Looking through my old GP test results I came across a few anti body tests which I had done about the same time they were investigating hemochromatosis. The test was negative. Does this mean it will always be negative. As in is the anti body something you’re born with or can it develop? Could I be positive now for instance? I am still awaiting another test result for anti parietal cell antibody which my GP did last week.
I’ve just discovered that I was teste... - Pernicious Anaemi...
I’ve just discovered that I was tested for anti parietal cell antibody in 2021. Are you born with the antibodies?

Definitely can change like any antibody test. As come and go.
Or you can develop an autoimmune disease at any time .
Mine was negative too.
I've definitely an absorbtion problem though as first ever B12 serum result was
106pg/L ( 200-900)
And eat everything.
No test for this is robust since the shilling test not used anymore.
Alot still unknown about reasons for absorbtion problems and the process as so complex and very little research .
Hemochromatosis is genetic and will be present from birth, my brother and sister have it, I don't but have AIG/PA. The test for hemochromatosis is a DNA test, where this disease is an antibody test. Like Nackpan mentioned it can strike at any time. Pernicious anaemia can happen from a very young age, there is suggestion it can be hereditary, but they have yet to single out any one gene patten which causes it.
My untested and unscientifically backed up theory is that like celiac disease which is similar in nature in that there are antibodies present which attack part of the digestive system that there is possibly a specific DNA profile in unison with unknown external factors such as eating kale that switches on the immune response and create the antibodies, just as what happens when celiac's eat gluten. Also like celiac disease you need to eat a fair amount of kale before any antibodies show up which could explain that AIG antibodies are not always present.
BTW, I am certain that kale is not the issue because I hate kale, but would love to be directed to never eat kale again to resolve this disease. Imagine if it was coffee or chocolate, that would make me cry!
If Kale causes PA, I am certain to develop it soon because I eat heaps of the stuff. Coffee and chocolate too!
My husband does too as grows loads of different varieties of Kale .Also has one autoimmune disease type 1 diabetes .
As scared by my illness had his B12 tested.
All good.
And a low total cholesterol
3 generations of mg family need B12 injections. 3 of us injections . My sister vegetarian healthy for 40 yesrs post menopause absorbtion must've slowed .
High dose B12 tablets sorted her out and now never missed .
All different presentations.
Different diets.
Different ages .
The only link i can find is hormonal changes .
After an oopherectomy
Start of menstruation
Post menopausal
I agree an Interesting thought about switching on the immune response creating the anti bodies 🤔
Bodies under stress .
Over exercised also perhaos too
Raven_Cat .