Has anyone every attempted to receive Social Security Disability benefits in the United States for their Pernicious Anemia?
Has anyone every attempted to receive Social Security Disability benefits in the United States for their Pernicious Anemia?
I had considered applying at one time but never actually went through the process. Here is some information that may be helpful:
Excerpt from this site:
“In 2015, Social Security removed the disability listing for SCD and pernicious anemia, saying that the disorder generally doesn't remain at a severe level for 12 months. If, however, SCD does result in severe, long-term impairment despite medical treatment, Social Security says that SCD will be evaluated under the neurological listing 11.08 for spinal cord disorders. Under this listing, you would qualify for disability if you have extreme difficulty standing up from a seated position, balancing while standing or walking, or using the upper extremities. Alternatively, if you have severe physical difficulties along with cognitive, social, or concentration issues, you could also qualify under this listing.
For those with pernicious anemia without SCD, there's a new listing, listing 7.18, for repeated complications of hematological disorders. Complications that could qualify under this listing include hospitalizations, joint problems, pain, or severe fatigue. You would also have to prove that you also have a severe limitation in:
- performing activities of daily living
- maintaining social functioning, or
- completing tasks in a timely manner because of problems with pace, persistence, or focus.
If your pernicious anemia is not as severe as either of these listings requires, but you have a condition secondary to another ailment, such as Addison's disease or diabetes, the underlying ailment may qualify under a listing in the Blue Book.”
Thanks for the reply. I'm assuming SCD is Sickle Cell Disease? I actually just got my most recent Social Security statement (not receiving it yet, this is just the listing of potential benefits & the earned income which produced them) and I don't qualify for disability, in essence because I didn't work enough to qualify. Due to being disabled.