Hi, my name is Ange and I've recently been diagnosed with polymyalgia 😢
Mrs: Hi, my name is Ange and I've recently been... - PMRGCAuk

How are you feeling?
Ange, I am so sorry you have PMR but I am sure you will feel better now you have been diagnosed and given steroids though.

Angex, see my reply to your earlier post.x
Welcome to the club! This forum provides so much information that helps you learn and manage the condition. It will feel better once the steroids kick in. Good luck
Hi Angie
Please listen to advice given on site I was only diagnosed 6 weeks ago so have been on preds 15 for 6 weeks .I am unable to work at present due to side effects of Preds I am unable to think of my own name sometimes and feel unsafe most days to go out on my own. listen to your body as if you overdo it you will suffer the next day so plenty of rest and don't feel guilty about things you are unable to do.
I thought I was going crazy to start with but through the site understand why I feel like I do things will improve but be kind to your self .
Best Wishes
Thank you Rose
It's just so hard not to try and do the "normal" stuff I usually do everyday. I'm going to try and take it easy over the weekend and hopefully will see a marked improvement on Monday.
I know
I am on my 12th week of sickness from work and have days when I feel normal and able to do anything. but if I do to much then end up with two days unable to do anything much at all .
Even on a good day I do a little then rest I try to get out for a walk each day but not to far .I don't drive but live on a good bus route so try to walk into town but even then sometimes I am slower than others and my head is in such a state I don't always feel safe going out. I am always breathless and cant walk in a straight line to save my life .I am sure people must think I am hung-over
I am lucky and have a very good supportive family network who keep my sense of humour going and try to remain positive .
I have started today to lower Preds but found out this morning that I forgot to take then yesterday don't know how but I took 300mg Thyroxin instead, although I woke up this morning with aches and pains I do have lots of energy today.
When I phoned A&E this morning
Stupid Doctor asked me why did I do it. I explained that it was not on purpose but a mistake.
Take Care
Sorry about your diagnosis Ange. I am a suffer as well, diagnosed in May of this year. Besides this site, you can find a wealth of information on the Facebook page, Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Very helpful and supportive as is this.
Listen to everyone who tells you to take it easy. I didn't even know that pred wasn't a cure, just a symptom controller, so I did do everything - including all the stuff I hadn't been able to do for months owing to the PMR. Once I understood better all the mechanisms involved in the treatment, I was able to change my behaviour, and now I make sure to get my gentle load bearing exercise (walking), and no longer beat myself up for being "lazy." You have a serious, life-changing disease and you owe it to yourself to be kind to yourself.
Welcome to this site. I hope you pick up lots of tips and help and feel supported.