Can urine infections happen with use of steroids as anyone experienced this all tests done for other things but everything seems ok thanks
Infections : Can urine infections happen with use... - PMRGCAuk

There was quite a lot posted on this site re. urine infections several weeks ago, If you look to your right on this page and click on "another urinary infection" it should come up

The autoimmune part of PMR can cause cystitis - the symptoms of a UTI without there necessarily being a bacterial infection.
This is probably the thread bowler mentions:
I've had a couple in the 18 months I've been on prednisolone, but they cleared up with the usual antibiotics.
Havehad several urine infections. Unfortunately after last one was diagnosed with cancer in both ureters. This a rare cancer and don't know if there is connection.
Had my surgery Nov. Did major reconstruction of both ureters. Prognosis is positive. Should know more at end of Dec. Didn't mean to scare just make you aware.
I really appreciate your input on this forum - You have provided me with so much information that I wouldn't have been able to get elsewhere. My doctor is South African and diagnosed me right away with PMR and I've told him about this forum. He feels the more info the better. Thank you again for being there for all of us.