Can anyone recommend something to help with loss of hair from the large doses of prednisone. I am taking 1200 mg of Biotin which I think helps, just wondering if anyone over there knows of anything else, foods? Topical stuff, shampoo or anything?
Hair loss: Can anyone recommend something to help... - PMRGCAuk
Hair loss

I think the usual things like not having too long a hair cut and using gentle shampoo may help as well as not colouring or perming. A good hairdresser is a must. But don't worry too much - it will return to normal as the dose falls - mine was horrible and frizzy for a while and didn't seem to grow at all. It is now back to normal, long and shiny and curly rather than frizzy. I know how you must be feeling though - the only thing I have a "thing" about is my hair! Not a make-up. shoes or clothes girl at all - but if my hair is bad, I feel bad!
Yes my hair was terrible and for aa woman that makes you feel awful. It was falling out and frizzy. I found a good shampoo helped...expensive but so worth it. Now I am on one milligram the volume has come back and waiting for regrowth on the baldy patches. My hairdresser exclaimed how much better it is. I had it cut very very short while it was in a bad way, but now on a lengthening programme...I look more like myself again. Don't worry. Just concentrate on getting those Preds down very very slowly. All the best....
Yes, one of the more upsetting things about this horrible PMR/GCA business. I look at the bottom of the shower and despair sometimes. I always has very thick hair, now you can see my scalp through it. My eyelashes have gone too, though that I think is more to do with the sore eyes which are due to the bispropolol I take too! Ah well, I'm just hoping for better things as the dose drops!
It's my husband who despairs at the shower getting bunged up - I can't clear it out as I can't kneel to get at it and sitting on a low stool and leaning forwards is a PMR no-no! By the way, I also rarely wash my hair. After a hairdresser visit I can go 3 weeks - but I do live up a mountain with a lot of very clean air and (usually) not a lot of wind.
The sore eyes may not be the bisoprolol - it could be part of the autoimmune part of PMR, mine was. Perversely, it's actually improved since being on bisoprolol! I also now have long and VERY thick upper lashes, the lower ones are not perfect but so much better.
It does get better!!!!
I think it helps not to wash the hair too often. I used to do it every few days. Now, I only do it once a week. I use a shampoo with caffeine, and a cold using conditioner. Argan oil nourishes well and controls the frizz. Jora
My daughter marched me out and we bought a wig. It was fun ...they are not that expensive and it did the trick . When my hair grew back came in curly for the first time in my life.
My hair is just awful, I have tried everything including argan oil. Of course it may be even worse if I stopped trying everything that might improve my hair.