Have been feeling quite well for a few weeks since following advice on here to stick on the dose I last felt ok on - 3mg per day. I had tried to get lower but started to get some arm and shoulder pain again ( no where near the original pains though).
At my last visit to Dr she said I had become "pain aware"! Yes I know I am, same as other PMR sufferers I think.
My question is - is it common for PMR pains to move about? 2 weeks ago I was waking to under arm pain in my right side which went after I had been up and about for a few hours each day; the last 2 weeks I have woken with a stiff neck - again on the right side and easing after being up for a few hours. Apart from these niggles lots of energy when I get going - still have a slow start to the day.
Don't want to go to Dr at the moment as soon we will be going abroad for a month and I don't want to invalidate or complicate my holiday insurance if she sends me for tests or further examinations! Apparently they expect you to inform them of anything going on which is new...... I expect so they can avoid paying out in the event of problems developing.