.Hi, I have been reading the results of research from a link on another website stating that supplementation of 30mg folic acid daily can reverse precancerous conditions such as Metaplasia. Has anyone else read similar results from research. Thanks
Reversing Intestinal Metaplasia. - Pernicious Anaemi...
Reversing Intestinal Metaplasia.

I have been prescribed folic acid for a number of years yet my inflammation markers are still exceptionally high ! ..........
Hi Helliborous,
Yes, I have read that Folic Acid may reverse GIM. however the data is sparse. It is known that Chronic Atrophic Gastritis can be healed but the residual intestinal metaplasia of pre-cancerous lesions "progression" can be stopped but not reversed. I've read nothing where GIM it is healed entirely.
This healing occurs typically after the primary inflammatory irritants are remove which typically are H-Pylori (~98 % of Gastritis cases), alcohol, tobacco, high salt foods. If you have H-pylori non-autoimmune Gastritis then maybe eliminate all of these. Having Autoimmune Gastritis (~1.5 % of Gastritis cases) is another story as one major inflammatory irritant cannot be removed and that's Parietal Cell Antibodies (not yet anyway). Personally, I take Folic Acid, I have also removed any irritant I can find, although I've never used tobacco or alcohol. I've also eliminated the three most highly inflammatory foods; gluten, dairy, and sugar, from my diet and I take marshmallow-root supplement which is healing to the gut mucosa. I do all this knowing that the autoimmune condition is still there but with the hope that I can "tame" or "dampen" the inflammation somewhat.
Just a note that it is known that low-grade dysplasia can be reversed but high-grade dysplasia cannot. Dysplasia is the next step in progression from intestinal metaplasia.
Not sure if that helps at all.
Best wishes, Rexz
I love marshmallows. 😋
Maybe Rexz isn't referering to the lovely soft pink and white one's. 😂
I found Symprove to be helpful but its not cheap, I also introduced a little cider apple vinigar with mother taken in a little water.
That is a vast amount of folic. I would have thought the last thing you need to help with anything that might be cancerous is very high dose folic. Moderate amounts of folate, perhaps, or moderate folic if you are sure that you are fully metabolising it and not going to end up with excess unmetabolised folic increasing risk. Sounds like an untargeted sledgehammer to crack a nut. Best wishes
There is noise about folic acid causing cancer that comes from the US. Thats because some of their fundamentalists believe that God disapproves of food supplements. This noise has no scientific basis nor is it followed up with any reliable research. NICE even lists the use of multiple numbers of 5mg. folic acid daily for the treatment of folate deficiency.
We have had this discussion previously and whilst I appreciate that NICE suggests 15mg in some malabsorption states, it should not be necessary to take more than the individual needs, and the form matters to some of us.
Thanks bookish, I'm inclined to agree my B complex only contains 667mcg of which I take one daily it can however be taken three times a day so I may increase. Even then it's way below the 30GM🤔
Folic didn't suit me so I use methylfolate (which helps me a lot), but a daily total of about 500 or 600 mcg, divided into three doses. Never went to more than 1000 mcg. Might be worth checking the amount and especially the form of B6 before you go up to three a day. If it is pyridoxine, it might be better to stay with the one a day B complex and buy a stand alone folic/folinic/folate if you want to try a little more alongside. Less likely to be an issue if it is P5P. Cheers