Does anyone know if this is bad please? I’m new to this forum.
Serum Alkaline phosphate is 155. - PBC Foundation
Serum Alkaline phosphate is 155.

If you look at your blood test results it will show the laboratory range, the last blood test I had showed the range as 30-130.
I usually float around the 130 to 160 but have been as high as 197 with no ill effects and as low as 116. I believe that if your ALP has reduced since original diagnosis it will show you have responded to URSOdeoxycholic Acid which is good.
If you are new to the forum are you also new to PBC?
If you are new to PBC I can highly recommend the PBC Foundation whose web site is full of useful information and they are a very supportive group of people. The web site is free to subscribe. They also have a helpline if you have concerns.
Thankyou for replying. I have t been diagnosed with anything except my diabetes which I am on an nhs diet for and have lost 2 stones so far, my cholesterol was high at the beginning of the year so they put me onto tablets, before I was taking these tablets for my cholesterol my blood results were fine and the Serum Alkaline phosphate was 127 and now it’s 155, I was wondering could it be the cholesterol tablets that have made it high.
The other marker on a blood test for PBC is the Anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA). Your raised ALP may just have been an anomaly. Your doctor, I assume, had requested a full blood count and as blood test results are best looked at as an overall guide you might like to arrange a consultation to discuss the overall picture.