I feel such an idiot. I am usually so careful with tablets. Well this morning I took my usual 125mg Thyroxine at about 9am. I have now taken another 175mg Thyroxine instead of 7.5mg Pred. So a total of 300mg Thyroxine and NO Pred. Panicking!!!
HELP: I feel such an idiot. I am usually so... - PMRGCAuk

Assuming you are in the UK - suggest you try ,telephone - 111
but sit down and relax first, take care ,John

Yes in UK. Thanks for reply. 'Phoned doctors surgery - doctor advised taking BP meds (which I usually take after lunch) as this will, to some extent, counteract thyroxine. Makes one wonder why we are taking two medications which counteract each other?? Anyway I will be more careful in future. Thanks again.
I would take your pred as normal and phone your GP for advice. It may be that the double dose of thyroxine will make you feel panicky and your heart beat faster so look out for palpitations etc.

Thanks for reply. The receptionist at the surgery has just got back to me after speaking to the doctor. He said to take my Atenolol (BP meds). If I feel unwell to go the surgery. If I feel really unwell to go to local A & E. He said there shouldn't be a problem but might make the heart race (as you said).
Thanks again

Keyes got there first!
However - I will add: get yourself a dosette box and set out your tablets either at night for the next day or one that does the whole week and set it up on Sunday. Do it when you are alone and not being distracted by anything- and then you know whether you have taken what and when. Take each original tablet pack out one at a time and put them away on the other side so you don't get them mixed up (why is EVERYTHING a small white round tablet!).
Mine is a daily one as I have 2 tablets that are in an enormous foil blisterpack and must not be opened in advance so a weekly one just isn't big enough. But you are sure what you have had then and don't take a double dose.
Thanks - yes why are these all little white tablets. A lot of people taking Pred also take thyroxine. The 100mg thyroxine I have at present are exactly the same size as 5mg Pred and the 25mg thyroxine are exactly the same size as the 1mg Pred and they both have a 'C' imprinted on them.
I am going to keep them well away from each other in future - thanks again.
I have done exactly the same
I keep Thyroxin upstairs with a bottle of water and take them when I wake up in the night.
Preds downstairs and take when I have breakfast about 6 .00am this way I don't get confused .
oh you could be me. I keep levothyroxine by my bed (take when alarm goes 75mg) then wait 30 mins and get up and go downstairs to take 11 mg pred. I actually pop the pills out into a pill bottle so I don't get them mixed up. Good luck.
I also take the Thyroxine at night just before going to bed. I read somewhere that there is some evidence that it is better to take it in the evening- and then they don't get confused either!
I LIVE IN SOUTHWALES SO IT MAY BE DIFFERENT FOR YOU but my chemist issues my tablets in a 7 day pre-made up pack. you just open the appropriate window at the appropriate time and day to get your tablets. FOOL PROOF............... and they also deliver.