Low Folate: Hello, I was recently told... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Low Folate

Atheo82 profile image
33 Replies

Hello, I was recently told I have low folic acid. I just wondered if anyone has experienced similar symptoms to mine. I have been given 5mg folate for 4 months and told to take over the counter folic acid forever once the course is completed.

The main symptom is palpitations and constantly aware of my heart racing.

Other symptoms are dizziness (virtigo), lightheaded, muscle twitches, anxiety and forgetfulness.

Has anyone has similar symptoms?

Thank you

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Atheo82 profile image
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33 Replies
Jillymo profile image

I was given folic acid for similar symptoms, be aware folic acid can mask a B12 deficiency........

Before you start taking folic acid, your GP should check your vitamin B12 levels to make sure they're normal. This is because folic acid treatment can sometimes improve your symptoms so much that it masks an underlying vitamin B12 deficiency.

Did they checked both your B12 and your thyriod function ? If not request that they do so.

Atheo82 profile image
Atheo82 in reply to Jillymo

Thank you for your reply.

My thyroid and B12 results seem to be in range…. I have listed them below.

B12 - 306ng/L ( range: 160 to 925)

Serum TSH level: 0.38 mU/L Normal range: 0.27 to 4.20

Serum free T4 level: 16.4 pmol/L Normal range: 11.9 to 21.6

Since taking folic acid my heat palpations have more or less gone. It feels weird because I am so use to having them and so use to being aware of my heart rate, I am now overthinking there is something wrong with my heart because I can’t feel them and it’s making me anxious. This is why I wanted to know if you had or anyone had palpitations specifically and if they disappeared once taking folic acid. Just look for some reassurance.

Thank you for taking your time to reply.

mountmuir27 profile image
mountmuir27 in reply to Atheo82

Were you diagnosed as having hyperthyroidism? Your TSH and FT4 seem to lean towards hyperthyroidism which would increase your heart rate for sure. Get a heart rate monitor, apple watch has this feature, and stay on top of this. Your heart rate should average +/- 75. For sure if folate is low you need to supplement. Sharing what I have to make sure possible thyroid issue isn't overlooked even after a folate anemia situation is addressed.

Atheo82 profile image
Atheo82 in reply to mountmuir27

Hi, the doctor didn’t mention anything at the follow up. I will definitely question this. Thank you so much for your advice.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to mountmuir27

Am not sure why you think the thyroid results point to being HYPER. No FT3 result given, which when over range may indicate being over medicated or hyper. FT4 is in range which suggests the rarely tested FT3 will be too. Apologies if I have misunderstood 🌻

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to mountmuir27

The poster is nowhere near hyperthyroid with a FT4 like that. But anyway, we'd need to see a FT3 to know if they were. Only over range FT3 means hyper.

The B12 is too low though.

mountmuir27 profile image
mountmuir27 in reply to FancyPants54

Her thyroid numbers are a clue, same as B12 and folate levels, as to what could cause an elevated heart rate and/or palpitations. Her TSH is truly at the lower limit. Her slightly upper limit of FT4 is another clue. If she were to take a supplement with iodine, thyroid supplements, or eat foods high in iodine such as kelp/sushi this could "tip" her towards hyper-like symptoms eg tachycardia/palpitations. Anemia most assuredly causes tachycardia/palpitations. Having both are a recipe for feeling unwell to be sure. Other contributors to tachycardia/palpitations? Peri-menopause/Menopause and resultant blood sugar swings. Something to tuck away if you aren't yet 40-45, and something to explore if you are above the age of 45 and suffering from new onset jitters (and anemia/thyroid labs are good).

Atheo82 profile image
Atheo82 in reply to mountmuir27

Thank you 😊

Dancer57 profile image


I was found to be folate deficient in Dec 2021. I had tachycardia (racing heart), increased blood pressure, very weak leg muscles (like they were going to give way) tingling down one leg and felt generally very unwell.

I have Hashimotos Thyroid Disease. I had to tell my GP to test my vitamin levels as he had no idea. I was placed on a 3 month course of Folic Acid tablets 5mg. I was just sent a text to pick up prescription with no follow up blood test. I had to do that myself. I can't remember if I was tested for B12 levels but I do have a problem with that now.

If you have Thyroid disease, vitamin levels can be a problem anyway. I would definitely question taking folic acid tablets forever without even knowing the cause for your deficiency whether it be autoimmune disease or diet!!!! My heart palpitations did rectify after the course of Folic Acid treatment, thank goodness.

Have you considered doing private testing?

I'm sure people on here who are more informed on these matters will give you good advice.

Good luck.

Atheo82 profile image

Thank you so much for your reply.

I should have mentioned I have Crohn’s disease. I don not absorb folic acid well through foods, I guess this is why the doctor suggested long term folic acid.

It’s reassuring to hear that your palpations stop after taking folic acid. I started to worry these was something wrong with my heart because I’ve been so use to being aware of my heart rate for so long. It’s a strange feeling to suddenly not be aware of it.

Thank you for taking your time to reply 😊

Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply to Atheo82

I am having a colonoscopy on Thursday to see If I have Crohns ! Your absolutely correct about not being able to absorb nutrients. I would insist on regular B12 tests or do tests privately. If your not able to absorb folic acid the same will apply to B12. I would keep an eye on your levels to see if they start to decline.

You are obviously doing something right for the papitations to have ceased. A low folic acid can cause palpitations so maybe your folic acid is now in range.


I hope this link puts your mind at rest.

Atheo82 profile image
Atheo82 in reply to Jillymo

Good luck on Thursday. I was diagnosed with Crohns 10 years ago. It’s been a journey but I have been in remission for the last 6 years. Thank you so much for your advice and reassurance.

Jillymo profile image
Jillymo in reply to Atheo82

Have you looked at others posts on low folate on the right hand side of the page. It might be worth a read of others symptom's. 😘

EiCa profile image
EiCa in reply to Atheo82

I have always wondered if one has malabsorption with food is a tablet or oral supplement going to be absorbed? Doesn’t seem logical to me. I know, for me, I did not absorb oral B12?(malabsorbption) which is why I self-inject.

Atheo82 profile image
Atheo82 in reply to EiCa

I seem to be absorbing as my symptoms have definitely subsided. I do worry though once I stop them that it will drop again. The doctor suggested I continue to take over the counter once I stop the prescription.

EiCa profile image
EiCa in reply to Atheo82

Agreed. Your symptoms would not be improving if you were not absorbing. This helps me some as I often wonder if I absorb anything from supplements. I have major malabsorption problems. Good luck.

Dancer57 profile image

I see. I don't know much about Crohn's disease but I would imagine it doesn't help with nutrient absorption.

Have to say I was glad to get rid of heart palpitations as my heart rate was so fast I ended up in A&E. Having the feeling your heart is about to explode out of your chest is not one I would like too often.

Anyway, glad your palpitations are now rectified 🙂

Atheo82 profile image
Atheo82 in reply to Dancer57

It’s crazy how many symptoms we experience from low B9, it can make you feel like you’re going crazy at times. I know for sure that low B9 made my anxiety and panic attacks so much worse. I’ve felt so calm since taking the folic acid.

marley151 profile image

Yes to all.of those. The anxiety was horrendous!!! Twitches and jerks also. I have been on folic acid for.a month now and its just slowly settling down x

Atheo82 profile image
Atheo82 in reply to marley151

It’s horrendous how many symptoms deficiency in B9 give.

I’m glad to hear it is all settling down for you too.

Atheo82 profile image

I am month 2 of folic acid and my symptoms have subsided, I have another 2 month to go. I can’t believe the array of symptoms that low folic acid causes. I am glad to hear it’s settling down for you too.

MindfulSquirrel profile image

I was definitely having palpitations and twitches when I had deficient folate, which cleared up on high dose supplements but my levels shot up so quickly I hit top of range in 2 1/2 weeks. I’m now 3 months into EOD B12 injections and some of these things have come back, feeling better the day after my 5mg folate acid (taken every 5 days at preset). I think my folate has dropped again and have a blood test tomorrow. I will try and come back in a week and let you know!

Atheo82 profile image
Atheo82 in reply to MindfulSquirrel

Yes please let me know how you get on.

My doctor suggested I continue taking over the counter supplements once I finish my prescription in the hope it will keep my level iup.

ottolinebear profile image

Oh my, yes. Was sleeping 3 hours a night and waking with hungry tigers in the room! Terror, not merely anxiety. Threw away the folic acid prescription and now have an ounce of liver (doesn't matter what sort, as long as it isn't Polar Bear!) flash fried with breakfast. My tachycardia is resolving well and I sleep 7 hours a night now. Took a wee while, but I'd probably been low folate for over a year. H Pylori infection can also mess with B vitamin absorption.

Atheo82 profile image
Atheo82 in reply to ottolinebear

I really do understand how you feel! I would wake up in a state of panic, sometimes it would take me a minute to remember where i was. It’s the strangest feeling in the world. It just goes to show how important B vitamins are.

Happy to hear your tachycardia is resolving. 🙂

Dancer57 profile image
Dancer57 in reply to Atheo82

Just in reply to your state of panic with low folate. I forgot to mention previously I also had the most strangest feeling come over me as if something awful was about to happen, I would jump up if sitting down as I wasn't sure what was going on. Following this strange feeling I often then got a racing heart. All very scary stuff and not pleasant at all.

Atheo82 profile image
Atheo82 in reply to Dancer57

I have felt exactly the same, a sudden rush of panic and heart starts to race. It’s horrible. I don’t ever want to feel like that again. I’m definitely going to take a B vitamin complex from now on and hope my levels stay as they are or hopefully improve.

Kimber33 profile image

Yes I'm on folate I was given folate a few years ago because mine was low for 4 months I was having palpitations got rushed into hospital as my heart rate was extremely high was told I had atrial Fibulation..I had an ablation for that 2 years later in June 2022 then in march 2023 was told my folate was very low again and now folate since then but mine is still on prescription my B12 was normal and I do have under active thyroid also

MrJustatip profile image

Hello Atheo82, you say you were given 5mg of folate for 4 months, was that 5mg per month, 5mg per week, etc.? I agree with the other posts on here that I've read. Most of us on here are pretty right on with info. about B12 and PA. One thing I read where you said your B12 levels were within normal ranges, were they? Often what Drs. say is within normal ranges is really very low. I started getting B12 shots until my Dr. told me she couldn't give them to me anymore because my B12 lab results showed my levels to be 1,645, so therefore she said I was in perfect health. I disagreed because I knew what I was suffering through. I went to a specialist (hematologist) who then also said I was perfectly healthy, but finally agreed to give me an IF test and that's when I was diagnosed with PA. I trust the people on this forum more than I trust doctors. MJat.

Atheo82 profile image
Atheo82 in reply to MrJustatip

Thank you so much.

I think I’m going to take some over the counter B12 supplements and continue with over the count B9 once I finish my prescription . I will then ask for a repeat blood test in a few months see where my levels are.

Atheo82 profile image

Hi, thanks for your reply.

I was prescribed 5mg, 1 tablet per day for 4 months.

I have attached my B12 results, what are your thoughts? I seem to be in range, the range is 160 to 925

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Atheo82

B12 levels are considered good at 500 + . Book by Sally Pacholok - "Could it be B12 ? " - a helpful resource/starting point. Film by the same name on YT...

Atheo82 profile image
Atheo82 in reply to Marz

Thank you so much.

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