Hi PKDians ,
It's a poem I wrote after pkd
Struggles trains us to learn and survive
And bring life into different vibe
Perils and problems are not on prescribe
But it builds you strong to describe
Life may not match as thoughts arrive
But it gives you every chance to revive
It will take strange turns as u drive
But be brave and take everything in ur strive
Live in hope and pause to think and thrive
Let not ego And arrogance leave you deprive
It's good and graceful to take a moment to shrive
Take heart as it won't let your life to rive
Learn from everything and don't b naive
Don't let any negatives force u to dive
Just count your blessing and love ur hive
b happy and celebrate for staying alive.
. .. it's ok attitude...simplified life style ...medicines and check ups on time ...few people like you guys to share ...that's it