Kia ora I have been on monthly infusions of Actermra for 6 months now and recently noticed daily hair loss and that my hair has become straighter. I am wondering if anyone had any experience of this or suggestions to minimise this?
Actemra and hair loss: Kia ora I have been on... - PMRGCAuk
Actemra and hair loss

Are you also on pred?
Yes down to 5mg for last 3 weeks but high doses prior
Pred can also cause hair loss - and so does GCA itself. Serious systemic illnesses often show an effect on your hair but it often takes a few months to be obvious. And then people think it is the medication. So you have 2 good reasons besides the Actemra - though I'm not saying it doesn't do it too.
Thank you PMR Pro, I will try some of the tips I read on the site from other uses and cross my fingers. I suppose there's worse things. At least the Actemra seems to be working! I would like to add how much I appreciate all the work yo do on this site and your experience and advice.
I have been on Methotrexate and leflumonide. I blamed my hair loss on these, but the rheumy says it is the prednisone. I am also down to 5mg. My hair is disappearing!
Your rheumy is obvious prejudiced! I don't normally have much problem with hair loss and I have been on pred for 9 years. I recently allowed my rheumy to convince me to try methotrexate. Within a week my hair was coming out in small chunks - 10+ hairs together. Needless to say - I'm no longer taking mtx, I felt worse than in the 5 years I had PMR without pred! And the hair loss has slowed. Methotrexate DEFINITELY causes hair loss.
I had a month between methotrexate and leflumonide. The hair still kept falling. I stopped methotrexate because of hair loss. Leflunomide is my last d-mard. I don't qualify for the next step. I'm hoping it's the prednisone and not the Leflumonide.
It is listed as a side effect of leflunomide.
I know. Frustrating. Almost 5 months now and I don't know if the Leflumonide is working.
My friend found the breakthrough came quite quickly - and was a sudden "I feel great, normal, healthy..."
How long are you to try the leflunomide for?
I suspect I am the same and pred is the culprit. A bit cruel on top of everything else! Hopefully we will both be sporting new growth as we reduce pred further. There are some good hints on older posts. Good luck.