! The mind trips in & goes absent without leave! Well! Mine tends too! Especially when awake at 3.0 in the morning! Just a whinge but I'm bolting the hatches down for the rest of the day! ATB All.

65 Replies
Daisychain12 profile image

Darling mornings are the worst time for depression or low mood so hopefully you will feel better as the day goes on. Sorry about your friend darling. Sending you a big hug. Linda xxxx

in reply to Daisychain12

Thank you Linda. Your arms reach out from the screen. Ha! Mind my shoulders though!!! Never have been good in the morning, even worse now! Grumpy grumpy does it! Years ago in my youth apprenticeship & having to get up at 6.00. my dad cooked breakfast!

Nothing was said between us usually! In the genes on this one! Tough for yourself at the moment. Hang in there it's a big forum for expression.ATB

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to

Thinking of you sweetheart xx

scats profile image

The black dog is making its presence felt down here too. The weathers changing and days are shorter and on top of that I can't quite manage what I want to do without help ( I hate having to ask).

And to top it all I'm being pestered by a b..... fly that won't sit still and let me swat it.

Minds should have an off switch for night time.

in reply to scats

Understand that one scats! Always did the practical stuff I could & mostly enjoyed it. We are not big fans of contractors as a result of this! Maybe shot myself in the foot on this one! Tricky fly swatting is if you don't want to injure yourself or someone else! You have to let them settle on a do-able spot. No direct approach or big arm swing ! Just nonchalance! Then THWACK! Thinking back an elastic band or 12" ruler used to be very effective. Hope that helps! Yer the mind has it's own internal battles!

Hollyseden profile image
Hollyseden in reply to scats

An off switch would be wonderful, wouldn't it especially with pred in your system

“So far, you've survived 100% of your worst days.” You got this...


in reply to

Cheers M. Very true stat. that! No room for argument there! Hey! I could crush a couple of grapes tonight! That's if we had any! I'll give the bathroom sponge a beating again instead!! ATB

in reply to

That's the spirit! CRUSH those grapes! BEAT those sponges! Tell that Big Black Dog to F _ _ k off!

And remember... whatever doesn't kill you... will probably try again! 😉

in reply to

Hahaha! Don't start my paranoia off!

in reply to

Don't go there! xxx

"Being slightly paranoid is like being slightly pregnant - it tends to get worse. "

~ Molly Ivins

in reply to

Can only claim one of those experiences M! Won't be long before the other may be doable though!! But I certainly won't go there!!

in reply to

"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

~Christopher Robin to Pooh, A.A. Milne

in reply to

"Did you ever stop to think, & forget to start again"? Well you must have pred.head!!

Pepperdoggie to Christopher Robin!

Purplecrow profile image

Morning friend, its 5am here...your photo makes me smile. Thank you.

Sorry about your friend. As wretched as we feel some days, we all know someone else who has it rougher....

I have Just heard the term 'black dog' in reference to winter depression. How apt, though unfortunate for the loved pet who happen to be black.

Hope you find some reason to smile today. J

in reply to Purplecrow

Thank you for the smile Purple! "Black Dog" is just an expression I've grown up with via Winston Churchill! Language & meaning! Always a nightmare! I mostly love any pet what ever colour! It's the owners sometimes that are the problem!!! Hope you are ok yourself.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

That’s why I use “ black dog” too but Purple crow thinks it’s doggist. I have used black crow which might offend the dear soul even more. But it is sometimes like being stalked by something dark.

I love dogs.

in reply to SheffieldJane

Being "dogged!" ie. being followed by... as in a dog scenting. "dogged by misfortune!" Whoever she is!! .."dog in a manger" is an interesting one.! also a term used in football ... closely marking ones opponent all over the pitch! Enjoy your hol.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

Thanks - dog day afternoon. Long and boring, does it mean? I am never bored.

in reply to SheffieldJane

I used to be bored with paperwork when I worked in an office! The clock never seemed to move! Once self employed there were not enough minutes in the day! Dog day afternoon...A really bad afternoon....I think!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

I don't think so - the dog days are the hottest days of summer or it means a period of inactivity (or decline but that isn't so nice!). Dogs just sit in the shade and pant in the dog days...

in reply to PMRpro

Interesting analysis PMR !

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

My sister in law had Parkinson's - my GCA seemed nothing compared to her struggle! Count our blessings.

in reply to DorsetLady

Indeed DL. All is relative! The sadness we can feel for others but have to let it go though!

SheffieldJane profile image

I so know the feeling and the triggers. It’ll lift. I hope you get inexplicable joyful days too, undeserved, unanticipated, just sudden “ it’s good to be alive” feelings. I am sorry to hear about your longtime pal. We are at that age aren’t we? Ailing friends and suchlike. Keep on keeping on and take time to smell the daisies. That’s not the expression is it? You get my drift though. Don’t eat the daisies and smell 🤔 the coffee is it?

in reply to SheffieldJane

Drift! Jane I'm paddling down the rapids here & dodging the rocks! Always a different perspective for ourselves! Thank you.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

I’ve just seen this Pepperdoggie. I am sorry that you are in a bad place right now. I so hope that it lifts and soon.

in reply to SheffieldJane

I'm ok Jane. My tongue in cheek reply probably didn't read well! It's the Brummie exaggeration! Yes sniff the roses & smell the coffee. Aroma of frying bacon I like too! Think I'll have a sarnie for breckers,ATB

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

You made me want one and I am in Spain where they don’t do bacon.🙁

in reply to SheffieldJane

!! They don't do bacon!! What do they eat with eggs? Suppose it's Tortilla & chips then for you!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

Do the Spanish do "boiled jamon" (so to speak)? Here where I live we have boiled Speck - air dried and smoked cured ham which is normally eaten the same as Parma or San Danielle hams but another way is as boiled bacon. We discovered that a thick slice of that heated in the pan is a very close immitation of a slice of lightly smoked bacon. 3mm thick is about right...

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to SheffieldJane

Don’t eat poor Daisy haha

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Daisychain12


Hollyseden profile image
Hollyseden in reply to Daisychain12


Telian profile image
Telian in reply to SheffieldJane

Anything as long as we're not 'pushing' daisies...

Mstiles profile image

I’m very familiar with the black dog pepperdoggie. Been entertaining that dog recently too.

I’m so sorry about your friend! It’s hard to know how to help, just listening, I guess. I’m “at that age” too, 75, when it seems we are all dealing with something! My best friend had three surgeries this summer to repair aneurysms and she lives across the country from me now. I was having issues too and felt so badly I couldn’t do more to support her.

My mom used to favor cleaning the kitchen floor instead of ruminating, hard to do with an illness, but I think she was onto something as my blackest moods seem to happen when I’m inactive, especially lying in bed supposedly resting!

Beautiful picture! Are you lucky enough to have a garden?

Hope the doggie leaves your house soon, or at least lies down by the fire and peacefully goes to sleep.

in reply to Mstiles

Lucky lad I am to have a garden Mstiles. You would not believe how it has changed over the years & been a haven for myself in tough times! Yes! Activity works better for me than all that reflection & ruminating too! We are all so different it's great really.ATB

in reply to Mstiles

My mum always said depression pah! Clean the windows! Ouch! I thought I would be like her and 'clean windows' till the age of 92. Though I'm nearly 75 I'm totally surprised to be taken ill like this. Someone tell my body it's not in my genes!

Mstiles profile image
Mstiles in reply to

Yes that treatment for depression gets limited by illness fo sure. My mom was a full-blown force of nature when she got going!

Grants148 profile image

Oh Pepper those gorgeous flowers really cheer me up,l am sorry you are having a bad day,you are so lucky to have a park to walk to and it sounds as though there is a lake too.l wish you a better day tomorrow,sending you a big hug too,Patricia xx

in reply to Grants148

Thanks G. One of those mornings!

Grants148 profile image

So sorry about your friend ,it is sad as we grow older to see our friends suffering from varied health issues when they used to be so full of life and active.A dear friend of mine had dementia and passed away last year,always such an intelligent person with a great sense of humour,such a sad ending to his life.

in reply to Grants148

Yes it's a difficult one dementia for everyone. BIL for myself bright man he was. Luck of the draw it is for all & up & down we go! Humour can be a great balm to get through. Night night & have a great day tomorrow.

Slowdown profile image

Yes, I do know 'how it goes' indeed, a friend's troubles can suddenly bring on the woes, the oh my goodness we're all getting old feeling when really you know you're, well, youngISH .. you generally show such positive cheery energy, Pepperdoggie, so it hits hard.

The pictures of your wonderful garden have brightened many a person's day and I for one am planting Japanese anemones for a show like that! (tell me if I've got that wrong, would hate to be disappointed next year..) As you say, ATB.

in reply to Slowdown

Yes Slowdown. It sort of sneaks into the psyche even though you can't do much about their situation! Thanks for your kind reply. Spot on. Japanese anemones they are. ATB

in reply to Slowdown

The pink ones grow like weeds in my garden, I have tried digging them up and spraying them but still they take over the border shouldering out better plants. The white ones on the other hand do not flourish.

in reply to

Yes Chris the pink do spread more. The variety of white I have is "Honorine Jobert". They seem to like the shade more& grow well in the clay. Think they stand out better

in reply to

Yes I've planted Honorine jobert a few times in shade, we're on limestone which kills off a few things. Hope you are feeling better now, I'm off to the dentist, been practicing opening wide as I have s continual jaw ache!

Slowdown profile image
Slowdown in reply to

Useful info, thank you both. Talking of invasive plants a friend gave me a hop plant - I now have rampant garlands of it looping all over the hedges. A winter cull in order. Hope you're enjoying a better day, Pepperdoggie, and the dentist is gentle with you, ChrisMcT.

in reply to Slowdown

Golden hop! Beautiful & as you say rampant. Fine thanks.

in reply to

The clay is neutral/acid here & most plants get by except the fussy hot housed hybrids. Limestone must restrict you on a lot of plants! Great for the brassicas & wallflowers though. Ah! The Dentist! The joy of it! Hope it went well!

Hollyseden profile image
Hollyseden in reply to

Love your flowers too. I saw them in a garden last year, took a pic, googled them and ordered some online. Hoping they survive first winter here in Scotland 🤞🌼

York54 profile image

Good morning Pepperdoggie. I too use my garden as a place to lift my spirits. Although sometimes I'm too tired to do anything!! The anemones are looking wonderful now, white ones not as prolific as pink!

Sorry to hear about your friend and hope your black dog has left you alone today.

Good morning York. Thanks I'm ok today, got the right head on! Yes pink is the more dominant as Chris above has found too. Always something to pither with even when tired I find. Chipping away at cutting the stuff down for winter. The compost bins are breaking it down rapidly now & are massed with worms. ATB

York54 profile image
York54 in reply to

Hubby collects worms from compost often for his fishing!! We are off on holiday today , done as much as we can to the garden. We will put it to bed on our return!!

in reply to York54

Enjoy your hols York the garden will be there when you get back!

karools16 profile image

How can you be bleak when you have such a fantastic garden? Love seeing the pics. Never heard of a black dog mood. Must be something English? Hope it soon goes.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to karools16


suggests that while Churchill is the name most people think of Horace got there first...

karools16 profile image
karools16 in reply to PMRpro

Thank you. That was an eye-opener. Will test black dog on my daily folk, esp tomorrow when I go to the hospital, Respiratory clinic, after a 4mth wait. ps Shingles vaccination was fine. Was the 1 beginning with Z.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to karools16


karools16 profile image
karools16 in reply to PMRpro

That's the 1. Last night had big rash and itch, but ok now. Tested black dog on my driver to hospital today. She said Churchill and I told her it was actually Horace, but she did know all about the 'depression' which came over him.

Hi karools. Thanks for your appreciation. More of a challenge to do physical stuff now for myself! " Black Dog" that's an emotional depressive response! You are very lucky if you haven't experienced this! ATB

Telian profile image

I'm late in here and sorry to hear you're feeling down, I don't suffer with depression but when I'm reducing I don't recognise my feelings. You reducing and meeting up with your friend is a definite recipe for mood swing, or Black Dog as has been said. The good thing is you're out and about and talking about it on here and that's not a bad thing as not all can do that, particularly men. I think the change in weather doesn't help either. I hope you're feeling a little better by now. Lovely plants again.

in reply to Telian

Yes I'm ok Telian,as you say a combination of factors can get through the defences sometimes. Good that you don't suffer with depression. I had a couple of biggies in the past & they take some getting out of if you go really low! Great pictures of the big day, thanks for those. Hope you're alright yourself. ATB

Telian profile image

That's good I'm pleased today is another day for you. I have had down days but nothing like real depression is, hubby has suffered with it all his adult life, he didn't know it at the time. It was never talked about back then. We've shared many steep learning curves as we trod our way through his dark days. I'm okay thank you, apart from tired as only three hours sleep last night but - pace today back tomorrow. ATB.

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