Schisandra: Hi all, Just been told about a... - PBC Foundation

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6 Replies

Hi all,

Just been told about a Chinese remedy schisandra which is suppose to be good for liver, has anyone tried it ?

Angela xx

6 Replies

I had not heard of this particular item but do think there may sometimes be some merit in certain preparations not currently used by regular doctors.

In saying that, it doesnt mean that every item will work or even work for most people and/or come without any side effects. Its quite important to attempt to gain an understanding as to what has led to the liver issue in order to attempt to correct it.

Otherwise you are in danger of just attempting to provide symptom relief, just as mainstream medicine seems to. In order for a longterm fix, if it is possible, you have to tackle the root cause and make any necessary changes.

kizzy40 profile image

Just had a look hadn't heard of it before but it really looks interesting, trying to go down the natural road as much as poss take milk thistle and I feel that is really helping LFTs have come down whilst taking it but if I stop I feel pretty rubbish. Will have a good read up thanks angel :)

in reply to kizzy40

Milk thistle is deemed a bit of a liver cleanser.

I am in the UK (not sure where you live) and I did experiment myself with milk thistle on/off for a while. Not had any for 12mths+ now and don't intend to take.

Originally when I bought some milk thistle they were of a good mg strength and the year before last when I gave a go after 2 repeat bloods that showed a slight climb each time I reckoned I'd see what happened. I did get a better result but wasn't wholly convinced myself about taking it alongside urso.

I had noticed that certain times in the year when I have the bloods there is a slight rise and then I get a good dip in the right direction to normal. Hence I continued on another occasion just to see. I didn't find milk thistle made much of a difference for me.

Before I gave up buying I did notice that here in the UK due to new legislation regarding herbal products - they now have to have a licence for most - the mgs had altered and they were being sold as a simple short-term liver cleanser following any indulgence one had undertaken (ie drink and eating). For me at my next repeat bloods they made absolutely no difference and I quit. I personally think one would have to take a very good dose of milk thistle for it to be of any real benefit but saying that if soemone out t here is getting good results using it and they feel better.....

I know personally I'd be cautious in taking anything with PBC now. I feel that a lot of the time it isn't the actual main ingredient in a product but it can be any additionals that can also make for it to be treat with caution.

Medications that are ingested are usually treat by the liver as a toxin despite them being to help our body but I do think with PBC now it might perhaps pay to regard certain things with a good deal of caution.

There can also be other unwanted side-effects by taking herbal products. There are some out there that are deemed pretty much safe but there is also a lot that there hasn't been enough experience of.

I do not recommend any 'alternative' remedies.

But if you do decide to take anything, it is essential that you tell your doctor/consultant; don't try to keep it secret. Some such remedies can be positively harmful, especially in combination with proper drugs, so don't be shy, be honest.

donna01 profile image

I know this sounds crazy, but I am all ears when it comes to natural treatments versus prescription drugs. Someone recently suggested that I try CBD oil and here is why: Apparently, the use of it orally, will repair our T-cells that are attacking our immune system. Many claim Medical Marijuana is supposed to even cure cancer. I am not too sure about this as of yet and have been trying to find studies on this, if any. Any thoughts? I'm definitely interested if this truly does work. If this oil supposedly cures people with cancer, their T-cells too are damaged, so why wouldn't it help us?

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