Going for my 1st B12 injection - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Going for my 1st B12 injection

Fizzybubbly1970 profile image
8 Replies

Can I still eat and drink before the injection?

Does it go on my arm?

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Fizzybubbly1970 profile image
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8 Replies
Jillymo profile image

Yes you can eat as normal and indeed it goes in your arm.

If you are just starting a loading dose they will use alternate arms.

Beccy_123 profile image
Beccy_123 in reply to Jillymo

I had mine in my tummy - sub-q (Private Consultant). No discomfort or issues and continuing with every other day SI with no issues. Wonder why some docs prefer intra-muscular? I asked the doc about this (absorption, pain, bruising after, etc, and was told it is both easy and comfortable to do in the tummy fat. I asked my mother (long time nurse), and she agreed. I havent tried my arm or thigh and havent had a need to. My mother in law has her B12 every 3 months (yes, I know, not enough), in her arm and she says it is uncomfortable.

wedgewood profile image
wedgewood in reply to Beccy_123

According to NHS guide -lines, B12 is to be injected Intra-muscularly . I think you will find that all NHS doctors do this . I have also seen written on a U.K. pack of B12 ,that I.M. is the injection method .

But we know that some members of this forum do successfully inject subcutaneously. On the front of German Panpharma packs of b12 ampoules, is written that they can be injected I.M. , sub-cut and intravenously . Now the Germans are not ignorant when it comes to matters medicinal . So we can rest assured that all methods are successful. ( only qualified medical personnel can administer intravenously)

I inject I.M. weekly, without any pain at all , into alternate thighs ( Vastus Lateralis muscle) This is a very convenient site for patients who self-inject . This muscle has a large surface area, and is easy to access.

With you , the difference is that your doctor is private , not working for the NHS ,so he/she can use whatever method they wish. Although I have had a b12 injection from a private doctor and he used I.M.

3 monthly injections can be sufficient for many P.A. patients, but unfortunately this is not sufficient for all of us , and symptoms return long before the next injection for many . We are all different and require different regularity of injections , which the medical profession in general does not acknowledge.

Best wishes. And you will soon be benefitting from B12 injections -3 cheers 👍

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Beccy_123

For me it was a neurologist who suggested sc at home.

He was NHS and private .

Said so many things/drugs are prescribed 'off licience ' if in their patients best interests .

Still up to G.p though who initially did not take his advice . ( i bought some at this stage )

Then a phone call 'out of the blue' from G.p to say she would prescribe b12 to inject at home sc. She wouldnt prescribe for IM at home .?.?

The nurse could not demonstrate sc as not allowed to as off licence but wouldnt teach IM either .!!

So the current guidelinrs with b12 not only do not reach everyones needs but also 'application/route' has to be 'reviewed '

I was reassured to see sc on the german packs amongst all this conflicting advice.

After 2 years of having both .

They both work.

In my case IM does not last any longer .

Which to me doesnt make sense as i wish it would.

In theory it should.

Still hoping it will last longer everytime i have one at the surgery.

With sc you are limited to less fluid but with a 1ml ampoule of b12 no problem.

Again not many papers as not enough research.

Once it was found to keep people alive ,it was written as a regime to' fit all. 'As most things are.

Which also doesnt make sense as a 7st person should surely need less of a drug than a 18st person ??

Some are tailored to body weight. Many are not .

Vets have doses for over a certain weight and up to a certsin weight !

Lets hope the new NICE guidelines due next year better for our b12 treatment.

The neurologist i saw had b12 injections himself and confessed he needed more than 2-3 monthly . This intrigued him.

He read every paper that was available and was slso not 'comvinced ' by the b12 tablet trials .

He thank fully wrote to my Gp stating to keep me on injections and suggesting sc at home .

Got him by chance and to be b12 deficient himself he did listen about symptoms . Other two dismissed b12 being the cause of my many neurological symptoms but no other reason given apart from possible post concussion syndrome thrown in the many theories . 🤔

They then lost interest

EiCa profile image
EiCa in reply to Nackapan

You raise an interesting point, Nackapan, and one that is dismissed by medical people and even pharmacists whenever I ask it. I weigh 85-90#. (Not sure how many stones that is; I am going to look that up!) Why is it that I am prescribed the same dose of things prescribed to people 2-3 times my weight? I have trouble with side effects. I often think that I am dosed too heavily for my size.

Sleepybunny profile image


If you have time, I would suggest reading about PA and B12 deficiency as there are some UK doctors who lack understanding. I hope you have a kind, supportive GP.

Some forum members report that their symptoms get worse for a while when treatment starts before starting to improve.

How many loading injections are you having?

This next link shows two recommended treatment patterns for B12 deficiency in UK.

1) for those without neurological symptoms

2) for those WITH neurological symptom

If you have neurological symptoms, make sure you are put on the pattern for those with "neurological involvement"

BNF hydroxocobalamin


Link about "What to do next" if B12 deficiency suspected or recently diagnosed.


Link about writing letters to GP if unhappy with treatment for B12 deficiency

Letters to GPs about B12 deficiency


Point 1 is about being under treated for B12 deficiency with neurological symptoms present.

PAS (Pernicious Anaemia Society)

Based in Wales, UK.


There is a helpline number that PAS members can ring.

PAS membership is separate to membership of this forum.

Testing for PA


Two useful B12 books

"What You Need to Know About Pernicious Anaemia and B12 Deficiency" by Martyn Hooper

Martyn Hooper started PAS (Pernicious Anaemia Society).

BNF treatment info in above book is out of date. See BNF hydroxocobalamin link for up to date info.

"Could it Be B12?: An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses" by Sally Pacholok and JJ. Stuart (US authors)

Very comprehensive with lots of case studies.

Some UK library services have copies of these books.

UK blog post that mentions misconceptions (wrong ideas) about B12 deficiency


One thing I would urge you to do if you have time is to find the local B12 deficiency guidelines for your ICB (Integrated care Board) or Health board.

I am not medically trained.

Sleepybunny profile image
Sleepybunny in reply to Sleepybunny

Links to forum threads where I left detailed replies with lots of B12 deficiency info eg causes and symptoms, UK B12 documents, B12 books, B12 websites and B12 articles and a few hints on dealing with unhelpful GPs.

Some links may have details that could be upsetting.

Some of the info will be specific to UK.




HeartyGilly profile image

in your arm and you can eat and drink normally. But, you are meant to have injections on alternate days until there is no further improvement. So, don’t let the stop st 6 if you are not improved. Go armed with NICE guidelines and all the info yiu can get.

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