Bananas: I have just read on another site that this... - PMRGCAuk


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Xanthe12345 profile image
28 Replies

I have just read on another site that this man eats 3 bananas a day and is now steroid free! Thoughts please

Also on another topic does anyone suffer more on a different brand of steroid? This months steroid prescribed is Almus brand and I feel quite jittery!

Your thoughts once again please 🙈

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Xanthe12345 profile image
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28 Replies
fmkkm profile image

Good morning Xanthe,

In science they say, “correlation does not prove causation “. That is just because two things happen at the same time does not mean one caused the other. I love bananas so would volunteer for a banana study. Enjoy this beautiful day!

Xanthe12345 profile image
Xanthe12345 in reply to fmkkm

Good Morning forwardmotion!

I will buy bananas tomorrow!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

The idea is obviously...bananas!

Much as I love bananas, I don’t think they did anything for my GCA!

Theziggy profile image

PMRpro profile image

If it sounds to be too good to be true - it probably is! And, as forward motion says, correlation does not prove causation!

It may not have been PMR - but low potassium or magnesium that caused his pain. Bananas are a good source of both. OTOH - PMR goes into remission on its own anyway.

Yes - I was fine with prednisolone both plain and enteric coated for a couple of years. Then suddenly I was given a new batch of enteric coated (loose instead of in blister packs) and while the 5mg ones were fine, the 2.5mg ones did nothing at all and I flared big time. I was switched to Medrol (methyl prednisolone) and it was awful, dreadful side effects and it didn't work for me, even at 20mg it too much of the day to get any relief. I switched to a form of prednisone - magic! And not a side effect to be seen.

Another factor may be the fillers, the substances the manufacturers use to bulk up the active substance to be able to form pills. They vary from company to company although the active substance is the same. It is well known that brand and generic tablets can be very different in effect. And it isn't always the brand that is better!

Grants148 profile image

I do not think my stomach could cope with three bananas !

SnazzyD profile image

Hmm, I think that because so many of us eat bananas to counteract the potassium loss from Pred, one would have seen more miracles than we have, if it were true.

Xanthe12345 profile image
Xanthe12345 in reply to SnazzyD

Nice thought though😞

fmkkm profile image
fmkkm in reply to Xanthe12345

Bananas are a good thing!

Most days I would eat pond scum if I thought it would cure me 😂

patriciawhite profile image
patriciawhite in reply to fmkkm

hahaha Yes probably ;-)

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply to fmkkm

Thanks for the laugh at 4:00 am!

powerwalk profile image
powerwalk in reply to fmkkm

oh thats very funny!!!!!

Monkeymate profile image

You all carry on with your bananas , you’ve made me chuckle ,your all the best tonic for me lol thanks

Too many bananas and you will put on weight. But then too much of anything and you will put on weight I suppose.

Koalajane profile image

Unfortunately I am type 2 diabetic and that many bananas would be really bad for me

violetsnowdrop profile image

I tried 3 bananas once---my wife talked me down from swinging in a tree. Blood pressure and blood sugar skyrocketed; (and my arms stretched!!!)

Marijo1951 profile image

Regarding different brands of Prednisolone, I hadn't noticed much difference between the brands issued by the hospital pharmacy and my local pharmacy until the local pharmacy changed brands to Co-pharma (unfortunately I never noticed the names of the other brands). It isn't that the effects on me are different with Co-pharma but the tablets tend to crumble to small fragments when I take them out. This doesn't matter too much at present as I take three 5 mg tablets, but I think there would be real problems if I had to use a pill cutter. I've decided to mention this to the pharmacist.

I was given a new brand of Pred and they were aweful so surgery got me the the original brand and I went back to normal. As PMRPro says could be the fillers.

Blearyeyed profile image



Did this snake oil salesman mention what else he was eating along with the bananas?

Gallon of castor oil by any chance, to alleviate the constipation from all the bananas , or ,

finally after paragraphs of information on his miraculous recovery , was he trying to sell you the ebook of his full cure?

On the one side , bananas are a miracle fruit, not smile shaped for nothing , their high potassium and other mineral contents act as an antidepressant , and the other vitamins , fibre and protein make them a great food to maintain your health , especially on steroids.

I was once told that a combo of Guinness and bananas was all you needed for a healthy diet ( at University!) Two lads tried it , would you like to know what happened ? They got scurvy! True story, when they got out of hospital , they went back on the diet but added orange juice.

Basically, there are no miracle cures, especially for complex illnesses , the only way is by a healthy balanced diet , exercise , appropriate complementary therapies and correct medications and supplements as required , plus rest and sleep when necessary.

We all get guilty pleasure from the illusion though don't we?

Would love to read what he actually wrote.

On a serious topic, your medications.

NEVER let you doctors change the make or brand of the medication you use if the one you are using is working. ( Unless it has been taken off the market all together for serious side effects)

The only reason for doing so is because the they are protecting their budgets in expense of your health.

Advice, go back tell them you are having side effects but also you are not happy with them changing your drug brand without consulting you and you want to be put back on the original brand you were prescribed. Guidelines mean you have the right to request this , as believe it or not patients are meant to have an active role in their own drug and care plans , not the the GP would tell you.

Now, go and have a banana!!!😀😁😂

Xanthe12345 profile image
Xanthe12345 in reply to Blearyeyed

Thanks Blearyeyed! Made me laugh anyway. I dont actually like bananas or yoghurt! But needs must. Much rather a jam doughnut😢

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Xanthe12345

I am sure there must be someway to make jam doughnuts out of bananas, now that would have been a banana miracle cure worth writing about!

There are some nice doughnut recipes for gluten and sugar free, low fat baked versions that you can make, but be warned they might contain yoghurt!!

Xanthe12345 profile image
Xanthe12345 in reply to Blearyeyed

I think I might abstain from the doughnut recipe. The joy of a doughnut is buying it at the supermarket and eating it your car!

Tried lemon yoghurts this week..... not nice.🙈

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Xanthe12345

Of all the flavours of yoghurt to try lemon isn't the best flavour to begin with .

I eat live natural yoghurt with the probiotics, really creamy big pots , then add my own fruit . Those frozen fresh summer berries ( cooked a TSP of vanilla and a few teaspoons of Stevia, then chilled and add a big spoon per four spoons of yoghurt), roasted nuts , oats , spoon of Manuka honey with blueberries is good for breakfast.

You can make vegan , low fat and sugar chocolate mug cakes using dairy free yoghurt, and little chocolate pudding pots using that chocologic dairy and sugar free chocolate melted and whipped up with the yoghurt and low fat cream cheese called quark, tastes like choccy cheesecake, hidden yoghurt and edible !!

They make great low sugar , low fat desserts , perfect for your sweet tooth without letting the pred. Hunger make you pile on the pounds and suitable for diabetic diets, I have been experimenting with desserts for more than 20 years , my husband is Type 1 and my Mum Type 2 Diabetic , so learning to get a little sweetness in their lives without harm has been one of my kitchen missions.

Give it a go, you know you could hide a banana in there too! 😂😂😂

Xanthe12345 profile image
Xanthe12345 in reply to Blearyeyed

Thanks Blearyeyed ....for all your advice. I have actually lost 2 stone since March. I really have no appetite for anything much...but will perhaps chop a banana up and put it on some yoghurt👏🏻

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Xanthe12345

Wow, congratulations!

To manage to lose two stone on Pred. with all the activity limitations is really impressive , you must be really proud of yourself.

With all that success you could probably get away without eating yoghurt , and deserve the rare guilt pleasure of a doughnut in your car.

By the way, did you manage to sort out getting your original drug brand back so that you can keep up the good work?

Xanthe12345 profile image
Xanthe12345 in reply to Blearyeyed

I hate to admit it 🙈but I haven’t been dieting.

I started having panic attack and depression for the first time in my life in March of this year and found appetite completely diminished. Not sure whether it was caused by steroids or extra strong antibiotics for bronchitis.

Or it is possibly an old age thing.

I am seeing doctor next week so will mention the branding to him amongst the other foibles we polys get in the allotted ten minutes. Actually, he is very nice and thorough but 6weeks wait to see him.

Sorry sounds like I am having a good moan but I am feeling rather good today😁

How are you?

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Xanthe12345

Moan away you wouldn't be the first and won't be the last , but we all know what the headache of getting appointments and them being too short is.

Definitely ask for your original brand you don't want to add any more symptoms by changing , especially if you are having panic attacks or struggling to eat.

Have you had a full set of bloods since March, checking your Vitamin, iron levels and cortisol, steroids can cause the depression and fatigue, but if you have been on antibiotics, had an infection and been off your food that can cause deficiencies , and those deficiencies affect various hormonal and enzyme functions in the body that can cause depression, loss of appetite and " jitters" , feel like panic can be palpations . Ask for an MOT.

Xanthe12345 profile image
Xanthe12345 in reply to Blearyeyed

Just had bloods done last week.... no cortisol test though. Seeing doc next week for results.

Thanks Blearyeyed

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