Anyone suffer from right side chest pain wh... - PBC Foundation

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Anyone suffer from right side chest pain which radiates to neck, shoulder and even sometimes arm and wrist?

Kaywal profile image
8 Replies
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Kaywal profile image
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8 Replies
TracyLou profile image

Hi Kaywal

The pain in not from my chest, but I before I was diagnose I had shoulder and arm pain on my right side for 3 years, which the gp thought is was mechanical. When I was prescribed steroids I felt immediate relief. The hospital said it was referred pain from the liver, because it was inflamed.

Although saying that, last year I suffered from neck and shoulder pain and was referred to physiotherapy. After several weeks, it went away.

Just recently the neck and shoulder pain has come back and I have been doing the exercises that were given to me last year, but I'm still suffering, I guess it won't be long before I go back to see the physiotherapist.

I have just recently started to have muscle pain in the neck and trapezoid area on the left side. I also have pain mid-way between my elbow and shoulder on the outer side of the right arm. That being said, my results from blood work and ultra-sound show a marked improvement. All my organs look good and all they see is a mild fatty liver. Are these tender areas mechanical or related to the PBC; It is hard to say. I have not suffered any recent injuries, I even tried a new pillow. This is may be just another of the mystery manifestations associated with PBC or just plain aging. I hope you stay stress free and remember breathe into the areas that are causing you discomfit. Those two things are the best medicine for me. Have a wonderful day, Judi

Lisacj profile image

I have had wrist pain for some time, now have terrible shoulder pain for two weeks feel like both have dislocatedt them particually the left , cant raise it to brush my hair for example,. I have Rheumatiod arthritis so keep thinking its that, but I know its not as it feels quiet different..I do get jaw pain when my hiatus hernia plays up> perhaps get that checked,

PBC is such a mix match of horrid symptoms, would be good to one day, up date the list so we all know we are not hypercondriacs or mad?? thats what my family think>>> Oh here she goes again!! Good luck to us all xx

roseter profile image

I have been suffering with shoulder and neck pain since August. It has now become quite debilitating. I had some physiotherapy (2 sessions) which helped the shoulder but didn't touch the neck. I also had an x-ray on my neck, it only showed normal wear and tear. I can only sleep for 40 mins without waking and then I have to move to relieve the pain. I'm back to the docs on Monday. There has to be something to help!!?

I have PBC, but also a host of other auto-immune conditions. Lupus, amongst others causes pain at times of a flare. So can MCTD.

Less general pain can be caused by pleurisy or pulmonary embolisms.

If you are not already in the care of a specialist maybe its worth suggesting this to your GP.

phucthis profile image

I r/t# 43rd n

phucthis profile image

I haved ed44 pain lu p ke

phucthis profile image

I have right side pain from my neck all the way down to where my kidneys are seems like a pinching sharp pain and I think it might have been you but I have an irregular heartbeat very high blood pressure

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