Does anyone have any suggestions for an app to track injection frequency and symptoms? I've tried a couple but they seem quite clunky
App to track injections and symptoms - Pernicious Anaemi...
App to track injections and symptoms
I ended up using Excel. I made a chart showing how my fatigue levels changed with injections. It persuaded my GP to prescribe injections every two weeks.
I use a diary.
Tried a chart but too depressing
None of it consistent or has a rhyme or reason at times
I've been writing it in my diary but it's hit and miss..
There is definitely scope for some help with this as we are a busy household but more importantly this condition affects memory and cognition so we aren't the best people to remember!!!
Though I have enough things pinging on my phone at the moment without another one
What tends to happen is I start to feel low and like curling up on the sofa and I say to my husband 'is it injection today?'
Thanks all! sorry for the delayed response... we got slightly flooded out here in Australia 😑 somewhere in my spare time I might build an app 😀