Hi just wondering if any of your kind people could give me some advice . Due to having taken preds for 2 yrs I have suffered from thinning bones resulting in 2 spinal fractures in my spine . Been virtually housebound since December last year . Due to waiting for 2 x rays plus MRI scan nothings been said since then so feel like I am in limbo at moment .Having refused strong painkillers when it happened had no pain relief . The reason I have posted this is I'm just wondering if anybody else has experienced similar problems and what was the outcome . Going to see my Rumi next week who knows nothing of all this . He has been pushing for me to go on AA but I have always refused due to side effects. If anybody could give me advice on how to move forward I would be very grateful . Thanks x
PMR: Hi just wondering if any of your kind people... - PMRGCAuk

Did you have a dexascan when you started pred? If you didn't they cannot say whether or not it was the pred that "did it" - you could well have already been osteoporitic for other reasons.
Be that as it may - you are where you are. Did you HAVE side effects with AA or were you just scared of them?

Justine, ouch! You must be in agony. Have you previously had a DEXA bone density scan that has shown osteoporosis in your spine/hips? It does sound as though you are definitely in need of bone protection medication now. Whether that is AA or in the circumstances perhaps your rheumy can apply for you to be treated with Forteo injections. I haven't got any personal fracture experience but my elderly aunt had a spinal fracture some years ago. This was in spite of being on Fosamax for her bones for years previously. Her consultant had permission to treat her with Forteo for two years and she was back to the gym and sequence dancing in her 80's! Perhaps Forteo would be an option for you, but something to at least have in mind when you see the rheumy next week - good luck!
Poor you! Did you take Vit D and calcium during this time?
What’s AA you mention in your post ? Is it that acid tablet ?
Reply to Chaliesmum - Alendronic Acid
Justine 2805 - Check out the book 'Your Bones' by Lara Pizzorno. You do not not have to go the Bisphosphonate drug route, with the side effects that those can bring; the protocol as suggested by Pizzorno is simple and works well. I reversed my osteoporosis by following her protocol. Strontium *Citrate; Vit-K2; Vit-C; Vit-D3; Boron; Magnesium Threonate; Calcium; Zinc.
You need the Magnesium to put the calcium where it should go, to the bones and not to tissues, nd to be careful about dosage of calcium. IF you can locate, it is best to wok with a health professional re supplementation. But the bones of the protocol to follow is well laid out in 'Your Bones'.
Hope of interest, and is helpful. Take care the bones.
Completely agree. This book is very helpful and, along with a publication about Vitamin K2 and advice from a friend who had trodden this path before me, I too reversed my bone thinning and am now in a "safe" no drugs recommended zone!
That being said I think people who have already sustained a fracture may benefit from a couple of years of bone medication (not Prolia which is hard to discontinue) while they also do all the natural stuff which has helped us.