I have had prm/gca since 2012 and now I seem to get a lot of uti problems that do not seem to clear up as quickly and at the same time I get flare up's with the prm anyone else have this problem
UTi/PRM: I have had prm/gca since 2012 and now I... - PMRGCAuk

I have GCA/PMR and often have UTI's I have stage 3 kidney disease which doesn't help, I also have vaginal hyperplasia [ common in us older women I'm 71 ] and was told this was part of my problem. If you are having frequent UTIs then perhaps your Dr. should refer you, especially if they are not responding to treatment, I also get a flare of GCA with a UTI which was just recently.
I am experiencing frequent UTI since being on prednisone
My primary care md told me prednisone thins skin/tissues making bacteria easier to enter ureatha creating the frequent UTI's
I am being referred to a urologist gynecological MD
Hi SherriAnnie and marlenea yes the pred does thin the skin and probably the cause of my hyperplasia [ I have been on Pred for 16 years ]
which is also the thinning of the skin, and like you say easier for the bacteria to enter the ureatha, it was so bad at one time I bled a lot, and they thought it was my bladder, I had investigations for that but the bladder was ok.
I was given Vasifem for the hyperplasia and I didn't get a UTI for a year unfortunately Vasifem gives me bad headaches, [ not good for GCA ! ] so I dont use it as often as I should,
I was also seen by a gynecologist who diagnosed fibroids and a thickening of the uterus, I was given treatment for that,
I have never been referred re my stage 3 kidney disease and was told I wouldn't till I got to stage 4.

Irritable bladder is often found in PMR - it isn't always UTIs being caused by bacterial infections so you should be having urine cultures sent away. However, sometimes the bladder doesn't empty fully and that can lead to infections. PMR affects muscles - the bladder is a muscle.
I have had PMR for 20 months and have had one UTI, I felt I wasn't drinking enough water so have increased water intake and had no problem since. I think they are the most awful infection to get.