Another thing.... I am afraid of another relationship with a man. Those that know me here will understand that But with all of this and coming down with Pred, it's so hard. Just to have a meal cooked sometimes. But what worries me is I have got used to my own PRED COMPANY. Where is my SUPERMAN or SUPERLADY. (Funniycame up as SUPERLACTIVE). Certainly more productive.
Too afraid: Another thing.... I am afraid of... - PMRGCAuk
Too afraid

Understand completely! 😅
One step at a time sweetheart, you’ll be batting them off soon.
What’s to fear? I know, dating is a job and it seems like I am constantly reviewing resumes. I see it as fun up to a point. With PMR, my dates are only for breakfast, lunch or daytime movies since bed time is early. Since Pred makes me edgy, critical or judgmental I generally fire them rather quickly. Had 2 dates with a doctor, I canceled the third because being with my 95 year old mother and trying to teach her caretaker how we like things done was exhausting. I ended up wth a stomachache and diarrhea the night before the date! Actually, I also adjusted to 7 mg of Pred and pains in wrists and hands went away!
Yes, we are used to our alone time but opening up to possibilities enriches our lives and is really comical! Simply let go of expectations and enjoy the ride!
7!!! good for you! Keep up with the dates!!! so entertaining...vicariously!
So happy you are enjoying the Sandy dating series! The supply is endless and the stories are hilarious! Had a breakfast date Thursday. He likes music in the Berkshires at Tanglewood and stays in a tent! I prefer 4 or 5 star hotels. Guess we’re not a match! He made an announcement when we sat down that he’s picking up the check. I said I assumed he would. Could have done without the news flash!
Sandy. in a tent! hahaha. definitely not a match for you.
Interesting lunch date Tuesday but at 74, I thought he was a bit old for me. Getting lost, 15 mins, late with no call or text was not acceptable! Lunch was very good.
On the way to African dance and. class about aging. Took a class Monday on Daoism. Book club yesterday, Commonwealth. Endless growth opportunities.
4th week reducing to 7 mg Pred. Still have slight pains in fingers and hands. Goes away with Tai Chi and massage. Life is good.
What’s happening with you? Pred dose? Health? Fun?
Why not,as Sandy1947 suggests, meet somebody for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a film?
If the person understands what is going on, then it will be easier. Just think of the lift chatting with somebody over a nice meal or enjoying a daytime film will do for you.
But remember to do what feels right for you.
I've given up on all men...would never have another one in my life..EVER. My life is so much less complicated and I have total control of my TV remote control. HA! I can do what I want...anytime I want...see anyone I want..anytime I want...I was never very good at picking out me, and never will be..I finally realized that! Hang in....Morrison...things will get better for you.