The ESA currently owe me up to 60 weeks back dated pay to date. yet despite of this, they still seem to be dragging their feet with this issue which I am finding quite annoying.
After winning my ESA tribunal I am wonderin... - PBC Foundation
After winning my ESA tribunal I am wondering when I can expect to receive the backdated money that I am owed. I have waited 4 weeks upto now

Hi I also won my case 6 weeks ago and have had nothing, but I got a letter yesterday saying that I have to go to an work related interview so nott sure if they sort things after that. They also owe me 30 weeks back pay. The latter I got asking me to go to yhe interview said that they can stop the benefits if you don't attend. Its next monday. Im sure it will come through eventually we just have to be patient x
Hope you don't mind me asking you both have you been placed in the work related group or the support group,it sounds to me you are in the work related one if you have got to go for an interview.In the support group you don't need to attend any interview's just wondered if they had changed it now and you needed to go to them ,what case was it you won 6 weeks ago elaine1lon if you don't mind me asking
Thankyou Take Care x
im still waiting , i won and was put in support group.. its been 4 weeks also
Have any of you phoned to find out? I did and they were really helpful
I also suggest that you phone them.
Hi yer everyone, this is DTEES. Before I go any further I would like to thank everyone who took the trouble to reply to one of my many concerns. Many thanks to all of you. I have repeatedly phoned the benefits over the last two weeks and they always tell me that this back dating process can take up to eight weeks and I must call them if I have not heard anything by 06/05/13 I must inform them so that they may make the necessary enquiries and chase things up.( too right I will)
This does not really help at all. I have also been told that I am to be placed in a support group, but once again I have heard nothing since winning my case. Over the last fourteen months I have been kicked off incapacity benefit and placed on the wonderful lower rate offered by ESA, I have applied and waited twelve months to attend and conduct my case at the appeal hearing, The had to wait approx one week later to find out if my appeal was successful. Now I find myself having to chase what was rightfully mine in the first place. Can anyone or will anyone please tell me that this is just a nightmare and I can expect to wake up anytime now. if not, I am open to suggestions. Please Help ASAP. I would prefer that only those with encouraging news need reply, but dont let that stop you. Many thanks. Dees
Not sure whether it is encouraging or not but if they say it is taking that amount of time then all you can do is wait.
sounds as though a lot of others are in the same boat and with benefits changing due to the goverment its bound to delay things.
hope you hear from them soon.
just think Dees what you are going to spend thee money on when it does finally get paid to you, as it has been over a year it is going to be a substantial amount, i receive ESA so have a good idea to the amount you will get Make a wish list of things you really would like, and then when you've received your money treat yourself to something off of that list, it's the least you deserve.
Take care, Lynne xx
I'm owed more than you..I stopped attending the job centre & they owe me 68 weeks at my incapacity rate.
Hi yer cooookkkie.I recieved your letter which led me to push for furthur info regarding my case. I am now approaching week 6 since winning my appeal, and have very recentley been told by a proffessional representitive organisation that I should have not only received my back dated cash but also received confirmation of support group help with advice They have suggessted that I should get back in touch with the ESA and politley ask to speak to someone of higher authority if my first response is unsattisfactory. This will be done today but I intend to phone the ESA tribunal courts office and seek some advice from them because Im sure they first said that I should give them at least four weeks before initial contact. Hope your ESA circumstances have made some progress. I will let you know how I get on
How did you get on?
I have been waiting for 6 weeks today for my back pay....Firstly the ESA said it would be paid to me in 4 weeks, then it moved to 6 weeks which is the maxium time to wait. April 2013 it all changed, they can pay you back all the arrears when they get around to it...what a joke....I have been onto the phone asking why did they orginally say 4 weeks and 6 weeks...No comment, all i can is appologies, thats what they say to me...I'm now wating for a call from their supervisor.....
i am hoping your is sorted now! i have just won my appeal with out having to go to a tribunal as my support worker put in a very snotty letter about the ATOS not being medically trained to determine someones mental heath in 15mins! i am hoping it will go though quickly but reading this i am not expecting it to! will i still be paid the assessment rate until it is backdated ?
i won my esa appeal 4 weeks ago too, after my partner ringing them she was told it takes 6 to 8 weeks before its paid out, also he let a slip and said i was under investigation, my partner has been followed 3 mornings when she took my son to school, after following her there when she turned into our road they drove off, same car different people each time. these people ob didnt like me winning the appeal and would do anything to stop me getting my money and the 2 n half grand thats owed to me so far, im sure if i lost it my money would have been stopped right away im sure of that, but now i won it its like getting blood out a stone. also advice to anyone if you got backpay to come dont spread round what you are going to do with it, you never know who is watching on this site or any other, the money is suppose to be for your illness / dissability not to booze up / party etc etc, when my bro in law was called in for an interview they was watching and reading his facebook account, and wanted to know how he can walk his dogs when he is dissabled and virtually unabled to walk, so yes they check your facebook and possibly this site too, and many people give advice are x dwp employees, so beware.
Hi I wonmy appeal I rang tribunsl and they told me they send a letter and email to dwp on same day they send yours out you have to keep on to them or they will make u wait 6-8 weeks else I going jobcentre to get my facrd over so they move faster ring up n make appointmemt hope this helps
My second appeal is at the end of this month. Im petrified as I cannot go on any longer. they also owe me 60 weeks back pay. Ive sent them up to date MRI having multilevel cervical and also multilevel lumbar stenosis. Up to date copies of drugs that I am currently taking also anti depressants due to the DWP. I have also asked for the medical qualification and expertise of the decision maker as I believe they are not trained in anything but to make life harder for people like me.
Hi. I've got my tribunal on friday. I was just wondering IF I win when does it get back dated from? My esa stopped in October, I was put on job seekers and not long since been put back on the lower rate of esa.
To all who ask about backpayed money owed to them i won mine last week and i rung up yesterday and have been told theres a backlog but can take 6/8 weeks then ive just checked my online banking and what you know all my backpay is there so for me it was a week but they did say any time from now but can take up to 6/8 weeks so each case is different
Sorry, Folks,
The 6-to-8 weeks is another lie !
After being, repeatedly, told my arrears and higher-rate payments would be processed in 6-8 weeks, the 8 weeks were up on Monday.
Phoned Monday and Wednesday. Was asked to give them until Thursday. (That's now 8 weeks + 4 days!)
Phoned today (Friday), and was told by both the normal adviser and his supervisor, "There is no time limit on the payment of arrears, you just have to wait".
She completely refused to give any ballpark figure on current waiting timer, as well as refusing to contact my ESA centre.
I'm afraid that the "6-8 weeks" story is just the DWP's way of fobbing you off. As long as they continue paying you at the (emergency) "Appeal Rate", you've no rights whatsoever
I've just written to Michael Gove, my M.P.
Good-luck, when dealing with this lot, we're going to need it.