Coming Medical procedure requires me to increase my Pred. 11mg to 20mg the day before - not to take ANY on the day - and next day to take 20mg again. Would the day after that an immediate drop back to 11mg be not the way to do it? which is not the way I have learnt from your valuable advice given by you to so many sufferers- can you advise how to proceed- I am familiar with slow method but do not wish to lose my forward reduction so hard earned so far. Advice appreciated Thank you, John
Out of my normal daily Pred. intake, to give to M... - PMRGCAuk
Out of my normal daily Pred. intake, to give to Medical Procedure, no advice as to procedure to return, advice gratefully received -
Having a large dose one day and then back to the lower dose seems to work OK. It is if you go to a higher does and stay on it for a period of time that you have problems and need to taper.
I am lost with that Hun but someone on here will be to advice x I am all new to this x
I am just on a permanent high at moment so cleaned our cupboards out at 4 in the morning and still going . How many more of you have you mind working at hundred mile an hour x it's driving me nuts x
Me too! I'm new to all of this
.. three weeks... but only last night I realised my mind seems to be on hyperdrive! Very annoying as it's constantly jumping from one thing to another and I haven't got the energy to do all the things that seem to be clammering for my attention. Really glad to know I'm not alone!
I LOVE this forum, it is invaluable to the newbie. Thank you everyone for your posts.
I am relieved now as I thought I was going around the bend x I don't like this feeling at all it's do out of control x and I am on low carb eating to control weight but I do know I have put some on as I am hungry all the time.
I am pleased to get the house cleaned up a bit as it was a mess before
And I never got anything done just seemed to move my mess about x anyway that's my rant over with today xx take care all X
AND 've been taking incessantly... perhaps sort of giving a release to all the nonsense that's in my brain... "Must post that letter later" "Do we need orange juice?" "Where are the squirrels this morning?" and on and on and on... My husband reckons I could talk underwater at the moment. (If I keep it up he might just want to test his theory - ha ha!) Merry Christmas!
Hi John
When I had my Surgery last year, l was on 7mg, l had 100mg of Hydrocortisone cover in Theatre & then again during the night.
The Surgical Registrar rang my Rheumatologist the following morning for her thoughts on any taper or increase & she put me up to 10mg a day for 2 weeks.
I did not have any issues when I went back to 7mg
So my advice is just double check with either the Doctors who recommended the change in regime or run it past your Rheumatology Team.
Good Luck 🍀

Is the procedure likely to leave you in pain the following day?
As piglette says, a single day of a lot and straight back to normal usually works OK. I'm a bit confused about why they told you to take double the day before - it may not keep you comfortable the next morning. It would work for me, the effect lasts a good 36 hours for me, but for some people it only lasts 12 hours and they wouldn't benefit next day at all.
Though I have to say - I'm surprised you are not to take ANY the day of the procedure as normally they would increase the amount if they considered it stressful. Normally they would say the normal dose the day before, possibly take some at night before you have to fast if you need an empty gut in the morning for the procedure and on the third day back to normal.
But no doubt every operator has their own predilection!
I've done it. I've gone from 10 to 40 back to 10. I will have to do this again when I have my surgery but this time I will only go back to 20 for the day. I also had to do that when I had a knee replacement but then it was a shot of Cortizone before and after. It also worked.