survivors: November and still pretty. - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Nackapan profile image
11 Replies

November and still pretty.

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Nackapan profile image
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11 Replies

Lovely to see In this miserable weather Nackapan ,thank you.x

Janma123 profile image

They are lovely! I have some tubs of Livingstone Daisies that still open on a sunny day! They cheer everything up don’t they!

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Janma123

Definitely. These cosmos grew into giant plants . So cheap too from seed .

Wind is now blowing them over. Amazed flowers still there.

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to Nackapan

I've got roses still flowering (just) and carrots still trying to chub up. Gorse liable to burst into bloom whenever it feels like it. The splash of yellow always welcome and also like the exploding pods. That's about it, now. Bitey-cold today here.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Cherylclaire

That's good. Thers some yellow roses nextdoor. Yes cold here too. Frost expected tonight. So I expect all will finish. Our carrots every weird shapes but tasty . Obviously not 'with it ' yesterday as peeler found in the compost bucket! ...only one I can use. Only did a few carrots!

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to Nackapan

But how are you doing now it's getting dark so early ?

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Cherylclaire

Not so good again. So tedious. Had horrible symptoms in my head (took me back to when very ill) I think is a vestibular migrain going on for a week. Or Occipital neuralgia or both. ??

The last neuroIogust said a vestibular disturbance?? Think as I was trying to be in some artificial lighting (very low wattage) no led or fluorescent anywhere in the house. Also walked into a room that had overhead lights on . Who knows?? Just horrid head with pains radiating down my spine. Feeling if whole body jarred ans painful.

Did speak to my Gp. First time since Frbruary!

Serc. a drug for meniers mainly may help may not. So not tried it yet

Might be a shift? As restless as not able to do much went for a walk around the block. Hit by Christmas lights all over a house. Then car headlights. Wasnt even that dark. Tinnitus back with a vengeance too.

So will chase neuro opthalomogist appt. Again. I asked Gp what to do. She suggested a neck massage!!

I've read if light sensitive you must have some light exposure or you make matters worse.

So all very frustrating as I just want to get on .

Hows your mouth? Did the amoxicillin work?

Hope it didnt have too many side effects . Tc

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to Nackapan

Sorry to hear it .

It seems like you are still having to deal with people who are unfamiliar with patients with such severe light sensitivity. A neck massage is hardly likely to be the "missing miracle answer" at this stage is it ?

You'd imagine that there is a specialist somewhere, perhaps in a major London hospital, who has seen this often enough to have a means of at least reducing effects on your life. How to find him or her another matter. You need a particularly tenacious GP with a medical Yellow Pages willing to make that contact.....

is there no-one like you anywhere on HealthUnlocked who found such a person ?

I haven't heard of Serc - except in a post on here recently, which I'm sure you've seen already. Let's hope this helps.

Amoxicillin worked a lot better, and felt as if I was getting somewhere ; tooth less loose, roof of mouth less swollen, not sad at all -a bit dizzy but manageable. However, due to practically having to beg for a second lot of antibiotics and their eagerness to take out the tooth regardless, I'm now reluctant to go back there! Aside from my reluctance during Lockdown 2 in any case.

Unbelievably, my sister ended up in A+E last week with an untreated abscess- and also had 2 lots of antibiotics -and tooth saved !

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Cherylclaire

Perhaus I should search more on healthunlocked. It was me that put the post about serc. I agree its findindvthe right specialists. The one I'm waiting g fir is Queens renowned for neuro.

I had to finally push for a referral to The National Queens square. London for my daughter to finally get a barage of tesrs dine then a diagnosis.

I will chase Queens again. I was hoping my Gp would!! She said that I've been from specialist to specialist

I had to correct her. I've seen one neurologist in the NHS. He discharged me!! After one quick consult.

The one I paid for ordered another brain scan as a headache specialist. Last year but nothing sinister found. His words

Something must change soon.

Glad aine progress with tour gums

Lucky sister to have tooth saved. I didnt even think of going to a and e .

😌. Meanwhile where can i get a massage lol.

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to Nackapan

My GP sent me everywhere:

haematologist, 3 gastroenterologists, neurologist, dietitian, saliva gland specialist, oral medicine consultant and metabolic diseases consultant. I felt like she was following every possible lead and researching what she did not know herself.

Even if you had been from specialist to specialist, this is because you are clearly ill and no-one has yet found a satisfactory treatment for you . How is that your fault ?

Shame that you are having to do all the pushing, ill as you are, because your doctor hasn't pushed hard enough on your behalf. I know these are difficult times -but you have been ill now for a long time.

Yes, something must change soon. Your GP's attitude to your health would be top of my list ! I need a neck massage !

Ctadds1 profile image

Cosmos!! My favorite :) Beautiful pic, thanks for sharing

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