what is pareital cell antibody - Pernicious Anaemi...
what is pareital cell antibody
Hi gizzi. Parietal cells are in the mucous membrane in the stomach and they secrete hyrdrochloric acid. Parietal cells also produce Intrinsic Factor. Auto antibodies against Parietal Cells and/or Intrinsic Factor therefore cause a reduction in B12 absorption.
Does it mean that when you have perniciouse anemia your intrinsic factor doesn't work so that's why you have the B12 injections and the B12 is stored in your liver and used in place of your intrinsic factor.
No -the injections are a way of bypassing the need to use Intrinsic factor. Injections of B12 go straight into you blood stream. Whereas the normal route is through the use of intrinsic factor to help you absorb b12 from your food. The other way to by pass if your intrinsic factor is low is to take sub-lingual (goes under your tongue) B12. This is what I do and I have felt much better but it took several weeks before i felt an improvement.
Oh I don't know about that Tina. I thought the injections were more effective then the sublingual? Sorry to hear they are not helping. how often is your GP giving you injections?