Lorazepam : I was prescribed 1mg lorazepam up to... - PMRGCAuk


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Lanakay profile image
40 Replies

I was prescribed 1mg lorazepam up to twice daily I thought to help with prednisone side effects. I am 71 years old with PMR I felt pretty good yesterday and didn’t take any. By 2:00 this morning I felt really terrible and took one so I could sleep. I am awake and feeling pretty bad. I think I am unwittingly addicted to this stuff. I’m going to call the doctor as soon as the office opens. Any advise?

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Lanakay profile image
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40 Replies

How long have you been taking It? Have you taken it daily?

With any of this type of drug you do need to consult your Dr. It's a tapering schedule you need if you have taken it daily for a short while. Going cold turkey will not be good for you. I havent taken it but have had other similar addictive meds and it really knocks you sideways if you just stop. I am sure others with experience of this drug will help more.

Lanakay profile image
Lanakay in reply to

Ive been taking It couple of months. Yes. Lately I have taken one or two 1 mg tablets a day. I have a call in to my doctor. I’m waking up a lot at night. I begin to feel real panicky when the lorazepam wears off. I don’t like this feeling at all.

in reply to Lanakay

I am not surprised you don't like the feeling. If you are being treated for anxiety the Dr needs to monitor you and you need to either find a dose that suits you or taper off and find another drug or counselling that helps with anxiety.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Lanakay

Lorazepam is a drug designed to treat anxiety. It appears now to be causing the very thing it's supposed to stop. At the risk of sounding a bit new agey, have a look for something called "Rescue Me" probably in health food stores. I used to use lorazepam very rarely (never daily) to help with anxiety when flying. When I learned what a powerful drug it was I resolved not to take it again. Later I learned about Rescue Me. You can take either a few drops in some water, or chew a lozenge or two. It certainly works for my anxiety as effectively as lorazepam, although I doubt it would have much effect on a full blown phobia. I suggest this to you as something you might take to gradually replace the lorazepam, as it seems you have to taper off it. There will be no similar addiction to Rescue Me.

Lanakay profile image
Lanakay in reply to HeronNS

Thank you for the input!

Lanakay profile image
Lanakay in reply to HeronNS

Couldn’t find rescue me here but have some other things that the guy at the supplement stor says are pretty good. Thanks again!

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Lanakay

Ooops! Looked at my bottle. It's actually called "Rescue Remedy". Sorry! It's a Bach original flower remedy. It's made in England, mine bought in Canada.

Lanakay profile image
Lanakay in reply to HeronNS

I have CBD and Relaxing Passion Flower. I will write down Rescue Remedy for tomorrow. Thank you!

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Lanakay

Mmmmm, Relaxing Passion Flower makes me feel relaxed just thinking about it. :)

Lanakay profile image
Lanakay in reply to HeronNS

I hope it works!

in reply to Lanakay

I used it a lot when I worked. A couple of drops under my tongue as required. It seemed to help which I found weird but happy to use.

yogabonnie profile image
yogabonnie in reply to HeronNS

thats how I took the Lorazepam too.. mostly for flying.. and had such a terrible experience. I will look for the Rescue Remedy. although now I dont have the anxiety nearly so much as I did in my sixties...(one good thing!=

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to yogabonnie

Rescue Remedy!

Lanakay profile image
Lanakay in reply to HeronNS

I’m going to the city tomorrow to get it. 😃

Lanakay profile image
Lanakay in reply to HeronNS

I went to the city today and now have Rescue Remedy and Rescue Sleep. How often did you take the Rescue Remedy and did you try the one for sleep? Thank you for the recommendation. Will let you know how it works for me.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Lanakay

Took Rescue Remedy either in the form of a lozenge, or just a few drops directly in my mouth or in water. As required. The lozenges are great when travelling. I didn't even know there was a Rescue Sleep.

Lanakay profile image
Lanakay in reply to HeronNS

Yes. It it a spray. Two squirts on the tongue and I slept until 5:30. It’s either a miracle or coincidence!

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Lanakay

Great! It will probably help to overcome the habit of waking up, that's really how these herbal remedies work. I used to take Valerian in my major insomniac days midlife, but only for a few nights then stop. It was really helpful and seemed to give me a better quality of sleep. Probably I'd have benefited from Rescue Sleep if I'd known about it.

in reply to Lanakay

Just looked back at your messages just to see what dose of pred you are at. At 7mg I understand you can have weird symptoms as you start to kick start your adrenal gland.how are your pmr symptoms in General?

Lanakay profile image
Lanakay in reply to

My PMR symptoms are really surprisingly good right now. I’m waiting for a call back from the doctor on the lorazepam. Thank you for asking.

HeronNS profile image

I wonder why your doctor thought lorazepam would help with side effects of prednisone. Were you taking a very large dose of pred, which can cause some psychological effects? It's used to treat anxiety.

Lanakay profile image

I think because my first Dr prescribed 20mg daily of prednisone and after about a month had me quit taking it. I didn’t know any better at the time so I did. That kind of tossed me into a tailspin. After about three weeks I went to my rheumatologist and he started me back on the prednisone I got off to a rocky start.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Lanakay

Lordy - where DO these doctors learn how to use pred? Or not...

yogabonnie profile image

I took lorazepam for anxiety and had a terrible reaction to it. Much worse anxiety and depression as it wore off. I have even had it written on my chart that I am ALLERGIC to it because I know they automatically give it to very old people in the hospital... but you might have the same reaction I have. I think it's paradoxical reaction... anyway. good luck! Try some of the more natural paths perhaps... (look under my posts.. for RELAXATION.. I have put up a link to my yoga relaxations which are SO boring you will fall promptly to sleep!)

Lanakay profile image
Lanakay in reply to yogabonnie

Thank you. I’ll check it out. I’ve been to health food store. Getting ready to take charge here.

Loriel profile image

Hi Lanakay, I always thought that any med ending in pam was associated with Valium. Yes very addictive if I'm correct.

Generally given for anxiety, to calm nerves. Also generally taken before bed.

Do exactly what you said yourself. Go straight back to the doctor who prescribed it and find out from the horses mouth.

If it's what I think then you will have to be wheened off of it slowly.

Sorry you are going through this. Hope it gets better for you soon. Lori-el.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Loriel

They are benzodiazepines -



alprazolam (Xanax, Xanax XR)

clobazam (Onfi)

clonazepam (Klonopin)

clorazepate (Tranxene)

chlordiazepoxide (Librium)

estazolam (Prosom is a discontinued brand in the US)

It never ceases to amaze me how they hand this stuff out without a care in the world - and fight us tooth and nail to allow us pred!!!!!

PMRnewbie2017 profile image

I won't repeat all that others have said, but when I was working (pharmacist) I got to hear of horrendous stories from patients trying to wean themselves off benzodiazepines, but Lorazepam in particular. My personal experience now that I am a patient myself, is "they" Drs and Pharmacists don't have much of a clue when it comes to real life and the problems patients have with drugs. So, reduce the dose VERY SLOWLY. I clearly remember someone telling me that she used a sharp blade to literally shave a tiny amount from the tablet and followed what we Pred-people would call a DSNS routine. Sounds extreme but it worked for her. Sorry I can't be more specific, but if you Google "Withdrawal side effects of Lorazepam" there are some sites which will give you a lot more information about what to expect. Unfortunately some of the symptoms of withdrawal are, yes you've guessed it, the same as PMR and Pred reduction.

All the best x

jwb43 profile image

Believe me it only takes 3 to 4 days to become addicted to lorazepam. And the withdrawals are terrible. I've been through it. But it does help with the side effects of prednisone.

jwb43 profile image

CBD drops could also help with your anxiety

Lanakay profile image

I have CBD and Passion Flower from a health food store. That should help. Easter is coming. I have to feel better!

Loriel profile image

Even if it successfully help with pred use, your doctor should have equipped you with information on Loranzepam and all that comes with it.

Being informed is key to anything in life. Then and only then you weigh up the odds and make an informed decision.

Your doctor and many others need to start giving patients credit for having some common sense. You don't need a degree to make an INFORMED decision. They also need to give you time to talk to family and to research what the doctor is offering to you.

Remember taper off under doctors recommendations. This much they will know. Change doctors if need be. Lori-el

Lanakay profile image
Lanakay in reply to Loriel

I haven’t taken any for two days and feel better than I have in a long time. I must not have taken enough or taken it long enough to get withdrawals. All I know is that I feel much better!

Loriel profile image

Oh thank goodness for that. I know you said 1mg maybe twice a day, which is a low dose but if you had taken it over a long period of time your body would've missed it.

Happy you didn't have to go through the long drawn out process of withdrawal.

Keep well and remember to never let a pill pass through those lips without investigating it first. Lori-el

Lanakay profile image

Thank you. That is good advise!

Tribalmask profile image

Lanakay. I have been on ativan(lorazepam) for 15 years. I take anywhere from 0 a day to 8 mg per day.. you are not addicted to it from taking 1mg.

I also have PMR and take 7.5 to 10 mg of prednisone per day for the last 6 months. It is most likely the prednisone that is making you feel like crap. If you take more then 8 mg per day your body will stop making cortisol or cortisone. So if you skip a day you will feel terrible.

The lorazepam I take is 2mg at a time. Some days I take none and other days I take my max which is 2mg 4 times a day. Other days I only take 2mg ect.

I had a really bad week where I took 6 mg a day for a week straight. Then stopped and didn't take any for 2 days. I DID NOT EXPERIENCE ANY WITHDRAWLS. Now you could be really sensitive to it. Also lorazepam CAN be addicting but that usually happens if you abuse it by taking more then prescribe or needed. If you are worried then ask your doctor to switch you to Xanax which can be given at really low doses and is a bit weaker then Ativan(name brand for lorazepam).

Either way if you are not comfortable with the Ativan at 1 mg you can either break the pill in half or ask your doctor to prescribe a lower dose of Ativan or to switch you to Xanax low dose of 0.25 mg. Like I said I've been taking Ativan for 15 years where my max dose per day is 8 mg. I can go days without taking any then go a week on max dose then go back to none or 1 to 2mg a dqy.

If you have concerns it is always a good idea to talk with your doctor but I doubt you are addicted.

There is a difference between addicted and physically dependent. I am physically dependent to my morphine pain meds that I've been taking for over 20 years but I am not addicted.

Addiction is when you will take more then necessary and prescribed. Also means if there is a bottle sitting in the open you will take it no matter the consequences.

Physically dependent means that if I stop taking it I will get sick and go through withdrawls.

People use the word addicted and addiction improperly so often is it ridiculous. Ask your doctor the difference between addiction and physical dependence.

Hope this helps.. Lee

Lanakay profile image
Lanakay in reply to Tribalmask

Thank you for your reply. I have had an anxiety problem since menopause and have taken Xanax in the past. I never did get addicted to it. Last September I was diagnosed with PMR and was prescribed prednisone. The anxiety has really kicked up since then. Some days it is debilitating and the lorazepam really helps. I guess I should not be afraid to take it.

Tribalmask profile image
Tribalmask in reply to Lanakay

Fear is normal, so don't feel to bad. I have been disabled with spine damage and nerve damage. P.t.s.d and mild tbi for 22 years now. So I've researched every med that I've ever taken and I always try to take the least amount possible to get a result I can live with. I've learned to live with anxiety and use meditation and other skills. I use the ativan daily in the lowest dose I can deal with.. If I have a bad day i use more on good days none or very little.. All you can do is find what works for you.

Therapist and group therapy also helps. Specially dealing with trauma it helps to learn why you do the things you do and what you can do to change your reactions.

Take it day by day. Sometimes just hour by hour. Hope things get better.

Lanakay profile image
Lanakay in reply to Tribalmask

This next reply I meant forTribalmask.

Lanakay profile image

I was pretty good yesterday and accomplished quite a bit around the louse and cooked a good dinner. Then I went to work. I work part time at Chico’s, a women’s clothing store. It was so hot in there that I started feeling very light headed and sweaty. We turned the furnace down and o took off my sock and cami and took a lorazepam and began to feel better. Now this morning I woke up with a start feeling very fearful and sweaty at 4:30 am. I got up and went to the bathroom and took a lorazepam and am starting to feel better. I don’t want to feel like this and have to take a pill to function. I don’t know if tapering the prednisone is causing this or if my anxiety is just out of control. It scares me and that just makes things worse. I have plans to go with my daughters and grandchildren( they are all grown) on a weekend trip over Mother’s Day. I am afraid to go for fear of having one of theses spells and ruining the trip for everybody else. I haven’t done ver much since this damned PMR started. I never know how I’m going to feel. Yesterday evening. everything hurt and I was dealing with the anxiety. Damn this stuff. I want my life back!

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