My face has enlarged,presume due to large dose of... - PMRGCAuk


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My face has enlarged,presume due to large dose of steroids-started at 6omg daily!will weight drop when stop tabs?Anyone else in same boat?

20 Replies
20 Replies
polkadotcom profile image

Hello seashells, don't think we've met before, so welcome.

Yes, I think we've all been there at one time or another. The side-effects of the steroid will disappear as the dose reduces. 'Moon face' is one of the more usual side effects and is listed on the information sheet in the pack.

As you are on a high dose, you may find other side effects become apparent but they will also disappear as the dose reduces. Have you been diagnosed with GCA?

in reply to polkadotcom

Thanks for your reply and support.I am going through my second attack of PMR with temporal arteritis,

Dovelady profile image

Hi Seashells, my face started to bloat last week after about six weeks on Pred. But at least my wrinkles look fewer. Down from 60 mg to 25 now, was on 20 but the headaches got worse and as I have also got GCA dose put up to be reduced more slowly now. I am quite new to this but I think the moon face is the least of the side effects to worry about, at least they say once the dosage is down then the face goes too. This forum is great, it would seem no question goes unanswered and someone has always been there before to help out and reassure.

in reply to Dovelady

Thank you for replying.It does help to know you are not on your own!

Bethy profile image

Morning Seashells, When I was on steroids I also had the moonface, or Miss Piggy face, as I called it. My weight gain was also quite dramatic as I put on 3 and a half stone. I can say that since being off of steroids, just over 2 years now, I have lost two stone of the weight with a bit more to go. The weight does come off, and once you get down to a lower dose of steroids you will also lose the moonface. In the meantime, and sadly steroids are the only thing to take until this illness gets under control. Take care and I can promise you that things will improve. Good luck and have a good day.

in reply to Bethy

Thank you so much for your reply and good wishes.

trish29 profile image

Hi seashells. trish29 just thought I'd say that the moonface is one part of the PMR that I hate but I do face exercises quite frequently during the day .They are A. Ooh Aah!!moving my mouth with the sound. And I also massage the tops of my cheeks with or without cream. When I mentioned this to somebody the other day ,they said that the moon face made me look younger ,which gave me a laugh .But I do think it helps so anything is worth a try and I hope its made you laugh because starting on high doses of steroid isn't any fun. All the best and I hope things improve for you. Trish 29

in reply to trish29

Like the sound of the exercises,as long as I am on my own!!!!!!!

Thanks for your kind words.

Annodomini profile image

I gained a lot of weight in two years but recently, on a considerably reduced dose of pred, I realised that I'd lost half a stone without really trying, so now I have put myself on the 5:2 diet and so far lost another stone. I do notice the difference in my face, although I never thought it had got specially fat. However, looking at a picture of myself last summer I know I was deluded. The fat face made my mouth look smaller and that is improving too. So good luck, seashells. There is hope for all of us.

in reply to Annodomini

It has been such a boost to know the lovely people "out there".You are all so kind and encouraging,thanks.

grace1 profile image

Hi seashell, I went from 16, to a size 24 , 26 was on 40mlg every time I came down to 15 , or 10 I had a relaspe 5he fluid goes on your face legs and stomach, ilost some weight went down to asize 20 but took another relaspe back up to 40mlg amonth ago and the fluid is back again. My dr said if you get down to between 10 , 5mlg it all comes of very guickly at the minute you would think I was 9months pregnant I really hate it but you just have to grin and bare it. Hope your not to long on the high dose.

in reply to grace1

Thanks for your reply.I never realised how common this all is.

mrsbeeching profile image

Hi seashells

From past experience am happy to say the "moonface " does go away.

Am only on 15mgs of Preds a day this time, started 3rd May and I can see and feel cheeks enlarging. This is for PMR, very recently diagnosed.

Last winter was on 40mgs a day for 4 weeks then tapering down, finishing early Feb, By end of April my cheeks were down and I was gettig the wrinkles back ! This time the Preds had been for Ulcerative Colitis. Over Christmas my face had been well rounded and people said how well I looked. The UC had dragged my weight down to 6st 9lb and I had been quite gaunt looking. I didnt feel too good but the grandchildren liked the rounded look.

Did find when on the 40mgs a day i had a lot of fluid retention in legs, Put on 8lb in a week but knew it was the legs . Reduced salt intake and lost several pounds. Legs felt very uncomfortable but on less salt (love that sea salt) this was relieved quite a bit.

Last summer was on similar dose of Preds for the first time for UC and had very little side effects.

Second time and now third time have the enlarged face , uncomfortable legs and a very solid feeling tummy, It is getting rounder too. Was surprised this time as on a much lower dose than before.

My weight is up, 7st 7lb but am on other meds to prevent a flare up of UC. So I cant really comment on weight loss in other circumstances. Had lost the tight uncomfortable tummy though which made me look a good 5 months pregnant.

Because of UC and Gastritis my appetite is not good but have to say I think about food a lot more on Preds.....Also on the higher dose sleep was not easy (i didnt have PMR then ) and found myself cleaning light fittings at 4.30 in the morning :-). Would like to feel well enough now to clean lights at anytime, but give it time and I'm am hopefull all will be well again.

Despite side effects was ok about going on Preds again as they did a brilliant job with the UC and am hoping for the same result with PMR . Wishing you well very soon seashells.

in reply to mrsbeeching

So sorry to hear of all your health probs.puts things into perspective,there are always so many people worse than oneself.It still doesn't stop one feeling down does it ?!!Wish you well also.

asthana profile image

yeah,the face gets enlarged as also, the skin thins and becomes prone to injury more easily.

also diabetes type 2 develops and it is quite a job controlling sugar.

i am suffering from temporal arteritis for the last 2 years and have had at least 3/4 flareups/recurrences.

each time i had to go back to 60 mg.

in reply to asthana

Thanks for your reply,it so helps.Wish you well.

mrsbeeching profile image

Hi seashells

I do try to be bright as it is not cancer and for now I dont have the arterial version so there is a lot of thankfullness in that. Whilst investigating by CT my intial weight loss they did find a contained cancer in half my thyroid. Had half the gland removed and no further treatment required so i do count my blessings.

By the way just incase you think mrsbeeching is odd - I am on a cat (rescue) forum and they called it "The Branch Line" so I decided mrsbeeching to be a good one and adopted it. Cat lady and Madcatlady was already taken on there and here !

Wishing you well...

in reply to mrsbeeching

Congrats.on your good outcome.We do have to be thankful for a lot of things.

Narducci profile image

Thank goodness, when reducing doses of prednisolone, the side effects lessen.

I had the classic 'moon' face and was very self conscious about how I looked.

When you put weight on, people sometimes just jump to the conclusion that you are

over eating and the last thing they would think if is that it is a side effect of medication!

We should make more people aware of PMR and GCA.........and how it is treated... Maybe then we would not feel so depressed as to how we look.

Unfortunately, taking steroids does thin your skin making you prone to bruising easily,

As well as making us gain weight.

A necessary evil though as steroid treatment is the only way to get these conditions under control.

All the best.

in reply to Narducci

Thanks,Narducci for your reply.How long have you been a "member" of this club?Are you on the road to recovery? Hope so.Best wishes.

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